
Ordinary life

A girl with a fat and Chubby personality but used to very talented and intelligent.she don't have friends because nobody want be her friend. She's always lonely. One day she saw two men trying to rap a girl she was clever so she turn her mobile ring on with a police vibration then the men ran away she rescue the girl, the girl thanks her to helping her. She said my name is Clair I was just passing from here then the men's attacked on me. She asked the lead girl what is you'r name then she replied my name is Emma. After the next morning when she goes to school she saw Claire next to her seat, Claire is really famous in school so when she wave at Emma whole class looked so stocked because nobody usually talk to her they all surprised by Claire.then Claire says now Emma is my best friend nobody have any dare to touch and insult her anymore. After that they become very good friends.

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