
Chaos Party

After school, I went and fetch Jess so we can go the party "Together" cause apparently we're on a "Date".

"I'm so excited tonight" Jess whispered in a low seductive voice, and if that's not bothering me enough, she just keeps rubbing her hand on my leg. She's getting real touchy and it's making me wanna shove her out off the car but I won't, cause I would never do that. Would I? I mean this has been the longest I've been with a girl that's not my mom or any relatives.

"You know it's crazy, that all this time I didn't even noticed that glasses are hot."

"That's because you don't wanna to notice", I wanted to tell her but kept my mouth shut.

She continued, "It's nerd hot" She said with a low seductive voice while tracing the temple of my glasses.

We arrived at Luke's house, saving me. I parked the car and turned it off and got out as fast as I can relieved and thankful for the space and air, but it wasn't long before Jess wraps her arms around my arm, I was expecting her to be mad at me but when I looked at her she was smiling, then I blushed uncontrollably.

She giggled "I just love the shy types" rolling her tongue at Love. Then she practicality dragged me to the party.

Luke's house is huge, huge as in my room is only his closet huge and I'm not even exaggerating. He has an under ground pool, personal gym, wine cellar, sauna, and a whole lot more and he lives here all alone.

The party's in full swing when we got there. Loud music, dancing, playing, laughing, singing, and whatnot. The moment we entered the house Jess immediately ran to her friends, forgetting all about me, but who was I kidding right? Anyways, the moment we entered, There's this heavy feeling that I haven't felt before when I was visiting here in the past. Suddenly its getting hard to breath, I almost felt like having an asthma attack or something. The loud music pounded in my head, making my head throb.

"June! My Man!" I heard Luke. I turned to see him approaching with a huge grin on his face. He offered me a wine, yup you heard me right... wine. When it comes to parties Luke doesn't hold back, he goes all out. He doesn't settle for cheap keg or even real beer like most high school parties, here he always makes sure that his guests have the best time ever, hence the wine and knowing me, the only thing I drink with alcohol is wine. I gratefully took the wine "Thanks and nice party!" I shouted to him over the loud music. Although parties aren't my thing and my first time going to one, I have to say Luke does live up to his reputation, I heard rumors about the party he throws and they're not kidding at all. Luke has always invited me in the past and of course me being me I always refused. But I've been here a few times, sometimes with my mom. He always invites us on special occasions or on holidays since he lives alone in this humongous house, he's parents being divorced and busy all the time, they rarely visit Luke and he's okay with that, He said "It's for the best". He rarely talks about them, come to think of it I haven't even met them. Huh.....

"Thanks Man! Glad you came!" He shouted back. He took a sip of what looks like scotch, yup that too, he doesn't really care about the legal drinking age and he always gets away with it when he's caught. I took a sip, hoping the wine helps me relax. I tasted something strange, I was about to ask Luke what he has given me when I suddenly felt dizzy. The room started spinning, my body started going numb. The glass slipped from my hand and shattered on the floor. I looked at him confused but mostly shocked, hoping for an explanation but he's just starring at me blankly.

"Lu..ke wha-" I tried to ask but my mouth is also going numb. He just kept staring at me, when I heard bodies dropping to the floor. Dread filled me, What is he doing? How could he do this? What's happening? a lot of questions filled my mind. It's not long before I dropped to the floor then blacked out.

I woke up to the sound of screaming. My eyes snap open, I tried to get up but my body felt like jello. I manage to sit up, I shook my head trying to clear my head. I frantically blinked my eyes to clear the blurriness, after a few blinks everything cleared and my blood drained, eyes widening at the sight.

We are in the middle of living room, surrounded by people who just watches the people scream. I hear a low steady rhythm of drums, The light is dim, candles are lit everywhere. I scan the crowd looking for Luke, I spotted him in the front of the living room facing Jess.

"You ready Jess?" He asked her but his tone is different, It's strong, firm and the total opposite of the Luke I know.

Jess stood firm and looks at Luke with awe, then she answered "Yes, Master"

Luke moved closer to her, he bit his lip until it's bleeding. As if I wasn't surprised enough, The next move he made shocked me even more. He leaned down and kissed her, Jess gasped on contact. Jess kept shuddering uncontrollably while Luke kisses her, Luke put his left hand on Jess' lower back supporting her and his right hand on her nape to deepen the kiss. Jess clutched Luke's shirt for dear life.

If the situation was different, I might have been creeped out by the PDA and yelled "Get a room!"

Jess then started to relax, Luke broke the kiss and let go of her and stepped back. I didn't even realized that it was quiet and that all the people who were screaming a while ago are now all looking at Luke.There's definitely something different with Jess and the others, something's not right.

Luke smiled and spread his arms wide "Brothers and Sisters, Welcome to Chaos!" The people who were screaming a while ago including Jess did some kind of bow to Luke and the people surrounding us cheered.

This is getting really strange, "I need to get out of here and fast!"

I gathered up all the strength I can muster and got up, quietly I walked to the front door hoping no one will notice me.

"June" Luke called out and I froze. "Leaving so soon?"

I turned around to see him walking towards me "It's getting late, I think I should go. Mom's going to be worried" I said, making an excuse as I stepped back but as I try to get away my back hit hard bodies, blocking my way.

Luke chuckled "But I saved you the best for last" He said smiling wide. My heart is beating so fast and hard I thought my rib cage is going to shatter. "We can become real brothers now June, No one can separate us anymore. I've chosen you to be my right hand."

He's lost it... Definitely Lost it!

"What are you saying Luke? I'm serious I really need to go." My voice is shaking, can't hide the fact that I'm freaking out and absolutely terrified.

"No you don't, you can stay here forever and let me protect you" He said while approaching, his eyes are black. I staggered back but the way out is blocked, I tried to look for another way to escape but they're all blocked. I returned my gaze on Luke and now he doesn't look too happy, he's eyes now filled with rage.

"I protected and took you under my wing for a long time and this is how you repay me?!" He's shaking with rage. What in the world is happening? Luke nodded to the person behind me and the next thing I know strong arms wrapped around body, trapping me. I struggled out of the hold but it felt like chains constricting me, and the harder I struggle the tighter the arms wrap around me.

"I guess I'll just have to force you" Luke said with a menacing smirk, then he took out a knife. I used every ounce of strength left in me to break free but the guy's still not budging. Luke sliced his palm, blood oozing all over. "Keep his mouth open" He commanded.

"Luke please, don't do this" I begged. "Don't do this Luke, we're best friend remember?"

Another person approaches me, I struggled harder to break from the hold. "Luke" pleading at him then looked at the other guy approaching me "Luke" I begged, but he's not having it. "Luke please!"

Then the guy grabbed my hair and jaw hard,"Luke Plea-" then he pulled hard opening my mouth. I groaned and struggled to break free.

"It's okay June, everything will be just fine" Luke said, then he raised his bloody palm above my mouth. He squeezed his palms making the blood drip to my mouth, I tried my hardest not to drink it but all the strength had already left me making my body limp.

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