
A Regular Day In Fontaine

"Haaa... So boring~. Why can't I find some entertainment for once?" A young lady whined as she stared down at the stage from the highest platform available, reserved only for her.

She slumped down in her seat, and used her right hand to keep her head from dropping. The Hydro Archon didn't want her people to think she's not interested in the performance.

Furina can't take it anymore. She's been trying to entertain herself by staying in the Opera Epiclese, watching countless performances or trials. But not a single one caught her interest.

"Can't the Traveler arrive here faster? Mori..." Furina looked around, only to find no one besides her.


"What a rude person! Well... he's always been rude. But not arriving on time is different!" She grumbled, trying to find the right words to complain.

The performances were already finished for the day and the only person left in the huge building was her. It's not really surprising that the people of Fontaine think the Hydro Archon lives in the Opera Epiclese.


After a few minutes, Furina heard a familiar sound of footsteps from behind her.

She hurriedly made sure that no one could see what was happening on this platform with her abilities. Even though every person should've left already.

"You're late! Ready your excuses and they better be damn good or else-"

"I am ignorant of this clock that you're using but I suggest having it fixed. If it's a clock inside your head then I encourage you even more. I arrived right on time." A condescending voice was heard by Furina.

A man in his twenties with striking silver hair appeared in her sight. He's dressed like an ordinary civilian, but his appearance is extraordinary, making him stand out more instead.

"Hah! Is that so? Well... A- A good worker arrives earlier than the alloted time!" Furina rebutted with a triumphant expression.

"And how dare you insult an Archon! I won't let your rudeness pass! As the Hydro Archon, Focalors-" The man ignored her ramblings and handed her a few papers.

"You- You're insufferable, Hmph! What is this now?" Furina stopped her performance and took the papers with curiosity.

"Focus on the report I gave you and not on me. Unless your eyes and brains are simply for decoration." Mori snorted.

Furina clicked her tongue and checked the report herself. It took her only a few minutes to finish it.

"This is a report about the traveler? But I was just about to tell you to make this today..." The Archon stared at him in shock.

"All according to my calculations." The man smirked.

"Can I leave now? Unlike you, I'm very busy with fulfilling your unreasonable demands."

"Not just yet! Answer a few of my questions first." Furina demanded.

"Fine. Make it quick."

"Why can't the Traveler leave for Fontaine already? That child Archon in Sumeru should be enough to manage everything now!" She complained.

"Wanderers like me and the traveler journeys whenever and wherever we want. If I am to give an estimate, she should arrive in Fontaine in one to two months."

"And please don't call the God of Wisdom a child." Mori berated.

"She's a child so what's wrong with calling her one? Just like how you should address me with some respect." Furina retorted with her sass.

"It might not matter to you but it will cause problems for me, Lady Furina. And if things got too troublesome, I will simply resign." He remarked with sarcasm.

"W-Well... Alright. Then do entertain me until the Legendary Traveler arrive, Mori~." She stuttered, but immediately got back her sass.

"My job is manage your network of spies in Teyvat, not to be a jester. Find Neuvilette if you want to be entertained." Mori stated before leaving the place.


"What an insolent human. We've known each other for a year now yet his attitude never once changed." She grumbled in her seat.

'But why would he tell me to find Neuvilette? That man is serious to a fault..."


Furina couldn't handle her curiosity and left to find Monsieur Neuvilette. She talked with him for a bit, trying to understand Mori's motive.

But the Chief Justice only looked at her weirdly as they chatted, not understanding the reason for her visit.


"It's nothing. Ahaha..." Focalor chuckled awkwardly as she left after her unsuccessful visit.

'That guy tricked me!' She thought about finding him in fury, but decided to wait until tomorrow.


"Excuse me sir! Were you there when Lady Furina came to visit Monsieur Neuvilette?" A promising reporter from Steambird, Charlotte, asked a man.

"I was. The Chief Justice has been busy managing a lot of trials these days, so maybe he's under the weather? Lady Furina probably visited to check on his condition." The man answered with a guess.

"Really?! As expected of Lady Furina! She's as kind as she is beautiful!" A citizen overheard the conversation and praised.

"Do you think there's something between Lady Furina and Monsieur Neuvillete?!" A few women who were also on the scene gossiped.

"Is that so?! This isn't the type of news that I seek but I can use this... I just need to find the right angle..." Charlotte whispered as she waved goodbye to the man with silver hair.


Mori was currently sitting in an office in silence. In his hands are the report of the spies in various places of Teyvat.

" "Do something to entertain my citizens!" Check. "I want my people to revere me!" Check. And "The Traveler is taking too long!" This one's pretty much done as well."

'I finished three unreasonable requests of hers today. I can finally slack for a bit.'

He continued reading the reports, mostly the ones from the other nations, for the rest of the day.




Furina was once again watching a performance in the Opera Epiclese, when she suddenly heard familiar footsteps behind her.

After putting up a barrier once again, she turned to look at her visitor.

"Look whom we have here. Aren't you really early today, Mori~?" Furina laughed for a bit, but her gaze says otherwise.

"My personal report is finished for this week. Plus, I finished some of your... personal requests. Don't expect anything of me until next week." Mori bluntly replied and gave her the report.

"Hmm... Read the report for me in a clear and summarized way. I am not touching this stack of paper." The Archon stared at the said report in dread.

"If you want the summarized version then simply read the last two. I made them myself, thinking this might happen." The man sighed.

"Splendid. As expected of me, I really chose the right person." Furina laughed with a smug look.

"What about this personal request of mine? I do not remember you fulfilling such a thing."

"The Hydro Archon isn't updated with the latest news, how disappointing..." Mori sneered and handed her a newspaper.

Furina accepted it and immediately checked it out. With every second, her face seemed to get paler.


*Steambird Newspaper*

'Lady Furina Left Opera Epiclese In A Hurry?!'

'A Secret Tryst Between The Chief Justice And The Hydro Archon!'

'Monsieur Neuvilette's Sickness, The Downfall of Justice?!

'Focalor, The Most Benevolent Archon!'

'The Serial Disappearances. The Creepiest Legend Of Fontaine!'


"T-This is..." Furina is speechless.

"Entertain your people and make them revere you. I finished both of these requests flawlessly. As such, I bid you adieu." Mori waved and left.

"You! Come back here!" She tried to stop him but he's already gone.

"T-That guy! He's always fast when it comes to running away. I can't believe he's using his Hydro Vision perfectly for escaping..." Furina gradually lost her voice and slumped down on her seat.

'This is nothing... It will surely be gone before the Traveler arrives. I shall let my citizens have their fun as they continue to praise me.'

Furina laughed as she comforted herself. She redirected her mind to the performance instead of worrying about it.

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