
Break Fast

Upstairs, she took a quick shower. After drying her hair and putting on a night dress. She walked out to see her aunt Morgan was here to tell her, her bed time story. It was about King Author and the knights of the roundtable. If it had been Belladonna it would be some old world cultivation hero and how he OP his enemies.

"Tomorrow's a pretty big deal," she said. "Are you excited to go to school?"

Lifting one shoulder, she asked, "Are you?"

"Yes. I just wish you could learn more but we are here. So you can learn from us. Isn't that great?"

Gene frowned. She wasn't too sure about learning from them. All they do most of the time was looking a crystal ball.

She had once look in and the inside was sort of creepy.

"Okay, I guess."

Gene had a lot to ask but wasn't sure if she should. If Mom was here she would ask her but her aunt may love her but it wasn't the same.

But she really shouldn't bother her Mom and Dad, they had things they needed to do. Dad lost a lot of power and Mom needed something to help to pay the bills. She didn't take Dad's money. They rarely had time to come just once a month and that usually it was Dad that came to look at her. Since he could "Afford it" as Mom told her. Her mother had changed, Gene didn't like it but Dad said it was good. It was healthy.

When she spoke again, her voice was quieter, gentler. "Gene, are you okay?"

She mumbled, "I dunno."

Aunt Morgan just smiled and tugged her in bed. And started to tell a story of a boy name Lenley who found a ring and had a pet rat. It was about cultivation but Gene didn't hate it. She cried when he was dump by Alice and how he made stone statue of her to make him feel better. It was a good story. A very long story that it would take weeks to know the ending but Gene didn't mind. She really like Lenley