
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Day 16: Farm work

On the next day on Dennis's daily life. Dennis had a few things planned for today, but he started by showing his new friend around the town. He hasn't explored all the places, but he wanted to allow his new the get adjusted to a brand new environment. They started by visiting Zack first.

It was a bright, cloudless day with no signs of bad weather.

It was early and there weren't that many people in the farm's marketplace, but the people stared at them when they arrived. Until Zack came by and found them amongst the group of people and wondered what he was doing here.

"Good morning Dennis, what brings you here in today, pal?"

"Oh, I'm showing my friend Dj around the place."

"Well then, I hate to ask, but can you help me out with something?"

Dennis then raised an eyebrow and wondered what Zack wanted. He agreed to help.

They went over to the crop farm that had vegetables growing and when Dennis had a better look around. He saw it was the rabbit that they dealt with last time returned, and it was holding a tree branch.

"This can't be right… This was on the far west!! How did it return in just a matter of days!!"

Dennis said as he was trying to understand why the rabbit was back.

"I'm wondering the same thing, but I'm contacting the others to deal with it."

Zack said as she was preparing to blow a whistle until Dj stopped her by grabbing the whistle and tossing it over to Dennis.

"You know, the best way to solve a problem is by talking it out."

Dj said to Dennis, and he grasped the whistle and walked over to the rabbit until it took notice of his presence. The rabbit then charged and Dennis and he knew what was coming.


Dennis shouted out loud. The rabbit then stopped in its tracks. Holding the tree banch inches away from a clean hit.

"Good, can you please go back to your habitat? We want no more problems, alright?"

The rabbit then understood Dennis's demands and place the tree branch down and walked away from the farm. Heading out to the west. Dennis couldn't believe that it worked for a moment.

Dj then approached him and gave him a pat on the back as he did a great job.

"I told you talking it out was the best option."

Dj said. As they looked over at the field of crops waiting to tend to.

"How did you know it was going to work?"

Zack asks. Wondering how Dj knew what must be done.

"I think I know… It came back ready for a fight if we tried to stop it. Trying to reason with it calmed it down."

Dennis said. As he understood the situation. He then stayed to help around the farm to gain some gold coins to save up for later.

Hours pass by as they stayed on the farm. Around that exact, Zack supplied Dj with clothing that he can use temporarily. She gave him a pair of light blue jeans and a buttoned cotton red dark red shirt with a pair of sandals.

Dennis was still working while Dj and Zack were in the animal barn taking a break.

"So, how did you meet Dennis? "

"Oh, I just woke up in his room… It wasn't my fault really, but I don't remember nothing from where I come from. Just walking on an endless void…"

"Hey, you for sure will remember. Take Dennis as, for example. He got stranded here for two weeks and he is trying to adapt while waiting for an opportunity to go back to his home. And I'm guessing that you are in the same boat as him, so take it easy, will ya?"

"I'll try my best, and thanks for the clothes."

Dj then got out of the barn and regroup with Dennis, that was working hard outside in the market. He has a jar filled with a lot of coins and baskets restocked with products. It exhausted him from all the work, and one worker came over and gave Dennis a glass of lemonade.


Dennis said to one of the worker and drank it. By the time he was done, Dj showed up wearing a new set of clothes.

"Hey Dennis, do you want to go back home? It's getting late..."

Dj pointed it out, and they both looked at the sky.

"Yeah… I think I'm done here for today…"

Dennis said as it was getting late, and they were heading back to the house. Along the way there, they see that someone left a note on the door to the house. Dj then went to pick up the note while the golem approached Dennis.

"Your… Back… Nix came by… And left a… Letter…"

The golem said to Dennis while Dj opened it and began to read out loud.

"Dear Dennis, come by tomorrow around the afternoon to discuss the situation at hand with the upcoming flower festival. I think it is in your best interest to hear my plan out before making a reckless action such as the other day. Also, there is something about that new magic that you discovered that I wish to see."

Dj said as he finished reading the letter and closed it. Handing it over to Dennis.

"I guess tomorrow is going to be a long meeting… I won't be back till late at night."

Dennis said to Dj. He then was thinking of how the meeting was going to go and it was a disaster in a series of counter plans against the harbingers.

"Its fine, I'm coming with you, anyway. I want to meet them tomorrow and learn more about this place."

Dj said as he gave a warm smile to Dennis. They both then gave a laugh to one another and waited outside until it was nighttime. When the night finally arrived, they went inside and entered the bedroom. Without an extra bed, they both shared the same bed for over the night.