
Chapter 9

It has been three days. And I can't believe my base was completed already. My base had terminator production room, my own bedroom, some quarters if any human ever came here, a security camera room, a weapons room, training rooms, a few rooms full of different types of terminators and a room for experimentations which would be used to create new terminators. It was a good base for now.

Now I will create more terminators and increase my army for a few days. And I did it for the next week. Now I had enough army to bring down the entire skynet.

But I won't do it yet. I need to meet with some humans first. I just need some information and I also need analyze more human body. So I commanded all the drones and scouts to find any survivors around me. There wasn't much but still there was some humans. So I went out with only a T-X unit. This was the same one that I had removed the loyalty programming.

I should name her. I looked at T-X and said

"Hey. I want to give you a name."

She looked at me and said "Okay." Hmm I looked at her closely. I never named anyone. I didn't know what to call her. I said "You will be Kristanna King from now on. And I will call you Kristy." She had a happy expression on her face. Did she become happy because I named her? I am not complaining. This is good. I need to her to develop more feelings.

So me and Kristy went out in the HK-aerial. We dropped of in an broken city. I ordered the HK-aerial to patrol the area discreetly.

Then me with Kristy went towards the place where a bunch of survivors were staying. I didn't know much about them. They were hiding very well. The only reason my drones found them is because my drones were more capable now.

They had become more competent after I merged them. They could find literary any human in this world. Their sensory range was too much for anyone to hide. But they only sensed the humans. I did order them to not engage with any humans. So they stayed far from them. But I need to find them now.

So I went closer to their approximate location. And I created another drone to find them. They were staying under a church. The basement of the church was quite hidden. But I needed to find the humans.

So I did the best thing I went to the entrance of the basement and broke it. Well I didn't but Kristy did. She was very strong. I then went into the basement. Kristy was in front of me. I didn't ask her but she wanted to protect me. The basement was dark.

Also I am pretty sure the people heard us coming. But nobody came forward. We went towards a little light that was giving a little glow. Suddenly Kristy became on guard.

And I saw two man came out from the darkness. They had knives and pistols. They were also on guard. They aimed theirs guns at us and said " Who are you? And how did you find us?"

I looked at the men and raised my arms. I also technopathically asked Kristy to raise her hands. And she reluctantly did it. I then said " Look guys. I just thought this place was good for hiding. I didn't knew people were here. "

They looked at me and then at Kristy. But the look they were giving Kristy was not very pleasant. I am also a man so I know the look they gave her.

I looked at the two men. They both were in their late 30s. They had shabby military clothes. They didn't look much malnourished.

I said "Look man. Me and my girlfriend are a little lost. We have been travelling for a while. We need to rest for little. So please help us. I swear we would leave right after we are rested."

They both looked at each other and nodded. Then they lowered their guns a little bit. One of them said "Okay fine. But you need to leave tomorrow. And we will be watching you. "

Then they both took us further into the basement. I saw two more people. Both were males. They looked the same age as the others. But one of them was wearing a black leather jacket. He looked like the leader.

As we walked closer to them one of the men went to the leather jacket man. As expected he was their leader. The man came closer to us and said " Welcome guys. I am sorry if my brothers were a little hard on you. You know how the outside situation is. "

He was smiling and then he shook my hand. Then he went to shook Kristy's hand. She was reluctant but I said in her mind to shake his hand. And she did but the man was really touching her hand for a while.

Kristy frowned and took her hand away from him. I also saw this and understood that these guys are not that simple. We then talked a little. They also offered us some food. It was again canned food. I ate it while Kristy didn't.

She said that she was not hungry. Then we both slept in an corner while the four men was on the other side. But in the middle of the night when we were sleeping.

Well I wasn't sleeping and Kristy didn't need sleep. I heard footsteps coming towards us. I told Kristy to do nothing.

Suddenly I was hold at gunpoint while Kristy had a knife on her neck. I looked around and said "What are you guys doing?"

The leader started laughing and said " You came at a wrong place."

He looked at Kristy and said " Don't worry pretty girl we won't harm you or your little boyfriend. You just need to pay a little fee for your stay and we'll let you go. "

He looked at her with lust filled eyes. I sighed and said " Why are you doing this? We are all humans and we need to band together against the machines. "

They all started laughing at me. The leader said " Aww. Look at this hero that wants us to fight the machines. Well hero we don't wanna. But if you want live your pretty girlfriend here needs to give us a little service. "

I said with anger " No don't touch her. "

One of the other man looked at the leader and said " Boss. Let's just kill this fool and fuck the girl. It's been a while since the last one."

The leader said " No I want him alive. I want to see what he does while we fuck his pretty girlfriend."

These men were really the nastiest of humans. They also said since the last one. I wonder how many girls they raped. I know humans are bad.

Even I don't have a good morality but I absolutely despise these kinds of people. I know it's the apocalypse and people show their true colours in the most desperate times. But I wouldn't care about other people's business. They could do all the crimes they want as long as it didn't hurt me.

But these guys fucked up. I started laughing loudly. "Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!"

One of the man said " Did he go mad or something? "

I looked at him and said " Nope I was just thinking how lucky I was to meet scums like you first. I can now do all my experiments on you without feeling any kind of guilt."

I looked at Kristy and said " Knock them out." In a moment she broke free from the knife and knocked all them out. It only took a few seconds. She was very strong and fast.

The men didn't even realize what hit them. After they were down I created four T-1000 and asked them to take them into the HK-AERIAL and also make sure to keep them knocked out.

I then searched the place. And I found something horrible. I found corpses of three women. They were naked and some of their flesh was carved out. It seems the men were eating them.

I was pretty hard willed but still I couldn't hold it anymore. And I emptied my stomach. I then created three more terminators and asked them to carefully take the three women with us.

Then I returned to my base. I looked at the men with a visible grin. They were in a world full of pain.

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