I dont own this goto fanfic.net by DreamWeaverGod
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or any form of stuff inside my fic only the names and maybe some OC
Sam Anderson
Lvl 1
Title:The Gamer
That is what I am seeing right now. Just woke up from my bed and was about to get up then this pops up. That's not weird at all or am I hallucinating? I tried to touch the screen but all it did is open up some sort of wheel of fortune. Now don't get me wrong I am not crazy I know that for a fact because I sleep late every night, and not do drugs because I don't want to go crazy and add in the fact I watched RWBY last night an-WAIT WHAT!? I just said RWBY in my mind then the said anime suddenly appeared with a lot of anime I watched...Wait a minute this feels familiar. 'I feel that I already know this but what?' I thought as I scratch my black hair and as I looked around my room for anything suspicious which I found none at all I moved to my bathroom and washed my face and hair. I have heterochromia. My left eye is black but my right eye is yellow. My hair is pretty much wild and I tend to keep it that way. Then it suddenly hit me.
"Oh how stupid am I? Of course its got to be The Gamer ability and with this going on the-Wait does this mean my life is a lie? A fanfiction!? WHAT THE HELL!"
Few minutes later
"Okay so I'm dealing with my life being a fanfic of some sort then how about this."
Our oh so smart protagonist suddenly showed the bird(not the D guys mind you.)to the sky.
"Hmm nothings happening mayb-AAAAAAAHHHHH"
Then suddenly he had an extremely painful headache. That's for showing the bird to the audience dumbass! Now on with the story.
"Man that hurt. Guess the author is some sort of God here huh?" (Of course I am!) 'Now then what should I do? Go to a better, fantasy and fun world or stay in a boring life.' Then suddenly a banging was heard from my door. "Anderson what's with the ruckus?! I'm trying to sleep here! And when will you finally pay your rent!" Well I guess that answers the question now then just gotta spin the wheel then hello waifus and adventure!
[Your quick thinking has increased your wisdom by 1]
Heh now that I mention it I didn't see my stats...I'll get to that later now to spin the wheel!
Come on come on give me something good! The wheel slows down after a few seconds beginning at Attack on Titan *gulp* then God Eater *gulp* then Tokyo Ghoul *gulp* Then it finally stops at-
"FUCK YEAH! I GOT RWBY!" Wow he must be desperate.
Suddenly after the arrow stops at RWBY Sam was engulfed with a bright light then just as it suddenly appeared it was gone along with Sam.
Unknown Place
Sam suddenly appeared in a dark place.
[Welcome Gamer to the Tutorial.] "Wow so this is how it feels huh? I've read many gamer fics before but feeling it for real? Its so much better!"
[Here in this place you will learn the basics. Now let us continue.]
[Quest: Learn the basics and don't screw up.]
[Rewards:100 Lien, 2 weapons of your choice, a chance to get waifus in Remnant.]
"Okay lets do this."
[Please follow the steps and proceed.]
I nodded and watched as the instructions appear[Say or think 'stats'. It is better to think as people will not think you are crazy.] "No shit." 'Stats.'
Sam Anderson
Title:The Gamer
Stat points:0
[Good work now onto the skills. Say or think 'skills'.] 'Skills.'
Passive skills
Gamer's Mind-Passive
Gamer's Body-Passive
Active Skills
"So for now I only have Gamer's Mind and Body well not everyone starts strong I guess." [Your understanding in life and power increased your wisdom by 1] "Hmm gonna have to get used to that."
[Well done you have finally finished the quest!]
[Quest: Learn the basics and don't screw up.]
[Rewards:100 Lien, 2 weapons of your choice, a chance to get waifus.]
[Please say your weapon of choice]
Well that was easy now the only problem is what weapon should I use? Then I remembered an Axe so Badass that it made me surprise myself.
"The Sorrowblade from Vain Glory! Equipped with an Afterburn!" Then as I finished my sentence a light suddenly began forming in front of me and after that I was shocked and happy to find the Sorrowblade equipped with an Afterburn at the back of its head.
"HELL YEAH! I got the Sorrowblade!" The design is like the Sorrowblade from Vain Glory except it has an Afterburn at the back of the blade and intead of the red linings from the blade its black instead. I was dancing around that is until a screen popped up in front of me.
[Name your weapon.]
A name huh? Well then how about "Merciless."
[Name accepted. Before continuing please pick your new clothes.]
Just now I noticed that I am only in my boxers and white shirt. "Clothes huh? Then how about Dante's outfit? Except all of the red are black please."
[How polite. Clothes accepted warping them in now.]
[Please state your second weapon.] "Sniper rifle that way I got a long ranged weapon."
Like last time a bright light suddenly appeared in front of me startling me and hurting my eyes and after that I saw my sniper rifle. It was black all over with silver linings, it was equipped with a silencer which can be removed if I want to start a bang or make some noise then I can see that the magazine has some bullets in it. Dust bullets.
"Then with the black sniper I name thee Black Viper!"
[Name accepted.] 'Now then guess its time to go.'
Then I see a popup which startled me. Seriously who likes to do that?!
[You have finished doing all the requirements. It is now time for you to go and start your adventure good luck Gamer.]
After I read that message I was engulfed with a bright light
Outside Dust Till Dawn
I was teleported in an alleyway. As I looked around I noticed a familiar dust shop which I smirked at. "Now then. Remnant , Salem, and my future waifus here comes Sam Anderson and I am ready to kick some ass!"