
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

30. Betreyal(Of The Queen)

Once the golem was killed by Arthur, the two had actually no more reasons to be on mount(ain) Her.

But there was one problem...

"Are you going to follow me...?"

Clari smiled innocently and replied. "Yes."

"Uhh... I can't have you doi-". Before even completing his sentence.

An unexpected person came out of nowhere and interrupted him. It was not a normal person either, as even the two of them didn't notice...

"It's ok, Arthur, she wouldn't want to go against something you believe in, wouldn't she?". It was Kraul that appeared out of nowhere and interrupted Arthur.

"Well, guess we can go, Clari." Arthur immediately understood the situation and changed his entire mind. Now he didn't care about Clari coming with him and they went on even ignoring Kraul entirely.

"Uhh... guys, don't just ignore me!"

The two walked slowly like they were just strolling. A far away walk is an interesting bonding experience.

"Arthur, do be careful about Seves."

Arthur looked behind him, as that man was still following them behind his back.

"About what?"

"Well, he really 'loved' the 'Beauty Devil'." Said by Kraul awkwardly evasing his eyes from Arthur.

"Well, i'm quite impressed with how you could look at Clari with no problem."

"Hahaha-!" Well that was clearly not true. Kraul was basically looking at the sides and avoiding staring at even a single part of Clari's body.

Arthur turned his head back to the front.

"By the way... have you two done it-?"

"Just asking you know~..."

A sudden pressure tapped the air like a broken light bulb was just opened.

"I will never." Said by Arthur.

And with his answer made Clari talk in a way Kraul has never seen before.

"What?! You love me, hmph." Clari pouted and then looked oppositely from Arthur's direction.

"So don't even lie about it." She then turned back and pointed at Arthur madly.

"Uhh haha- ha-". Arthur nervously laughed...

"And... we can do it anytime you want...". Clari looked away and her ears and face turned red.

Kraul saw how red the ears of Clari become and started to become out of place, like with a sentence eerily resembling the amount of wheels of a carriage.

Then, Arthur's face immediately turned red at the same time and turned his head in front with a little elevation.

Kraul was surely out of place. He could obviously know he wasn't supposed to be there. Kraul went away immediately and left the two alone.

After Kraul left, Arthur and Clari were left alone walking...


In a room as big as an actual house. Has a single goblin standing in front of a table with a map of the world on it.

Then as he was checking his map, a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in.".

A goblin in a formal attire came in.

"Urgent news sire."

"What is it?"

"The Queen has betrayed the 9 Kings."

The goblin froze for a little and didn't move a muscle. After a few seconds he finally talked.

"Call Marhatu, tell him to kill Clari, if he fails tell me immediately."

"If he fails, i'll kill her myself."

"Yes sire."

The goblin left the room and went on. Leaving the "sire".

"Clari Oh Clari, I never expected for you to be a betrayer."

"How Coud You!" He flipped the entire table out of pure rage. His face turned red and his eyes startss flickering and his mouth started itching. Then he smashed the table to pieces.


"Well this is my room."

Clari jumped to Arthur's bed and the only bed in the room. Just before, Arthur and Clari obviously slept closely together but it was never that close.

"That's a single bed."

"We can fit!" Clari spun around the bed like a child.



"Remember, if you tell anyone about this place..."

"Arthur, I will never do that. I found..." Clari stepped off the bed and got closer to Arthur. "A person I finally could talk to..." She held Arthur's face. "I wouldn't allow you to ever die." Said in a straight and serious tone.

It was more scary than reassuring.

And Clari walked off back to the bed.

"Still can't kiss me by yourself huh?"

Clari jumped to the bed and covered her face with a pillow.

"Well, i'm going to go to Kraul for now, I will be back later. Sleep... well...".

Arthur left the room and headed for Krauls's office. And while walking the hall, he saw someone Kraul warned him to be careful from.

"Oh Arthur!" Said by Seves.

"Congratulations to conquering the world's most alluring and beautiful woman in the world." Seves grabbed Arthur's hands and shook it... tightly.

He smiled, but his eyes were twitching and his smile looked more forced than normal. Or actually he never smiled before.

"Hehehe, nice to see you again... Seves... and don't misunderstand we are not like that." As he said, he just unknowingly imagined Clari yelling at him again about that.

But despite everything he was still in doubt. About what? I don't know.

"Oh, you don't need to lie to me. It's ok, I have no problem with it. Why would I have a problem with it!".

As Seves continued his obvious hatred for Arthur and the situation. And his constant words of affirmation for his acceptance. He continued walking to Kraul's office.

"Hello!" Arthur knocked on the door.

And Kraul talked behind the walls and Arthur could clearly hear it.

"Why am I hearing a rambling Seves."

Kraul opened the door and Arthur went in.

And before Seves could even enter he closed the door as fast as he could.

"Do you not have any way of sound proofing?"

"Sadly no."

"Well this would be a loud session."


Kraul sat down on his desk and he started to interview Arthur. It was time for Arthur to explain everything that has happened to him, to a journey that led to getting Clari.

"So what happened..."

"Well I did what you told me."

"Well she is clearly alive Arthur and probably naked in your room."

"First of all she isn't and second of all stop assuming something is not true." And Clari just kept coming back to his head everytime he said things like those.

"Well if you don't want to I-"

"Stop what you are saying immediately." Arthur threw a sword at Kraul's neck.

"Too over the top am I right?" Kraul had his head tilted and he stood up from the chair and went out to get more free space.

"Not really, you should just be careful on what you say next time, we clear Kraul?".

"Ok, let's actually get serious."

"Ok, ok."

"I already have your second mission." Kraul brought a paper from his pocket and handed it to Arthur.

"Already?" Arthur was surprised. But it seemed like it did make sense as it has been a month since he left. That was definitely too much time, but right now he has no plan of resetting it again.

"The Seventh King is on the move. And to assure you, it is a male, so don't try gett-"

"I told you-"

"Blah blah, Marhatu has been ordered to kill "Beauty Devil"."

"Why do you keep calli-"

"For respect obviously, and we don't know her name..."

"Oh... then the mission?". The two just kept on cutting each other's line like they just knew what they were going to say.

It truly is annoying and a miss of lots of counts.

"It is time for you to actually kill one of the 9 kings."

"So the seventh king?"

"No, no one knows where the seventh king is." At that moment after the word "seventh king" was said two times in a row, he immediately realized it was the one he fought.

"But I may know where he is..."

"Wait what? Well even if you do, don't take a risk of it."


"Tell me about that 'location' later, right now, your target is not the seventh king, it is the 9th King."

"So the weakest king?"

"Never underestimate a King. You might have been able to subdue the 3rd King, don't think all of them use a face to fight."


The 9th King, the "weakest" of the kings. But the actual rankings of the 9 Kings have always been a tight rope, other than the 2nd and 1st.

Even with a ranking of the last number of the 9, his power is comparable to the rest and could be argued higher than any of them.

"The King Prodigies". A king that is the youngest of the 9. Gifted with the sword at the highest ranking of the world.

Mastering the sword at the age of 4 and becoming one of the kings at the age of 10. His power would never decrease. Even just by standing his power will keep increasing.

A being everyone hated. A person gifted with everything without the need of work. The King of Prodigies has always been mysterious.

He has existed far shorter than the others but at the same time he was supported by the 7th King, someone who controls an intelligence force that rules the world.

With an identity unknown other than legends of such a great existence.

The King of Prodigies stood at the top of a waterfall. Sleeping his time till he dies.

Never finding an enemy that could defeat him.