
Game Saver: I Can Save My Game Any Time I Want

DISCLAIMER: NOT A HORROR! ****************************** [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "IN REAL LIFE SYSTEM"] One day, one lucky man got the chance to die! Waking up in an unfamiliar space, our protagonist starts his longest journey to playing a game. [Mission: Unite The World As It's Rightful Owner - Time Limit: 2 Years - Penalty: Death] Getting an unreasonable task of conquering a world 3 times the size of his previous, this protagonist will have a very hard time. Luckily he was able to get a powerful ability. [Game Has Been Automatically Saved.] He had the ability to infinitely go back in any time he ever wanted to, well that is if he saved it. ... Notes 1: It is not a horror story. "I am in a plai-" It is not set in a forest(well the start). The cover is as unreliable as the main protagonist. 2: The protagonist is a very lovable(idiot) character. 3: Chapter Titles are meant as insults for the mc until I say otherwise 4: The system is very brutal, it is not a system that makes you overpowered in the sens of one hitting low lives 5: The narration is 3rd person(I might miss some, please do mention if you see it) so don't expect the mc to know what the naration is necessarily talking about. He is a way for the readers to know things, the main character doesn't know most of what the narrations tell 6. Excessive swearing. Sorry, I am a really violent person lol 7. The first few chapters kind of fell off in quality cause I kinda got sick of it. But the "Stop Now Cause We Starting" I got it back up again. (New)8. So as a new Author, I completely suck at planning my story. So just to point out, this story has more romance than you would, and could think... ... This is my second publish ever, last one was well shhh. So please bear with me here. If there is anything you dont like, please do tell, I need the feedbacks(I DO). ... Updates 2 Times A Day(Right Now Only 1, Cause of life)

KinglessHeaven · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

17. Let Us Start Anew

In a room with a round table and 10 seats.

"Now that everyone is here... the prophecy is true." Said by the goblin at the highest seat in the round table.

The other goblins around the room chatted about what they just heard. A goblin wearing a completely red outfit talked.

"So? What if the prophecy is true, I am out." The goblin stood up from his chair.

"Sit down!". The goblin at the top yelled.

From just the pressure and fear the red outfitted goblin sat down immediately.

"This is not a game! Let us start a real meeting. 9 Kings, I your emperor shall lead this country to victory."


[First Movement: Mortal's Will]

"Ahhh, the system keeps activating, I can't do this properly.". Arthur was trying to do something that he has seen many times. A way to even surpass the system. Every skill is activated with the system's help. And a notification was the sign of that.

But as the system was there to help a player automatically use a skill. No one should always rely on the system. The system doesn't allow cancelation of an active skill right in the middle, that is just one of its disadvantages.

It has been multiple days and Arthur has yet to still learn the first movement at all.

"I just have to follow the sword style. "Mortal's Will". The absolute yearning of the one who stands to be called a mere mortal."

[First Movement: Mortal's Will]

"Ahhh.". Arthur still failed. This journey will take long once again.

"You are one with the earth, you are to yearn for greatness!"

[First Movement: Mortal's Will]

10 Days Later...

"One with the wind... one with the ground... I shall fly in the sky..."

Just like how traditional magic had something called chanting, so did Arthur. The [Sword King] after it's unsealing, showed Arthur the wordings and purpose of the sword and all its movements.

23 Days Later...

"I am greatness, and greatness is me."

[First Movement: Mortal's Will]

But what Arthur was saying was not the wording that he got. It was just iterations of what the principle of the first movement was.

30 Days Later...

"I have done it. Cause I have the thy Mortal's greatest will.". Arthur did it. With confidence as the only thing he needed.

The first movement was called the Mortal's Will. It is the starting point of the Sword King's goal, which was ascension.

As a mortal, where he once started. It shall be by his own will power to be greater than anyone. To be above than anyone. As with just the will to be strong, one should and would be strong. Why, because your belief is strong enough, to even touch heaven.

And what comes next when you touch heaven, when your will and confidence has become the highest of all mortals, well that is to fight of course.

35 Days Later...

"I am my enemy and you are my enemy."

[Second Movement: Last Draw]

The name [Last Draw] didn't mean a draw as in lasting in equal length or being tied. It meant the Last Draw of one's sword to reach heaven.

50 Days Later...

"This strike shall be my last, I am tired."

[Second Movement: Last Draw]

Through the effort to open the heavens you shall make your last strike be the one to open a gate to the heavens.

78 Days Later...

"I know, this is the last, and you shall give up.". Arthur succeeded and as the Heaven split in the sky, once one has opened the Heaven, one shall rest and feel greatness from one's accomplishment.

90 Days Later...

"I... Have won..."

[Third Movement: Destiny]

The third movement of the sword was about one's own destiny to be the greatest in history.

140 Days Later...


[Third Movement: Destiny]

The higher the level Arthur reaches the longer it takes to master them. This journey will truly change the man, far more than any would think

230 Days Later...

"...". Through complete silence to even the sound of his body, Arthur has completed Destiny. And once one has accepted his destiny, one shall commit, and continue his journey.

340 Days Later...

"My Sword shall disturb the heavens."

[Fourth Movement: Heaven's Grasp]

Now on the floor of heaven, one shall make great effort to climb and make a presence not outside but inside the heavens.

630 Days Later...

"I have entered, Gods."

Successfully completing the fourth movement after such a long time. Arthur has reached the final movement. And the last shall be the easiest to learn.

But with almost losing track of time, Arthur had to reset his time just to make sure he didn't fail the mission at all.

631 Days Later...

"And I shall end us all..."

[Fifth Movement: Eternal Slumber]


From the words of the Sword King himself... Even he...


With just a Mortal's Will, envelope the world with your will, expand to the greatest length till the heavens feel your presence.

Take the Last Draw as your final confrontation to break open an entrance to heaven. As such you shall enter.

It is Destiny, the start of this journey was always a part of your story, now rest and feel the glory you have accomplished.

Now within Heaven's Grasp, climb the crack and make a great disturbance of heaven. Wake up the Gods to show your existence.

But in the end lies Eternal Slumber. Sadly even I couldn't take over the heavens, shall my last strike take us all away... oh I dream to see the result of this last effort.


Now with the completion of the entire sword, Arthur was ecstatic, until, he...

"Uwahhh!" Arthur woke up and everything was like a dream.

From Arthur's point of view everything he has done for the last multiple months and even more than a year was amazing.

To make an aura so strong it touched the skies. To strike the sky so hard it cracked open making an entrance to heaven. To meditate to be able to achieve even flight. To climb into heaven and enter such a beautiful cloud empire. To die in a glorious end with the gods.

In the end, it was all a dream. A trance, more specifically. But not everything was useless. Arthur has learned all the skills perfectly to not even needing the system prompt at all.


The skills and effect of the styles he has performed could not be seen at its exact effect that Arthur has once.

From being able to cut heaven, down grading from that would surely beat anyone down.

But it was still great. Arthur could just slash at the ground and it would make a ravine. Arthur could slash the air, and you wouldn't even see wind.

It seemed Arthur went into a training world that he had made in his head. But this was actually not that unmotivating to Arthur. To him, it just meant, all the glory he has seen was just a test, and that he had more to grow.

The past few memories had changed Arthur incredibly, and soon, he shall change once more.

Now with greater power Arthur wanted to restart.

"The Author may have cooked up some plot, but we will get there after a while ok?".

Arthur reset once again to the very start and jumped!

He jumped and ran straight to the shore in less than a minute. And he immediately went to the ocean and swam. But weirdly came into an inconvenience as just like last time he was exhausted and landed perfectly to be drifted to the beach.

And his encounter with Seya started once again. And this time, he just went straight to it.

"Such.... beautiful eyes..."

"WHAT!" And just like before she was surprised. And this time, Arthur just laughed.

"What the, why are you laughing? What is a goblin doing in the shore. Oh and wait... you...". Seya realized that she could still have such an extravagant emotion despite being face to face with a goblin. "What... are you..."

Arthur stood up and instantly appeared in front of Seya.

"Your prince charming." Arthur already looked like a goblin at this point. As he forgot to have changed back after training with that body for the longest time. But now, it's much better, as he has a better cover on what he is.

Seya, didn't blush like usual and just slapped Arthur. But as she slapped him, her hands were crying in pain like she just tried smacking a rock.

"What the fuck is your face made of!"

"Oh, you should not do that..." Arthur smiled. "Now your hand is color red." Arthur held Seya's hand and caressed it.

"Let go!". Arthur let go of Seya and she backed away more and pulled her sword.

"I mean no harm. I am sorry for teasing you so much. I just really thought you would have fallen for my face already.". Arthur had the biggest smile in the entire world showing how happy his heart was at that moment.

"Don't think I could be enticed so easily you pervert."

"Owie, well it hurts me in the heart to be called a pervert at our first meeting." Arthur got closer and closer.

"Stop where you are!". Arthur stopped and finally explained himself.

"My name is Arthur Pendragon. How about you?".

"Uhh... I am called Saintess...". Seya, the entire time was just shaking from fear from this man.

"Saintess, what a befitting title, but I wouldn't dare call such a beauty like you by only a title.". Arthur rubbed his chin and looked at the sea.

Unlike how everything started, and how all their relationships went. Now Arthur was on a new path and this time, all will go well.

"How about I just call you... Seya."