
Game of Lust

Multiple Towns, Multiple Towers, Multiple Dungeons, Multiple Babes, Multiple Games to play! How could anyone not enjoy just a game? Well this game isn't one everyone can play. Every man who has stepped on the plate either lost their lives or ran away with their tails tucked between their legs. Every woman in here wants to be sexually pleased but the contestant must prove himself to her. Meet Leon Grey, 21 year old man who was forced into this game against his will by his friends. His friends know the dangers of this game, but Leon doesn't. He is told that he can't leave until he's beaten the game. The only problem with that is, no one knows how long the game actually is. Leon Grey decides to take on the game, as he has no choice. Join Leon as he goes through these different places to attempt to beat the Game of Lust.

AisuruOfficial · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

The Flame and The Hothead [3] (18+)

Aubrie sat on the hood of my car and smoked a cigarette. I sat in my car, on my phone and listening to music at the mall after buying more stuff for Aubrie. I looked at Aubrie then sneakily took a picture of her. I set my phone down then watched Aubrie get back in my car. She closed the car door after she got in and looked at me. She smiled and put her seatbelt on.

"Wanna go for a joy ride?" I asked.

{Aubrie's Affection rose by 89}

{Aubrie's Affection Points: 599}

"Yeah! Let's go!" Aubrie said excitedly.

I started the car then backed out of the parking lot then drove off. I let down the windows then pressed a button to drop the roof of the car. Aubrie smiled and let her hair down, allowing it to flow in the wind. Aubrie turned up the radio and began singing to the songs that were playing. I looked at her then looked back at the road smiling. This is was thing I've always wanted to do when I was on Earth. I always wanted to go for a joy ride, and doing it with Aubrie made the ride ten times more fun with her singing and our light banter towards each other.

We drove to a fast food restaurant and went through the drive thru. I got us some burgers and fries then continued on our joy ride. We got on the highway, driving out of the city and drove on the road where the view was beautiful along the cliff.

"God this view is beautiful...I haven't seen such a beautiful sight in ages. For the last couple of years it's been work and home getting high." Aubrie smiled.

"We can do this a lot if you want to. I don't mind at all." I smiled as I focused on the road.

{Aubrie's Affection rose by 94}

{Aubrie's Affection Points: 693}

Aubrie looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, let's do this whenever we meet up in the future."

I nodded and noticed we were nearing a gas station. I drove to the gas station then stopped the car beside a pump. We got out and we walked inside. I went to the counter and paid for some gas while Aubrie went to use the restroom. I walked back outside to my car and went to put gas in the car. I leaned against the car and crossed my arms. Kyu-Pit appeared beside me and ruffled my head. I chuckled and looked at Kyu-Pit.

"I haven't seen you for a while. Where did you go?" I asked.

"You know, just wandering around. I do still have my own life to live. I just came around to check up on you. Seems like you and Aubrie are really getting along. I'm surprised you've gotten this close to a Destiny Harem woman. They are typically the hardest to please then again once you get to know them they aren't as hard to please." Kyu-Pit smiled.

"Me and Aubrie have a lot of similarities besides being smokers. Our taste in music are the same, we have parents we absolutely hate, we both love junk food...I mean there is so much. It's like I'm with someone I feel like I've known since forever." I smiled then watched her exit the gas station.

"Welp gotta go. Don't want to make it seem like you're talking to yourself. Make me proud, Superstar." Kyu-Pit smiled then vanished.

I got done putting gas in the car and prepared to continue our joy ride. We both got in the car then I started the car up again then drove off. Aubrie turned the radio up when one of her favorite songs played.

"Oh my god! I love this song so much, I could fuck to this song!" Aubrie said happily.

I smiled and listened to the song as well. I felt a few water droplets hit my head and Aubrie felt the same thing. I let up the roof and headed to Aubrie's house.

We made it to her house and got out the car, unpacking the items from the backseat then headed straight inside. Aubrie pulled me to the couch and got on the couch, pulling me on top of her.

"On rainy days like these...I get really turned on because rainy days are literally the best time to relax, have sex, and sleep. That's what I want to do...I want to have sex...You've earned it by giving me a good time these last two days." Aubrie smiled and looked up at me.

"Oh I've earned it huh..? I did promise no one and done, so afterwards we are getting high and doing it again..." I said and chuckled.

"You really understand me.." Aubrie bit her bottom lip and blushed.

I kissed her lips and took off my jacket. I pulled back the began kissing her neck. She ran her fingers through my hair and made sounds of excitement. I clawed her leg and she shivered lightly.

"I like that..~ You really know how to work your magic..~" Aubrie softly moaned.

I pulled back and smirked. "You haven't seen anything yet..~"

Aubrie pushed me back then got on top of me. "Yeah?~"

"Mhm?~" I took the pillow from beneath me then tossed it on the floor.

"Hey don't throw my pillow on the floor." Aubrie smiled.

"It's in the way." I said then held her hips.

"You're gonna be on your way." Aubrie unbuttoned her shorts then giggled softly.

"I'm trying to be in your way." I chuckled.

Aubrie smiled and leaned down, kissing my lips as she was getting her shorts off. I flipped the position then took her shorts off. She raised her hips and allowed me to take them off easily. I dropped them on the floor. I took my pants and boxers off then dropped them on the floor as well. I pressed the tip of my cock against the opening of her wet womanhood then slid it in with ease. She turned her head and squeaked a bit.

"Feels good..?~" I asked.

"Mhm~" She responded and gripped the arm of the couch.

I began thrusting my cock inside of her. She had her mouth open. The only sounds she could make were gasps and sighs of pleasure. She held my arm with her free hand as I began to thrust harder.

"Ahh~ Yeah~ Just like that~" Aubrie moaned.

I held her hip and kept thrusting. I began to kiss her neck and she wrapped her arm around my neck. One of her legs wrapped around my waist and her toes curled up. I sat up and covered her face with the blanket that was on the couch. Her moans sounded a bit muffled then I uncovered her face and she laughed a bit.

"Bitch ass~ My moans aren't hot enough?~" Aubrie smirked and bit her lip.

"They are definitely hot enough for me~" I chuckled and began to quicken my pace.

Aubrie arched her back and panted softly. I pressed my body against her and continued to move my hips. She gripped my shirt and moaned into my shoulder.

"Ahhhh~ Fuck~" She moaned and gasped, squeaking a bit.

I sat up and held her hips, thrusting even harder, grunting with each thrust. Her moans became faster and she groaned in pleasure. She jerked her head to the left and her moans became squeaks of pure pleasure.

"Ohhhh~ Unngh!~" Aubrie cried out with a shaky voice.

"Your pussy feels so good~" I moaned and fucked her faster.

"L-Leon!~" She moaned my name loudly and held my arms.

I looked at her then lightly slapped her. This began to turn her on even more. Her hair became more messy as I lightly slapped her face. She closed her eyes tightly and breathing heavily. Her moans became more aggressive as she started to have an orgasm. I chuckled and bit my lip.

"You're my bitch now..~" I said and slowed down, letting her catch her breath.

"Mhm~ I'm your bitch~" Aubrie said and held my arms tightly, panting. "Only yours~"

I moved my hair from my eyes then watched Aubrie do the same with her hair. She smiled at me and let go of my arms. "You ready?"

"Mhm, fuck me silly~" Aubrie said.

I began fucking her again and her moans picked right back up. She moved her hips to match my thrusts and had a tight grip on the arm of the couch. I gripped her shirt tightly and began to ram my groin against hers. She let out a loud squeaky moan and cried a bit. Her insides began to get really tight and her juices trickled along my cock. I held her thighs, thrusting as fast and hard as I could. She began groaning loudly and panting. Her moans became aggressive once again, filled with lust and passion.

"Oh Aubrie, I'm about to cum~" I moaned.

"Cum inside me!~ Cum inside me!~" Aubrie begged.

I grunted and tightly held her hips then groaned as I came inside her. She moaned loudly and arched her back alot as she came as well. We both relaxed and panted heavily.

"Oh my god..." Aubrie panted. "If I had known your dick game was that good, I would have fucked you the moment I saw you.."

"Mmm~ Good thing I'm around for a bit longer..~" I chuckled and slowly pulled out of her.

She laid there for a bit and caught her breath. I picked up the pillow from the floor then gently hit her face with it. She smiled and laughed a bit. "You're so fucking lucky I'm exhausted...~"

I set the pillow down and laid down, pulling her on top of me. I got the blanket and covered our bodies with the blanket. "Well better rest up because we are going for round two..~"

"Mmm...you're the only guy I'll be willing to have a round two with..~" Aubrie smiled.

"Good...because I am making every second of this count.." I chuckled.

"Shut up and get some rest so we can do it again." Aubrie smiled and closed her eyes.

I smiled and closed my eyes as well.

We had fallen asleep and got a nap in. Once we woke up, we smoked a little and had sex again. And again after another nap. And once last time in the bedroom before we headed to bed. Four times...in one day. Aubrie's sexual stamina was insane, but I was glad I was able to keep up. It was wonderful each time we did it.

The next day I woke up extremely hungover. I looked to my side and noticed Aubrie was still asleep. I laid back down and spooned her. Aubrie smiled and made a noise.

"Mmm...your touch never gets old.." Aubrie said softly.

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

"Just a little...I don't mind though.." Aubrie responded and sighed peacefully. "I'm tired as fuck so I'm gonna get more sleep.."

"I'm tired as well. I'm with you on this one." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Okay..." Aubrie said then hummed happily, going back to sleep.

I went back to sleep as well and had a smile on my face. I really enjoyed being with Aubrie. She was a real joy to be around even when she was high and drunk. Today, I'm planning the best date for her before she has to go back to work tomorrow...