
[1] Pick your nation

I stepped into the VR world, my senses immediately assaulted by the vividness of this digital realm. The lobby of 'Game of Kings' was a grand, bustling space, filled with avatars from every imaginable corner of the virtual kingdoms. They were here for one reason: to make a name and a buck for themselves. 

My avatar, a digital reflection of my 18-year-old self, short spiky black hair, with the same sharp features and casual charm I carried at UCLA, navigated through the crowd. 

A representative clad in elaborate medieval armor, approached me. "You there! Young warrior, you look like you could handle a sword. Join NRE, the New Roman Empire, where strength and honor reign supreme!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Strength and honor? Sounds like a load of bull to me. What's in it for the new guys, huh?"

His expression faltered before he regained his composure. "Glory in battle, lands to call your own, and a chance to shape history."

I was about to reply when a delegate from the Ramil Empire, in flowing silk robes that shimmered like the sea, interjected. "Forget the barbaric pursuits of NRE, in Ramil empire we value wisdom and strategy. With us, you'll navigate the tides of politics and power."

"Politics, huh?" I smirked. "Sounds like a bunch of backstabbing and ass-kissing. But tell me more."

Before she could answer, a stern-faced representative dressed like a medieval Chinese envoy, stepped forward. "你是国人吧?加入我们赵帝国吧."

I paused, taking in each offer. NRE's brute force, Ramil empire's cunning politics or Zhao empire that seems more friendly to Chinese players. Each promised a different path to power.

Just as I was about to respond, my eyes drifted across the room, landing on a figure who stood apart from the rest. She was from a smaller kingdom, one that hadn't made its pitch to me. Her presence was like a beacon in the chaos of the lobby, pulling me in.

She was stunning in a way that felt out of place in this medieval VR world. Her hair was medium length twin blue braids, sapphire eyes, she wore a revealing gladiator armor, with her armor hugging all the right curves. Her striking appearance made her stand out among the sea of period-accurate avatars.

I excused myself from the big shots and sauntered over to her, my confidence a mask for the curiosity she sparked. "So, you're not going to give me the whole spiel about glory and power?"

She looked up, her green eyes sizing me up with an amused glint. "Oh, you think you've heard all the spiels already? Let me guess, NRE offered you battles, Ramil gave you politics and I don't even know what the Zhao delegation is even saying."

I laughed, surprised by her bluntness. "Something like that. So, what's your kingdom's pitch? Or are you just here to make fun of the big players?"

She smirked, leaning in. "I'm from the Kingdom of Lyrinthia. We're small, but we don't play the same game as these pompous fools. We value cunning and creativity. With us, you don't just play the game, you rewrite the rules."

I raised an eyebrow. "Rewrite the rules, huh? Sounds intriguing. But why should I join a smaller kingdom? What's in it for me?"

Her smile widened. "Because with us, you're not just another player. You're a game changer. In Lyrinthia, you'll have the freedom to innovate, to be someone memorable. Plus, we don't have the arrogance of these big kingdom assholes."

Her candidness was refreshing, a stark contrast to the calculated pitches of the larger kingdoms. "You know, you're pretty straightforward for someone in a game all about strategy and deceit."

"The name's Wang." I smirked.

"Elara." She said then shrugged, her gaze never leaving mine. "Sometimes, being direct is the best strategy. So, what do you say, Wang? Ready to take a chance on the underdog?"

There was something about her – a mixture of defiance and allure, a challenge wrapped in an enigma. She wasn't just recruiting me for her kingdom; she was challenging me to step out of the predictable path.

I extended my hand, a grin spreading across my face. "You know what? Fk it. Let's rewrite some rules together."

Her hand met mine, firm and confident. "Welcome to Lyrinthia, Wang. Let's show these bastards what we're made of."

As our handshake sealed the deal, I couldn't help but feel that this was more than a simple game choice. With her, in Lyrinthia, I was about to embark on an adventure that would redefine not just my place in this virtual world, but who I was as a player. The game was on, and I was ready to play it like never before.

Q: Would you join a larger nation, or join a smaller nation, or just start your own nation in this case?

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