
Chapter 1: The Game Master's Introduction

"Damn how did this happen? Next thing I knew I was in this place." I looked around, confused, and notices exactly 36 people beside me was in the same room. They were quiet and was also looking around to grasp the situation.

Then suddenly, a stage appeared and a blinding light follows, illuminating the stage. There was a person, he was wearing a tuxedo and a black berret, a mere look at his features will make you feel inferior. I also noticed thay he was aging from about his late 60's.

Then the person speaks. "How is everyone? You may call me GAMEMASTER, I'm sure you are all probably confused, I'll explain everything and I'll answer your questions in a later date is that clear? Please nod if you understand"

Then suddenly all of us at the same time nods. As for me there we're some kind of strange force that forced me to nod so I'm guessing it must be the same for the others.

After a slight pause the Gamemaster speaks again."Then I'll start explaining you were all sent here by me. This place is called DUNGEON, as for you people who are not knowledgeable to this place, I'll explain it further so you'll understand. The Dungeon is a place where you can easily be killed or you can easily be lost, it's like a maze it's easy to get lost and this place is swarmed by monsters." Then he explained it in a more specific detail and after a slight pause, he starts to speak again.

"The main objective why I sent you 37 candidates here to this place is so I can be entertained. So the main objective for each and everyone of you to do is kill each other." Then he smiled like he was smiling at a toy.

Then suddenly everyone in the room was making noise. When we heard the statement the Gamemaster said, that we have to kill each other in order to escape this so called Dungeon. As for me I was also doubting the Gamemaster because he must've been spouting nonsense. In the room there we're three emotions that we're maxed out it was anger, fear, and doubt, I picked the latter because it's more sensible.

Then suddenly someone decided to speak, it was a big muscular man, he suddenly shouted with rage.

"Hey Gramps!! Stop joking around, you should let me out of here before you start this joke."

And then all I can hear from the room is "He's right we have to leave soon!" they decided to follow his lead. The muscular man decided to stand on stage to make a bigger scene and he attempted to intimidate the so called Gamemaster. He pressed his big forehead on the Gamemaster's forehead.

"Don't do this, I handpicked all of you."

"Why what would you do? What do you have to say old man?" The Muscular man, mockingly said.

And then suddenly, in the blink of an eye all we saw was red liquid splashing everywhere. The muscular man was killed in a mysterious way by the Gamemaster. Then the dead body of the muscular man falls on the ground. We all noticed the hole on his chest. It was gruesome, It's like he was pierced by a metal pole. I looked at everyone, they were frozen in place, I have no doubts it's because of fear because I also felt a shiver down my spine. And then the emotion anger were suddenly turned to fear, so was doubt.

"Pity, Now that the nuisance is gone shall we continue?" said by the Gamemaster while smiling like nothing happened. And again suddenly I felt an urge to nod, everyone besides the dead muscular man and the Gamemaster, everyone else nods. That urge was driven by fear, so the 36 candidates that we're still alive including myself decided to just follow the orders of the Gamemaster. Then the Gamemaster speaks again.

"Therefore so you can protect yourselves from the monsters that swarms this place and the other candidate that may kill you. I will all give you an ability to evolve. As you know the word evolve means to improve right? The word speaks for itself." Then the Gamemaster explains it in a more specific detail."Every choice you make will affect your future choices so choose wisely. Your evolution is driven by levels when you are level 1 which is the starting level you will pick a class between 3 choices, I will not tell you yet what the class will be so it'll not ruin the fun. And then the second evolution has 2 choices it corresponds to the first class you chose, your second evolution will be activated when you are level 10. Then your third evolution you will pick an evolution between two choices that corresponds to the choice you made from your second evolution. Regarding your fourth evolution you'll pick an ability, but beware it will affect your fifth evolution so you'll need to pick what's best for you. Your fifth evolution is called an Avatar the things that determine whether it will be strong is your picked class and the ability you will be given from your fourth evolution. And lastly, the sixth evolution, is it is called Goliath all I can say is that it has a great amount of benefits and a great amount of consequences. So in a sense you'll get a evolution every 10 levels excluding your picked class. If you somehow have forgotten even a slight amount of detail it will be written in this guide." he suddenly shows us a small textbook from out of nowhere then he continued explaining." I will also setup a chip at the palm of your hand so I can communicate with you whenever I want. And so I can update some rules whenever I want depending on how interesting how this game is gonna get, it will also depend on my mood so goodluck." he slightly paused, then after a short while he decided to speak again." You all must be tired, I will now order my maids to send you to your lodging, each and one of you will get a room so don't be nervous. I hope you all will entertain me throughout this game." He bowed, then the lights illuminating the stage suddenly turned off, then the whole room was illuminated, it was bright, It's like we're in a 5 star hotel suite if I'll have to describe how expensive looking this place is. Then suddenly a battalion of maids came to greet us. Then the Gamemaster suddenly disappeared.

"What should we do now Karen this doesn't look like it's a joke someone just died!" a girl shouting at her friend while crying said

"What will happen to me and my family at this rate?" He was shaking while speaking he seems to be full of sweat, he was so afraid to what will happen to him. Then suddenly all of the candidates including myself suddenly tried to sit on the floor, it was comfortable the mat was so soft, but nonetheless we were worried to what will happen to us, maybe it was because we still can't process the situation emotionally, or maybe it was from exhaustion. Then a maid speaks it seems to be a leader of the maids suddenly speaks.

"Shall I guide you all to your rooms now?" all of us including myself nods. Guess I'll just rely on my luck on how will I survive and escape this hellhole.

37/37 -----> 36/37

This is my first time writing a story and I was somewhat nervous on how the story should go but please support me if you liked it. I was confused on how will I decide a name for every character but that will come on a later date. I will also post a number every chapter finished it's to know whether how many candidates is still alive. Thanks for reading

RaysonYatcocreators' thoughts
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