

<p>Hey Chris! wake up! Michael yells as a blinding light comes through their tent. <br/>Michael and Chris were best friends who's families had gone on a camping trip for a week. unbeknownst to them their life would take a drastic turn on that fateful night....<br/><br/>Michael was a boy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. so blue in fact you would think you could see the clearest oceans in their depths. while Chris was a very tall and firm guy with glasses and a bit of a scaredy cat with a sense of brotherhood to stick things out in order to watch his friends back.<br/><br/>"mrrrng" Chris moaned as it was quite late.<br/>what is it this time? he asked knowing Michael was known to drag them into trouble.<br/>there is something out there Michael said as he goes to warn the others before exploring.<br/>the others who's names we will get to are Michael's mom, 2 of his siblings and Chris's father and his sister. surprisingly, they are all already waiting to go check out that loud crash and blinding light in the distance. <br/>The group makes its way through the forest into what looks to be a vast field that used to house tree's which is more like a crater. to which suddenly ZZZZZZZZZRRRRRTTTTT! <br/>a loud energy like blast before their visions went dark.....<br/></p>

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