
Chaper 2: Today's different

Nicole's POV:

"Nichole come down for breakfast didnt u set your alarm!", shouted my mother. I woke up to the sight of my alarm clock being damaged. My memory started flooding back. I had a weird dream. In my dream I was shifted into my wolf while running on a grassy field, I was happy but tired so i lay on the beautiful grass. I then closed my eyes to see the moon goddess. The moon goddess began to say some wierd stuff. She said " my darling daughter, it will soon be time to take your place upon the throne" She then began to disappear, I tried grabbing her but it was no use she already disappeared. I wanted answers. I NEEDED answers.

My mind came back to reality after a while. I rushed to the bathroom to get ready for school. Today I felt different so I just decided to wear a hoodie outfit.

After rushing to put on my clothes, I immediately ran downstairs to get breakfast. My mother asked, " why are u so late this morning." I replied, " I may have destroyed my alarm clock in the night, to be honest I don't even know what happen." My mother then sighed. I hurriedly ate my breakfast and hoped that Trisha was outside waiting for me. I heard her car pull up in the driveway and shot outside my front door. While doing that I yelled, " bye mom, dad and eve( my younger sister she is 11 years old). "

I hopped into Trisha's car and began to tell her and began to tell her about the crazy morning I had. We talked and talked about it until we pulled up in the school's driveway. She parked her car. I said," in two days it will be my birthday and I'm hoping that I could have the rest of the week without Tiffany picking on me." Trisha said, " it will be alright Nichole." As we spoke Tiffany and her minions came walking up to us. "Speak of the devil," I said. Tiffany came up to me and said, " hey loser have a pathetic bithday," I was surprised that she knew the date of my birth meanwhile as usual her minions cackled.

I felt the need to rip her head off. I began to lose control. I walked up to her she slowly backed away. Before I could jump on her, Trisha pulled me back and said, " Whoa down girl." I then began to gain back control. Tiffany scoffed and sashayed away but I knew that deep down she was scared. Trisha began to laugh. I stood there for a moment surprised , I had no idea where this newly found confidence came from. I thought that maybe it had something to do with my dream.

Anyway the bell rang and Trisha and I got to class. Today was Tuesday so I had 4 classes and 1 free session. I love Tuesdays because Trisha was in every class including the free session. The first class was history. In history we learn about  the time when the human fought with werewolves  and now we have to blend in when we go into big cities or places where werewolves are although  we already learnt that.

The next couple classes were a breeze. We had no Tiffany to bother us. It was  lunch time. I asked my wolf Mariam what she would like to eat and she said steak. I got steak bacon and an apple. Today I felt extremely hungry and I don't know why. My wolf and I agreed to just ignore it. I didn't see Tiffany at lunch today and wondered where she was. I said, Tiffany must be scared maybe that's why she didn't show up🤷‍♀️.

We finished eating lunch now we had a few session. During the free session Trisha and I decided to make some tiktoks. This free session was going to be perfect until Tiffany showed up. Tiffany said, "hi geeks." Trisha and I decided it was better to ignore her. While making my tiktoks I was having fun, but sadly it didn't last. Tiffany bought a smoothie and had the audacity to throw it on top of my head.

I was so angry, probably angrier that ever. I could feel Mariam trying  resurface . I tried to calm her but couldn't  . She usually was easy to calm down but not today  . I had the power to let my wolf out without turning into a wolf. No one else I knew had that ability. When my wolf got out, Tiffany tried to run but I grabbed her. I began to punch her. She got up and punched me back. I pushed her so hard that she flew against the room and her back hit on the lockers. The people in the crowd began to gasped. I gasped too because I've never seen anyone without alpha blood be able to do that. Trisha stood up shocked so was I.

The principal came and asked, "what was the cause of all this noise." Everyone began to look at Tiffany who was know lying on the floor unconscious. The principal then asked, " tell me who did this." Everyone then lifted there heads to looked at me. Tiffany was the alpha's daughter so everyone including me knew that I had messed up big time. The principal told me to come to his office and asked some boys to take Tiffany to the hospital.

The principal called my mother and father along with the Luna and Alpha. I was so scared but I managed to play it off cool. I had to wait until my parents along with the Luna and Alpha was there. The alpha gave me a death stare but the luna managed to clam him done. The principal ask me why I did that to Tiffany and I didn't respond. The alpha then asked me the same question but with his alpha tone, usually this tone was suppose to make people follow his orders but it had no effect on me.

Everyone gasped but I still didn't reply. My parents then asked the same question but this time the only difference was that I answered. I bursted out in tears said, " everyday she would bully me about having a white fur. I did nothing to her but she continued to bully me. Today we had a free session and she threw a smoothie on my head. I had to find a way to make the bulling stop. My wolf resurfaced  mom I'm sorry.

The alpha looked angry and shouted, " WeLl ThAt IS No ReAsOn To SeNd mY dAuGhTeR tO tHe hOsPiTaL." My wolf told me to say ok boomer but I refused to because I had known that that would make the matter worst. The Luna then said " and you dare ignore an order made by your alpha. The both of them then said, " you Nicole Patterson is being exiled from the blood moon pack. We want you gone in 3 days time and if we see you on this land again you will be killed."

Word count: 1175 words

Authors note:

I hoped you enjoy this chapter and dont forget to vote and comment 😉