
The difference in experience.

An illuminated corridor, a reanimated skeleton and a sleeping human no doubt a strange combination in just one place.

Gael, by his own nature, was always cautious and despite being dead, it did not mean that he was going to stop being so, although the human lying in the corridor showed two problems.

The first problem was that the human level was 21, 20 levels higher than Gael's current level and the second was that he possessed a leather armor which could diminish the damage received, so Gael found himself in front of a situation where he could not advance anywhere without getting the human off of him.

There were not many options present, there were no weapons in the funerary chests, there was not even an armor which to use to avoid receiving serious damage the situation became more difficult as the only way forward was bypassing that human who was asleep, who had also happened to lie down to sleep in front of the passage where the stairs were ascending and descending into the crypt.

"...hmmmmm...." Gael emitted that sound with his skull in spite of not possessing flesh, but he was more concentrated in the current situation than in his imaginary voice.

"I guess it's time for a plan." He said returning to the room where he observed the tombs one by one trying to formulate an idea until he remembered that the nobleman's body was still on the floor and at that moment he came up with something, something he wasn't proud to do.

"I hope my ancestors know how to forgive me for what I will do," Gael said, in a tone of disappointment, the disappointment of himself.

Gael decided to use the corpse as a way to lure the thief into the section of the entrance to the room where he was with the intention of attacking him at the moment he showed up, although he doubted if that would really work.

"....." Gael remained silent observing the body of the young nobleman in his hands, but after several deliberations in his head, he decided to leave it on the ground and not disrespect his corpse even though he was a thief of tombs.

"Time to formulate another plan, I suppose," Gael said again thinking of something and then remembered that the lying young man was level 21 and possibly inexperienced in lasting combat or at least nobody would expect a skeleton to move incredibly fast and hit precisely vital areas of the body.

Gael had experience with novice warriors who relied too much on finding a creature like a skeleton which was usually slow and had a mishandling of weapons because most of the living dead always rose in the besieged villages where there were always people who died in horrible ways and rose again seeking revenge on the living.

He had already experienced how a rookie was killed in a stupid way by a skeleton which seemed little experienced in combat, casually the skeletons were also used as "real training dummies" which consisted of putting a rookie to fight against a skeleton or two which were completely dressed in armor, so that rookies could find weak points in the armor of enemy soldiers, a tough but effective method of training when teaching the dangers of the combat field.

There was also the possibility of finding a "Nimble Skeleton" which was able to use strange and complicated movements to attack his opponents. Gael, unfortunately, experienced in the first person what it is like to be hit in the stomach by one of these skeletons, by blocking his sword to avoid receiving damage.

Gael only had to try to appear to be a normal skeleton, although it would be complicated since his left arm had blood which would indicate that he had already damaged or killed someone which would only make anyone who saw him stand guard and wait for anything.

With the plan in mind, Gael decided to try to carry out his mission and kill the necromancer who inhabited the tomb, but everything quickly went to hell when he left the corridor confident that he could take care of the human.

Gael had covered his arm with blood and dirt from the ground to prevent them from discovering that he was a real danger.

"...." Gael remained silent observing that there were now not one nor two but three humans in the hallway, one of whom was a young woman with beautiful dark hair, the young man who was now standing, awake and what appeared to be also being scolded by the third man who was an adult.

"I told you to stay awake and alert, next time I won't come looking for you and I'll leave you here, have you understood me, boy?" The adult man said while the young woman was observing a skeleton which had left a nearby funeral room.

"eh?...teacher, we have a problem." The black-haired young woman said, pulling her sword out of its sheath and placing her shield high.

The adult then turned his head with concern, but when he saw what it was, he totally changed the situation.

"It's just a skeleton which was reanimated, surely the magic of this dungeon woke him up. Weren't there three other guys? Surely they moved something and woke up the skeleton." The adult said, looking closely at the skeleton, noticing something strange about it.

The dark-haired young woman noticed that her master had a bad feeling, so she decided to go ahead with the intention of facing her first opponent, even though this was one of the weakest creature's known.

"Stop right there, young lady, where do you think you're going!?" The adult said, but it was too late as the dark-haired girl was in front of the skeleton with her shield up.

The young woman put herself in a firm position with her shield up and her sword down with the intention of attacking at the moment of blocking her opponent's attack.

The adult became more and more worried to see that skeleton did not make any movement, but it was clear his intention, he was studying his opponent in search of weak points which were exploitable.

"Your sister will die if she fights that opponent." The adult said out loud.

"Liliana, come back here right now the teacher feels something different in this opponent!" The young man with the spear said preparing to run to help his sister.

"The aura of this skeleton is different and his arm has dust, but he is actually hiding something in that dust." The adult said that the young man pays attention to the arm of the skeleton noticing that it was blood that the dust was covering.

Liliana continued with her firm position without giving up a bit of ground waiting for an attack from her opponent which would be very obvious, but at that moment the skeleton only remained watching her, and she did not have enough experience to know that the skeleton was inspecting her to learn from her defenses and where he had possibilities to attack.

"Come on, you damn sack of bones, move, I want my teacher to observe that my training and dedication served a purpose," Liliana said, trying to provoke her opponent, but at that moment something happened that left the three humans in complete shock.


Liliana's body flew a few meters from its original position while her master and brother watched in shock the skeleton who had pierced the shield with his clenched fist.

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