
Full Attribute In Naruto

The story of Hirota Nobu an orphan in Konoha, and his journey from procrastinator to ... Coomer.

KageCoomer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Attribute Bubble.

Attributes bubbles

Nobu looked around the courtyard, apart from the kids that had came in with him, he could see a wild array of people all around him from normal civilian families and their sons and daughters to what he could only assume were Ninja families, he couldn't help but notice their distinct features whether it be their colorful hair, tattoos, or simply vest and headbands that pronounced them as the elites of the village.

For example in the corner of his eye he saw a tall man with perfectly blank pupils, with a small girl next to him that he could only assume was his daughter as she too had blank pupils.

As a shut in, this was the first time Nobu was ever in the presence of so many people, so regardless of their distinct features, it would have been tough for him To adapt to right away.

It was at this time that one of the kids next to him fell to the ground on his ass holding his left cheek in what Nobu could only assume was pain.

As expected the moment the matron left these kids right away started getting in trouble, didn't they know that ninjas were about to appear to start the entrance ceremony. Idiots.

As if to be even more predictable the person that landed the blow on the kid that Nobu for the life of him could not remember the name of was of course he Hideki.

A fellow orphan yet that was where the similarities ended, Hideki was 5 years old, and where one might think that with extra age came maturity you would only need to look at Hideki's Behavior to know that this was not the case.

Hideki could be considered handsome for a brat at least, the complete opposite of Nobu not in terms of look of course but in terms of stature, he simply seemed to have more meat on those bones than any of the order orphans around him, to be frank he seemed to be built even thicker than some of the ninja children, surprising since although they were fed correctly at the orphanage there was not enough food to put on that much weight on, talk about good genetics.

Compared to Nobu who could be considered skin and bones, Hideki looked infinitely more robust, a foot taller in height, and as if it had to come with the territory of course a kid of his stature when put amongst younger and smaller children had appointed himself the orphanage bully.

Hideki, was one of the reasons why Nobu remained by himself at the orphanage, not because he was scared of him mind you, but because after the one time he had gotten in an altercation with him he decided it would be more advantageous to remain as far away as possible from him and anybody who knew him and that meant everybody at the orphanage.

Nobu would normally have distanced himself from such an incident but to his surprise something incredible manifested itself the moment that kid fell on the ground. A small white and red bubble the size of an apple seemed to be floating right next to the kid who had fallen on the ground.

Nobu looked around him wondering if anybody else could see this strange apparition but it seemed as if all the kids saw nothing, they simply either laughed or distanced themselves from the incident as well. Was he hallucinating, he'd never seen such a thing before, maybe he hadn't had enough sleep last night, whatever it was he had to confirm it was real.

For some unspeakable reason he felt that if he didn't grab the floating bubble he would regret it for the rest of his life. So after taking a deep breath and looking towards Hideki and his group of friends who were rambunctiously laughing after having knocked the kid down, he slowly walked towards the bubble next to the fallen kid who was in the process of getting up, without a second to waste he Reached towards the bubble.

To anybody else it would have looked as if he was reaching for nothing at all, but the moment he made contact, it was as if a crash rang inside his head, and along with a soft ding he saw something appear in front of his eyes floating in the air as the bubble had been doing.

But contrary to the bubble this time it appeared to be a list. Before looking at it he quickly backed up in order to avoid attracting Hideki's hire.

Unfortunately Hideki misconstrued Nobu's actions as him trying To interfere with his work.

"Got a problem little boy." Hideki frown, When he saw Nobu retreating.

"You want some too, uhh?" He smiled.

Fortunately for him, before he could come forward any further. A ninja with a man bun and Jonin jacket appeared in between the two of them.

"That's quite enough." The man gave Hideki a Steely glare. " All of you start lining up, the Hokage will soon start the entrance ceremony and I expect you all to be on your best behavior."

"Yes sir," The kids said in unison.

And with one last snort even Hideki and his goons started walking towards the line that began forming.

As he was lining up Nobu finally had the chance to concentrate on the text in front of him.

Hirota Nobu.

Physique: 1.1


Chakra Nature.

Amateur Fire: 1

Amateur Wind: 0.6

Along with a notification for gaining .1 in the physique Category, there was also an explanation available for each of these available stat.

Physique: Physical ability, strength, speed, agility, resilience, available to your body.

Chakra: Amount of chakra in the body.

Chakra Nature: Affinity with the elements of said chakra. Allows for stronger power and easier maneuverability of said element.

Once Nobu Had wrapped his mind around the implications of having such a thing available to him, he immediately started wondering if he could get more of these attribute bubbles.

He remembered the kid getting punched before one dropped so perhaps any sort of physical damage resulted in a bubble coming out, if that was the case then any of the worries Nobu may have had prior to entering the academy would become Inconsequential, in front of the power he was be able to accumulate thanks to this new ability.

He was finally sure of something he had known his entire life. He really was built different.

Stereotype bully is built different.

KageCoomercreators' thoughts