It was a long day. First I woke up, not in my home, as bland as I can remember that it is, but in a forest. A beautiful forest. Then I find out I have hooves. Hooves! And they were a Cyan blue hue. I couldn't help but be in shock. When I managed to find a pool, I wasn't as shocked as I could have been, but I was still shocked none-the-less at seeing my new face, which appeared feminine. At first I didn't notice, but when I looked closer, I saw a new pair of appendages on my back. Wings. And then I caught my eyes. They were glowing, a dark ethereal blue, which mesmerized me, like I knew who they belonged to, but I couldn't remember. That is until I heard a voice inside my head. It was feminine in sound as well, but I was confused cause I wasn't speaking, yet this is the voice that I heard when I spoke. Did I take over her body by accident? "This was no accident. This was intentional, Love. If only you could've remembered me, your sister-in-arms, and the one who brought us here together, it'd be so much easier to explain." (Story contains other elements from different Genre's, like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 in it's properties, as well as coming soon monsters and bosses from games like Resident Evil, mostly just remake 2, 3, and Resident Evil 7) (P.S, I'm porting this from my Fimfiction account, I hope you people enjoy, cause this was a lot of work when I wrote it. I may fix some things that won't be in my Fimfiction account when I do this, so be warned) (P.S P.S- Yes, I drew that myself, it's Speda in the Equestria Girls humanoid form)
Friendship is Optimal - Lover's Code
written by SpedaHooves
Initialization - Ch. 1
(This Authors Note was back from when I was doing the contest in Fimfiction, you don't need to pay attention to it, just scroll past it lol)
<Author's Note:
Largest chapter I have ever written, which was very fun to write for this contest.
Feel free to comment down below what you think after reading, and I will answer to the best of my ability since the contest will be over by the time y'all read this, or it could still be going on when I publish this book.
Speda and A very average Anon out!>
I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the unexpected light, filtering through a forest's canopy, which had blinded me at the first glance.
'What..? Where am I? Where's my bed, and those oh so lovely pillows...? Did I sleep-walk again...?' I thought, yawning, and raising a hand up to block the light. I froze. It was not a hand that was lifted. Instead, it was a light blue, no, a cyan-blue hoof that was in front of me.
I let my eyes travel down the new appendage, hoping it wasn't connected to me. Only when I saw it did, I started panicking. Until I thought, what if I was still dreaming? Had I become self aware in one? No, that couldn't be right, my eyes still hurt from the suns rays, and I felt warm, a nice warmth all over my body.
So, I attempted to get up. As I did, I staggered forward, managing to catch my self at the last second. Okay, this'll be difficult to do, now that I have a new body to work with.
I looked down, and yelped as I saw something completely unexpected to me. And when I heard my new voice, it only confirmed it more. I had breasts, kinda small as they were. My voice was feminine, though with a tom-boyish scratchy tone. I didn't want to check further, but I could guess that I was now a female.
I looked around, until I saw a lovely looking meadow in the distance, a nice clear pool of water in the center of it all, with a beautiful waterfall dancing over a small cliff into the pool below.
I walked, or at least tried to, towards that pool of water. It seemed that it would be extremely difficult to walk like I always did, now that I appeared to be a horse. No, I seemed smaller than that. A pony, maybe? Yes, that seemed the most plausible explanation.
So, I stumbled towards it, finally making it to the water, but fell face first into it as soon as I got there. The water was nice on my warm face, and since I was thirsty, I took a gulp. With that done, I picked my self up again, waiting for the water to settle, and when it finally did, I stood mesmerized in place at the face staring back at me.
It was indeed a feminine face, with three small freckles dotted on each of my cheeks. Up higher, there was another three freckles between my eyes. And then the eyes.... They were a beautiful dark midnight blue, and they seemed to literally glow, with wisps moving slowly up and down, like it was literal magic. My face was the same cyan-blue as my hooves, and my hair, or mane, was a luxurious black, with a ponytail in the back, perfectly framing my now equine face.
"I'm glad you still think I'm so beautiful, love~", I jumped, and squeaked in an unmanly like tone at the same voice that I now had who had spoken, and I'm just glad nobody was around to hear it.
"W.... Who's there? Show yourself!", I announced, looking around frantically, when suddenly, a transparent exact replica of the new me appeared in front of, well, me, bearing a quite beautiful smile- wait, stop, I don't even know who this girl is, or why I'm in her body!
"If only you could remember me... And the one who put us here. Well, you could say I am you, but that's not entirely true. You are in my body. Yeah, that doesn't sound weird at all. Hehehe.", the mare giggled softly to herself, and I couldn't help but relax around her, she seemed... Like someone I knew before, but I couldn't tell where, and that frustrated me.
That's when I noticed something else about her. She was sporting wings. Yes, wings, on her back. I turned my head to look at my own back, and sure enough, there were wings, that in a real pegasi shape, like from the greek and roman times. I couldn't help but gain some small excitement at the prospect of flying. I've always wanted to fly. I think anyways, what's up with the weird memory, like I feel I remember some things, but when something that should be important comes up it's just... blank.
That's when I noticed something even weirder. I can't recall if I had a name. I know I should have one, but it felt just as blank as the stuff that should be important felt.
I had just sat down at the edge of the pool of water, when I heard a noise that caused me to get into a weird stance automatically as if I have done this before, and could suddenly 'feel' my eyes glowing more intensely, as a large rock hovered in front of my face, which stunned me further. Telekinesis is a thing here?
Suddenly I heard the joyous voice from my invisible companion again, and I could tell she was very close to me, as if whispering in my ear.
"So you already figured out how to use telekinesis huh? That's great! Now you just need to be able to transmute that rock of yours into a suitable weapon just in case it's a powerful creature, safety first, ya know? I will help you with that, don't worry Love!", and suddenly, I felt the knowledge of how to do that flow through my head, and when I felt through the rock for a suitable component, I shaped it into a medium sized sword, it seemed as if it was like an Iron Sword from a favorite game of mine that I can actually recall, called Skyrim. I decided to stylize the shape and design to my liking, so it was a bit thicker in shape, and longer in length, but sharper, and for the hilt, I made it embed a small gem that I found deep within the rock.
It was now a beautiful piece, but beauty and power are two very different things, as I knew it wouldn't be a very powerful weapon anyways, considering Iron is the weakest weapon in Skyrim, not counting a Wooden sword or a fork and knife. But it was at least weapon I could use.
As I waited with the Mare only I could see, hear, and feel, we stood staring into the forest where the noise came from. It wasn't long before a creature burst out from the undergrowth, a wolf, but it was weird, it looked as if it was made of wood. If that's the case, then it seems it will be a much more difficult fight than a normal wolf. Especially since three more jumped out as well, one being larger and bulkier than the rest.
My eyes blazed to an even more intense degree, as I felt the power, the magic, form even more around my new weapon, making it dance back and forth with speed I didn't know I was capable of performing, already tearing down the first wolf in front of me. But since I could only focus on one, I was in danger of the other three tearing me to peices, so I got ready to back up. That is until my companion whispered something into my ear.
"You can use flame magic if that will help you Love, though it's not very powerful as of now, and it will only keep them from reforming for a bit. Ready?", she asked, and as I nodded, new knowledge burst from within me, as several small fireballs burst into existence around me, so as soon as I had finished off the first wolf, I threw two of the flames at it, scorching the wood that was already starting to float up and reform, but when it was hit, it dropped back down, now on fire but not actually burning away.
I immediately readied my sword and flames for the next one, and as I repeated what happened to the first it was soon gone, but not without a price as I felt my back right hoof get chomped on by one of the remaining beasts, making me yelp in pain. I felt blood trickle down my hoof, but I focused and grabbed a large rock in my telekinesis, and dropped it on the beast, instantly making it crumble down, then with my flames, it stayed down for a bit longer.
Now it was just me and the last one, the larger one, which I could tell it was the boss of the group. So in shakiness from the pain, I stood up, and brandished my blade again, as even more flames danced around me. Suddenly I felt good, and my pain was gone. I turned around, seeing my companion kissing my wound, and it seemed to have healed, even if just a little bit. She smiled at me in reassurance, and so with new found strength and resolve, I steeled myself for the next battle ahead.
It stalked towards me, and I stalked towards it, grabbing another large rock, this time forming another Sword, though it appeared different to the first, the first difference was that it was a shinier metal, which I guessed was maybe steel, second, there were more gem stones to work with, so I styled the blade to my liking just like I did with the Iron one, making it longer and thicker as I had done before, giving it a sharper edge, and sturdier handle using some of the wood of one of the wolves, and then I embedded the gems in the hilt. The stylization in the center of the blade was a pony head with wisps traveling from the eyes, with wings protruded towards the sides. I instinctually named the blade 'Exodiuous', and suddenly it hummed in power like it was alive.
I didn't expect that, as I just wanted to make it a fancier blade than others, but then I thought maybe it was the name along with the items used that caused it. I looked towards the Iron Blade, seeming like it was waiting in anticipation for its own name. I gave it the same stylization of the steel blade, then named it 'Protruditious', and it too hummed, but differently as an eerie blue wispy glow protruded from the blade, which now seemed shinier, and more elegant than any Iron Blade I've seen before, and so I smiled. These two blades will help me very much in the near future, at least I hope.
And so with that out of the way, I stalked ever closer to the beast, as it stalked towards me as well, before we burst towards each other with great speed I didn't know I was capable of, and was surprised that the big brute could go so quick.. The twin blades danced in the air as I attacked, flames dancing around them in turn to attack the 'Wolf of the Woods', who striked at me many times, but only got a good few hits in as I dodged from most of them.
Finally as if we both felt this next attack would decide the battle, we both looked at each other, and the wolf seemed to have acknowledged me, and gave a subtle nod. In one final attack, my blades and flames hit the heart of the beast, seeming to have shut it down entirely, but not before I suffered a new wound to my eye, gaining a deep scar from the battle.
As I huffed in exhaustion I felt I had gained something new, not noticing the absence of the wood of the wolves, and when trying to access that feeling, a transparent screen displayed in front of me, which caused me to feel irritated somehow.
"What kinda SAO bullshit is this?", I asked, not knowing where the name came from, but it felt right to say in the moment.
Name: Speda Hooves
True Name: ?
-Congratulations! You reached Lvl 5!-
You killed a pack of Timber Wolves-
< One Delta Timber Wolf, three Gamma Timberwolves!>
Loot Gained- Wood of the Timber Wolves x99 <A>, Egg of a Alpha Timberwolf <S>, and gained affinity in Wood Magic <F>!
Skills Learned-
Predatory Gaze- Whenever you are outnumbered, you gain this skill, and can intimidate the group into leaving you alone! Or it can backfire and make the enemy want to fight you even more than it already did. <C> <Depends on Luck and Lvl>
Alpha's Call- After managing to assert dominance and over power your enemies, you will gain respect/fear from the particular species you have defeated, granting a bigger chance at being challenge to a fight by bigger and badder enemies of that type, in turn, chances for greater loot! <B>
Flames of Origion- These flames are sacred, and will infinitely improve with use, but only during times of great stress, or during a fight ATK- 15 <D> <Evolvable>
Telekinesis- Infinitely improves with use, can carry more and more objects that are heavier the more you use it, and the more you study <C> <Evolvable>
Transmutation- Infinitely improves with use, making it possible to make any property usable in a seconds notice with only the mind and imagination being the limits <B> <Evolvable>
Well this was kinda surreal, but it looks like I did gain some fantastic abilities, and items too. Hey maybe I have an inventory as well!
I tried thinking on trying to open the Inventory, and when it did, I started giggling with joy. The Wood of the Timberwolves was stacked at ninety nine, and the Egg of the Alpha Timberwolf was quite menacing in looks, but at the same time, I felt like it would be a powerful ally if hatched in the future ahead.
I heard my companion giggle along with me, as she spoke. "You certainly learn fast, Love! Well, now that you know my name, and in turn as it is also yours now, at least temporarily, it is nice to meet you, even though I already know you.", Speda Hooves said with that gorgeous smile of hers, that made me blush a bit, as I smiled nervously back trying not to think about it.
"I'm happy to meet you too, Speda. I wish I could remember my actual name, but unfortunately I don't. Anyways, since we have finished up here, do you know where we are? Like do we have a map of some sort that we can use to get out of this forest, as beautiful as it is?", I asked, and she smiled, and nodded, putting a hoof against my head, when a map appeared in front of me, but it was almost completely blank, aside from around me, and where I had traveled from in the first place. It seems I might be in the center of a large forest system, but I did appear to be close to what is called a <Castle of the Two Sisters>. So I clicked that as my destination to travel to, and suddenly a marker appeared, activating an HUD like from a game, Skyrim specifically, as I saw three, no, four bars now in front of me.
The fourth bar seemed to be something specific to me, and I felt glad it was different in a way, even if I don't understand what it is yet.
I turned towards Speda, and offered my hoof, as I attempted to stand on my hind legs again, and when I felt comfortable enough, I stood proudly, before blushing in embarrassment, covering those special places, but Speda giggled in plain humor, standing up as well, not embarrassed at all to showing her goods towards me, which I knew something would rise if I was back in my male body. A good thing I wasn't as I covered my face.
"Aww you're embarrassed! It's not like this isn't anything I haven't already seen as this is my body, Love~ If you are that embarrassed, then try fashioning up some clothes! You have some things that can be used already, you just need something comfortable to serve as a base!", Speda said while giggling at first, clearly flaunting her body at me to embarrass me further, but ended in looking like she understood. She was indeed quite helpful in the idea though, so I thought up some ideas. So with that, she grabbed hold of my offered hoof, which made me feel warm in a good way, but not warm in temperature. Odd.
We looked around on our way towards the castle, finding a few things along the way, which I made a canteen to hold some water from the small lake from before. The Wood of the Timberwolves held up well in holding the water, but the canteen felt weightless even after I filled it, and that's when I found out something fantastic. I just made an infinite water source from within the canteen using just the wood, and some twine I made from some odd looking reeds.
Finally after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the Castle, with a rickety looking bridge connecting from a cliff towards it on the other side, where I assumed that a town could be in the other direction, luckily for us, we were on the side that the castle was on.
We walked as steadily and quickly as we could till we made it to the front of the castle, where once we walked in, I suddenly felt super comfortable towards one side that had pictures and tapestries of the moon in all it's glory, with several star filled blankets covering up one side of the castle's windows.
I used my new found magic to bring it down, cutting it and forming it into underwear, which felt weird for a bit in a certain place, then made some form fitting tights and a tight shirt.
I felt comfortable, and now I could use the wood of the Timberwolves to make a sort of armor around my breasts, my back, and fore-hooves. Once that was done, I grabbed another tapestry of the night, and formed it into a sort of cloak, making sure to use more of the wood to fasten it into a great piece, and soon after the new clothes seemed to glow in a small bit of power, which made me quite proud with myself.
Speda seemed quite impressed with my work as well, looking over all the tiny details, I had made sure to make it sport a tom-boyish style in clothing, rather than girly, but it was still a bit girly.
"I gotta say, Rarity would be impressed with your work. And while it looks beautiful, and a little girly, I feel it fits us quite well! Thanks for making it not girly though hehehe, I probably would have nagged otherwise. Okay, so, we got clothes, very protective clothes at that. What do you feel we should do next?", She asked me, and I felt compelled to go deeper into the Night side of the castle, and see if we can find anything of use. Which we did for the next three hours, until we found a nice bedroom. We would sort through the loot gained tomorrow. I just felt so at home here, and I was tired as hell, I couldn't help but lay down immediately, followed by Speda, as she draped her form over me. I couldn't stop my blush, and smile to myself, as I fell asleep.
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