
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Films
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115 Chs

Forcing my hand

Mark was having a bad day, he lost his girlfriend, he lost his....yeah he only lost his girlfriend but that is a big loss for him, especially because he was about to marry her when he caught her cheating with Paul.

Fucking Paul of all people, I am not a cuck but I wouldn't have minded her cheating on me with Allen or even Dave but Paul, I know Paul has the smallest dick and looks the ugliest so the breakup hurt more than it would have.

If Paul and Lisa get together the situation would be....not fine but ok because atleast I can happy I lost to someone's game but if that isn't the matter, I was about to marry a slut anyway soooooo bulled dodged I guess?. Now that I think about it I lost nothing but a hoe either way so it's great, life is great.

I hear an explosion and look up to find cars flying by as a giant rhino charges me and I think to myself 'oh come on just when I was starting to feel better' and then my vision shifts at speeds I can't keep up with and I am on the other side of the sidewalk?

I look towards the rhino charging towards oscorp tower and see a black blur depositing people on the sidewalks and swinging away for the next person. Spiderman huh I think I owe him one, yeah whatever I'll do something good for him and we'll be even.

-Peter POV-

I swing,grab a person, I swing, grab a person, I swing, grab a person, I swing, I don't have any person to grab anymore didn't know saving people could be so monotonous, I hold onto the rhinos horn and ask "Yo rhinoman, you got any tickets to the new lady gaga concert" he screamed with a gutteral cry "NOOOOO" as I swing away from his fist he continues towards oscorp on the now cleared road as I yell "Fine then keep your tickets you weirdo" as I move to the barricade the cops set up near oscorp and just hang out at the pole.

The rhino is far from oscorp but he will be here in a minute so I turn to the cops and say "he's all yours and I didn't hit him by the way" I wait by the side as the rhino hits away cars and shit far away from any civillians as he charges forward I hear a voice I wish wasn't who I thought it was "why are you not stopping him?" I turn towards the voice and see Billie standing on the sidewalk.

I jump down and ask in a hurried voice "what are you doing here?" She folds her hands and says "I am asking you a question" I grab her arm and pull her towards a buildings entrance as I tell her "this place isn't safe, you have to get out of here" she pulls back and grabs me by the collar as she whispers "Peter, why aren't you helping them?" I could hear the sadness in her voice but I was too stunned to utter anything other than "You knew?".

She ignored that and screamed "answer me" I got close and said "they shot at me, they wanted to kill me, they would have killed me if they could" she sighs as she asks "how many shot at you?" I say "one" and she asks "and a single cop decides for all of them" I grit my teath as I yell "they did when they let that one cop get away with it" she yells back "and they deservse to die for it" that took the wind out of me as I stumbled back but I held myself and my anger as I said in a low tone "yes"



The only sound I heard was her leaving the edge and as I look at my reflection on the window all I could see was a man with nothing, a man who just lost a battle with his own morality because of his pride and that is the day the hero dies but I haven't lost yet, I will stop rhino and be the hero the city needs not the hero the city gets.

I turn around with my resolution only to see Billie standing on the middle of the road right infront of rhinos path, my heart stops for a second before I brake the pavement and road with the speed at which I reached Billie, I stood facing her as I said "Don't you ever do this shit again" before I turned around to see rhino aproaching faster than I thought possible.

I could take Billie away but that would kill the cops, I could distract the rhino to turn left but no, that side has civillians, I could shoot webs to hold him down but that somehow doesn't feel right.

I look back at the cops near the blockade and they seem afraid to face the rhino, I remember a quote uncle ben used to say, I don't know how he knows that quote but here is how it goes 'the hand that holds the gun trembles to shoot when it faces death' they think the rhino can kill them today so their hand trembles.

I understand now, I was the guy who fought at night, I was the guy they never saw in action, they thought i was capable but there will always be a man who doubts, a man who doubts if I really am capable of touching them, capable of hurting them, capable of killing them so their arms don't tremble, they shoot because they doubt.

'I'll erase that doubt once and for all'

I think as I lift my hand up and wait for the rhino to reach me, the dust is kicking up, the few cars that are left behind are being kicked away as rhino tears through them without any sign of his speed decreasing but I stay motionless and wait for him to reach me.


-Officer Davis POV-

I had no control over what happened at the bank heist, the whole thing felt pretty unnatural to me but I can't prove it to anyone, hunches can't be evidence afterall.

I felt like we lost a good man to corruption once again when reports of webbed up crininals stopped but I was wrong, he was still helping people but now he is far more reserved. Even though the cops don't have any reasonable justification to shoot him the streets are not going to be cleaned by these couch loungers.

The people are suffering and my work is piling up and now this headache with rhino. While we were hilariously outmatched by the walking monstrosity we had to stop it from reaching oscorp before Mr Osborn our cities benefactor is evacuated.

I felt sick of it all but I am doing my job without any fail until I die, I look at a black blur swinging infront of the rhino-man-thing and smile as the resident spider started saving people one by one but that smile wiped off my face when he landed on a light pole nearby and yelled at us "he's all yours and I didn't hit him by the way" I sighed at our forces stupidity in not supporting the guy who makes our job easier.

That is when someone yelled "why are you not stopping him?" I turn to the sound and find a young lady standing there in an oversized hoodie. I curse at spideys luck of having to deal with an overdramatic teenager.

As he tries to get the civillian away to safety we all look at the fast approaching rhino and feel the fear pool into our consciousness as we put the thoughts of Spidey and the strange girl away.

The rhinos form shifted away cars with the slightest of pushes and all we had was a few shotguns and pistols to stop it, an average rhino can be killed with a goot hit from a .44 Magnum but this one was able to take those rounds like paintball so maybe 4 shots with the 12 gauge to the head might kill it.

But the range.....yeah we are going to die here.

Right when I thought lf that, I saw that girl from earlier walk into the middle of the street and stand in the way of rhino, I wanted to run upto her and pull her away but the thought of my son and wife made me immobile. As I thought about my regret at failing to save another life, I saw Spidey rush infront of her like lightning.

I could once again breathe knowing that she will be safe, but what the hell is he doing right now "why is he facing the rhino?" I whispered and the officer beside me said "maybe he is considering killing himself" I hope to god that isn't the case but that's all I can do today it seems, Hope.