
Our lives

Mason was sitting quietly in his room reading when he heard someone calling him, which irritated him a little; because he hates it when anybody disturbs his calm and peace. So he decided to ignore whoever was calling him knowing it couldn't be his parents; they wouldn't interrupt his personal time and besides neither of them was home.

Being the organized type that he is, he likes arranging his daily tasks carefully to fit a schedule and once fixed; he religiously keeps to the set schedule. His daily activities are scheduled in a way that one does not disturb the other, he loves a planned and organized routine and his family knows that.

He continued to read his book hoping whosoever was calling him earlier had given up; only to look up at sound of his door opening to reveal Magret in the doorway glaring at him. He loves and adore his sister a lot, but she can be very annoying. sometimes.

So returning his attention back to the book he was reading, he asked without looking at her; what do you want? But instead of speaking up, she suddenly starts to twirl around a strand of her hair that had escape from her wild black mane of hair; a nervous reaction that he's only too familiar with. She wanted something that she knows he wouldn't like.

"Hum.... She began, I was planning to hang out with my friends at a party later and I was wondering if you would like to come with."

Hearing this, brought a smirk to his face, he understand her little game too well; it wasn't that she really wanted him at the party but rather she needed him as a chaperone to get their parent's permission. He continued smirking at her without responding and he can see that it was starting to grate on her nerves because she doesn't like to be ignored. "Well.... "Are you coming or not?"

"Hmm! Since you are asking nicely, lemme think about it for a min, he says while tapping his head lightly like he was in deep thought............. No! he finally answered."

"No? I must have heard that wrong, thought Magret to herself because her brother almost never says no to her. But before she could say anything, she heard him repeat an emphatic Noooo......., leaving no doubt that she had heard right the first time.

She looked at him shocked and for a few seconds silent because she was lost for words; the fact that her brother had just refused her was so alien to her that she doesn't know how to react.

"Come on Mason, it'll be fun, she finally mutter after what seems like forever."

"Perhaps for you but not for me" he replied, already sounding bored and obviously unwilling to continue the conversation which was clearly a distraction to him.

Margret stood stoic squeezing her face tight, making her beautiful face appeared wrinkled, she can't understand why her ever accommodating and doting brother was refusing her request without a second thought.

She knew it was a bad idea disturbing her brother during his reading hour; but then, she needed him to get their parents permission to go the party, so she could prepare her clothes, shoes and other needed accessories for the party ahead of time.

She knows that her brother is the serious type who prefers spending most of his time reading than anything else and he especially hates party but she never once thought he would refuse her outright. And it was probably because she disturbed his reading time which she honestly regret; but now that the damage is done on that end, she still needs to figure out a way to get him to agree to go with her.

His rigid and grid like lifestyle has always been something of a mystery to Margret, she should have been used to it by now but it still kinda bugged that her older brother is leading such a boring life......... but that's her opinion anyways.

While her sister was probably still concocting ways in her pretty little head another tact to make him agree to buffer her to the stupid party, Mason picked up the book he was reading before he was interrupted and continued to read.

"Please please come with me, she pouts; I promise we won't stay out late and you can get back to doing your own thing in no time."

Mason continued reading without paying much attention to his sister, he really love her but she can be a pain in the ass sometimes and he doesn't have time for one of her antics today. He wanted to make sure he finished the book he was reading before his next class; he likes being prepared like that.

Margret hadn't anticipated her brother refusing her since he almost never refused her or she would've come prepared with a counter perfect argument to make him agree to come with her. But as it is, she might have to appease to his protective instincts as a big brother to get him to change his mind.

"I really don't understand what the big deal it is for you to go to the party with me as chaperone when it'll give you the chance to perform your favorite duty of making sure I don't stray." she says in an attempt to regain her brother's fleeting and non existent interest in her suggestion.

"My protective instincts my ass, Mason thought to himself." As much as he detested her interruption, he was really getting a kick out of her futile attempts to get his acquiescence. He crossed his legs and relaxed back on his reading chair; while pretending to still be immensed in the book he was reading when his attention was already shot to hell as soon as she knocked his door the first time.

Finally, he signed softly and looked up at his sister whose tirade was starting to lose its amusement and already grating on his nerves; he doesn't want to go but the look on her face is making him feel bad. she always find a way of getting him to do the most ridiculous thing and he could never say no to her.

"Fine I will come with you, he finally relented but you've got to keep your promise about coming back early so it doesn't mess with my schedule or it'll be the last favour I ever grant you."

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