
New Orders


The Headmaster was snapped out of his musings by an incomprehensible shiver that travelled through all the magical fields of Hogwarts. The students who had entered the Great Hall at that moment were flung to the sides like pins knocked over by the wind as the air rushed out of the corridor and the roar of frenzied magic rang out.

- Everyone to the sides!!! - Dumbledore's frantic shout made all the teachers flinch, except Flitwick and, oddly enough, Slughorn, who had hidden his hands in the wide sleeves of his robes, unnoticed by everyone else.

The Headmaster, shrouded in a glowing cloud, darted towards the entrance, feeling the dark spell Flitwick was casting behind him.

As the teachers flew into the corridor, they found Severus Snape, now a rather sad sight, and four figures in expensive robes standing across from each other. A film of magical protection flickered around the strangers, and the same film was blocking the path of the students on the other side of the corridor.

- Everybody freeze!!! - Dumbledore's wand aimed at the unknown people. - What's going on here?!

- This puppy tried to attack me, Headmaster," Severus Snape wheezed, waving his wand to extinguish his robe and hair, which was smouldering in several places.

- Expelliarmus! - The force Dumbledore had put into that spell made the walls shudder, but the Headmaster did not use the magic of the castle, saving it for the decisive blow.

To the surprise of all witnesses to the sudden battle, the thick scarlet beam of the disarming spell struck the green shield and scattered into harmless sparks, as did the unknown defence spell.

- Not a gentle welcome, Headmaster," one of the figures pulled back his hood. - Your tame Death Eaters tried to use Legilimension on me, and you're throwing spells at me.

- Harry?! - The Headmaster exclaimed in surprise, lowering his wand.

- Lord Potter to you, Headmaster Dumbledore. - Potter replied, stepping forward and taking the hooded girl standing next to him under his arm.

Potter's neighbour visibly relaxed and opened his face as well, turning out to be, to the surprise of many, Neville Longbottom.

- I want to know, Headmaster Dumbledore, by what right your hired teacher is allowing such a blatant violation of the law, applying not just a wizard and head of the family, but a mind-reading spell to a student. - This time Potter's voice, amplified by the spell, was audible even in the Great Hall.

- Potter, you're forgetting yourself," Snape growled, not lowering his wand. Even after receiving a blow of undirected raw magic that had nearly broken his shields, he still didn't consider James Potter's puppy a serious opponent. The fact that this very puppy had fended off the Headmaster's spell proved nothing to Snape.

- Forgetting what, Professor Snape? - Potter turned sharply round to the former potions master. - The fact that you dared to dig into my head? Find out much? I had good enough teachers for me to recognise your amateurish attempts.

Snape was visibly mortally offended by my statement, and his eyes grew murderous when his legilimensional skills, of which he was justifiably proud, were labelled amateurish.

- Gentlemen, gentlemen! - A panting Augusta Longbottom burst sharply into the space between teachers and students, which was beginning to crackle with the gathering forces. - 'As a member of the Board of Trustees, I demand that your senseless swearing cease. Headmaster Dumbledore, the freshmen are waiting for your allocation!

Augusta decided to flatter the overbearing Headmaster to distract him a little from the returning Potter.

- Lord Potter," the old woman with her hair fluttering in the magically induced wind stepped closer to the frozen young man. - I had hoped that you, having returned to Hogwarts, would not harm the students, but you...

- Lady Augusta," Potter bowed deeply and respectfully to the surprise of the others in the argument, acknowledging the rightness of the rebuke, "I had no intention of harming the students, and the protective spell blocking the children's passage was designed by me to prevent accidental injury.

- I think we can return to discussing this incident later," Slughorn appeared behind Dumbledore and Flitwick, still without his wand, but clearly holding something with his palms hidden in his wide sleeves.

Potter nodded in agreement, bringing the unknown girl closer to the teachers and defiantly ignoring the disgruntled Snape behind him.

- Mr Potter," Dumbledore tried to take control of the conflict. - I expect to see you in my office after the distribution of the newcomers, you, Mr Longbottom, and you young ladies as well.

- May I point out, Headmaster, that you've forgotten again, I am Lord Potter," the young man hissed as he walked past the Headmaster towards the Great Hall doors.

- Harry," Fleur whispered softly, probably audible to me alone, "what's wrong?

- Snape tried to read my mind, and the Mask of Madness went off. - I shrugged, opening the doors to the great hall in front of my wife.

- Is this going to happen every time! - Fleur didn't believe me.

- I honestly don't know... I hope not, I just wasn't prepared for the effect this time. We'll go to the right," I continued, taking my beloved to the flock of newcomers who were gingerly looking in our direction as they prepared for their placement.

The Headmaster and teachers followed us in, heading for their desks, causing more and more whispers from the students - Snape's robes were still badly burned, though not a single spot was visible on his face or body.

- My friends," the white glow that enveloped the Headmaster slowly melted into the air, but the sight of the old wizard dressed in a gorgeous robe embroidered with gold thread was still spectacular. - I am pleased to welcome old and new students to the school. Before the feast begins, it is necessary to assign the new students to their faculties. Professor McGonagall, fetch the Allocating Hat!

I watched as a visibly aged Minerva McGonagall brought out the Distributing Hat and placed the Founders' creation of magic on a stooped wooden stool. The thought flashed through her mind as to who the Deputy Headmistress now remained loyal to - the Headmaster or Hogwarts?

Neville and Luna walked quietly over to the Ravenclaw table, where they were seated among the older students, who for some reason I couldn't understand didn't mind the Gryffindor's presence.

- Maria Alcari! - The Deputy Headmaster's magic-enhanced voice echoed through the hall.

The short, wheat-haired girl went to a stool and put on her hat, against expectation, not singing any songs this year.

- Ravenclaw! - The satisfied girl headed to the Ravenclaw table, where she was already being made room for.

I stood next to Fleur, and the group of freshmen around us grew thinner and thinner. I could feel the dozens of stares that were directed at us - hating, curious, sensation-hungry, adoring, and indifferent. The fewer freshmen remained around us, the more people looked in our direction with bewilderment. Literally burning glances from the red-haired family from across the Gryffindor table. However, Fleur and I waited patiently for our turn - according to ancient laws, any student who was unsure of their placement in first year could, after a minimum of two years, petition for re-sorting, which had to be granted by the Headmaster. Since my letter to Dumbledore had explicitly mentioned that fact, I knew that this time the old man wouldn't be able to get away with it-even if he pretended to forget I existed, I'd remind him of it in public.

Megan Smith, whom I'd met at the entrance to the castle, was in Hufflepuff, as I'd expected. Seated at the Badger Faculty table, the girl waved at Fleur and me.

However, it turned out that my intuition had not deceived me, and McGonagall, obeying the headmaster's imperious wave, had already taken the hat under her arm to carry it somewhere in a vacant part of the hall behind the faculty table. The wand in my hand made a sharp circle, raising the volume of my voice.

- Headmaster Dumbledore, you forgot my allotment. - I glared hard at the old man, not allowing him to twist away, which took all my mental and magical strength.

- Minus twenty points from Gryffindor! - Snape jumped up in his seat.

- According to the ancient laws of Hogwarts, which you, Professor Snape, should have learnt by now, I am entitled to reassignment to another faculty. - My voice elicited a flurry of indignant and bewildered shouts from all the faculties, except perhaps Slytherin, where self-control was too highly regarded.

- Professor McGonagall," the Headmaster said with a fatherly smile towards me, "hand Mr Potter the Hat.

I calmly approached Minerva McGonagall.

- Good afternoon, Professor," I bowed politely, but not in the slightest bit subservient, for the older woman had long since lost the unquestioning authority she had had in my first and second year.

- Good afternoon," the Dean of Gryffindor said in a colourless voice, looking at me regretfully.

I took the hat from the wizard's hands and sharply slipped it on my head.

- Well, well, well, Lord Potter. - The squeaky voice rang out right in my head, as if I hadn't noticed the Mask of Madness had been applied. My magic didn't even move; the powerful magic of the Founders was stronger and more sophisticated.

- It's been a long journey for you to get back under the ancient walls of Hogwarts," the Hat continued, cutting off the noise of the crowded hall.

- Dear Hat, you know that I had no other choice," I replied calmly, ready in advance to talk to this wayward and unpredictable artefact. - And probably already read in my head about who and how tried to ruin my life finally.

- I had. - Hat's heavy sigh came as a surprise to me. - I didn't think a great light wizard could do such a thing to his own apprentice.

- But he did it by trying to trick me out of my family's heritage," I clenched my teeth tighter. - So I found other supporters to back me up in my time of need.

- Well," the Hat seemed to perk up. - In that case.

- Slytherin and Gryffindor are out.

- Hufflepuff? - The artefact's voice was distinctly snide.

- That would be nice," I grinned. - But I'm afraid people wouldn't appreciate such an event.

- All right," the Hat said quietly. - But I will ask you something, and you, if possible, try to fulfil my request.

- I will try, dear Hat," my eyebrows rose in surprise against my will.

- Hogwarts needs a headmaster with a real affinity for the castle, not the ones we've had for the last two centuries," the Hat's voice in my head oozed sadness. - When... Not if, but when Dumbledore's time is up, talk to Alex Hellfire's portrait, he had the highest degree of affinity with Hogwarts after the Founders.

- I will endeavour to solve this problem," I replied firmly. - It's in my best interest, too.

- All the better," I heard a chuckle in my head, and then....

- RIVENCLO! - There was a deafening shriek from the hat, and the sensations of the world around me and the murmur of student voices came back to me with a jerk.

Minerva McGonagall, who had taken the Hat from me, had a bewildered expression in her eyes, as if she expected the artefact to bring me back to Gryffindor. Dumbledore was looking at me, carefully hiding his feelings, but I knew the old schemer was as disappointed as McGonagall. Although... it would be fun to look the old bastard in the face if I was assigned to Slytherin.

Flitwick, on the other hand, was pleased. Knowing from Sirius that the cunning professor had secretly sworn allegiance to our alliance, I wasn't surprised at the attitude.

- The young lady should go through the distribution as well. - Coping with his feelings began the headmaster.

Fleur leisurely lowered her hood over her shoulders, showing off her chiselled profile to the surprised students.

- Headmaster Dumbledorerrrrrrr," the girl began to say with a deliberate accent, "I have already completed my studies at Sharrrrrmbaton, so I don't need to be reassigned.

- And according to the Hogwarts Charter, my wife has the right to be in the same school as myself. - Loudly I added to the entire hall.

With a clatter, Ginny Weasley's bag fell to the floor. Ron and a few other boys from different faculties choked on their saliva - Fleur hadn't thought it necessary to block her Weasley charms, though the amulet hanging around her neck made it possible.

- Mr Potter, we will discuss the possibility of fulfilling your request separately after dinner. - Dumbledore, though he knew the Charter as well as Delacourt Senior's lawyers, couldn't help but try to humiliate me in front of the whole school.

- Headmaster Dumbledore, you're overlooking the fact that I'm not asking, I'm talking about my right to live with my wife while I study. - I tried to speak as stiffly as possible to smooth over the impression of the Headmaster's previous phrase. - And as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Wizengamot, which, by the way, you are no longer a member of, I confirm that my request is legitimate.

- Mr Potter, we will return to this conversation in my office. - Dumbledore's voice rumbled.

I shrugged my shoulders.

- If it pleases you to discuss this fact further for some reason, you may try.

Dumbledore didn't flinch, enduring a slap from his own student, but I could see that Snape, who was sitting next to him, was even more annoyed with me than before. Involuntarily, I felt not even hatred for the man, but rather a pitying and contemptuous contempt for him-the man who hated me not as Harry Potter, but as James Potter's son, and who, even after many years, had been unable to overcome his long-standing grudges against my long-dead father. I didn't make excuses for my father," Sirius had told me a lot about their company's pastimes, including their constant skirmishes with Snape, both over Lily and for the thrill of it. Sirius spared neither himself nor James in his stories, and he often regretted his past reckless and even cruel actions, but James had been dead for years, and his godfather had served nearly fifteen years in Azkaban on bogus charges. I realised now that Snape would unfortunately stop at nothing to take revenge on the dead man through his son, especially as I embodied all the worst traits for him - wealth, power, luck. Augusta Longbottom, whose seat at the table this time was next to Snape, glanced sympathetically at the alchemist, but did not say a word. Then the old wizard's gaze shifted to her own grandson, who was chatting with Luna, and her expression softened.

Taking Fleur under my arm, I headed for the Ravenclaw table. Despite the occlumency lessons and the Mask of Madness, I could feel a lot of eyes on me. The angry eyes of Ron, Ginny, and Hermione glaring back at me, the jealous attention of Zhou Chang, but Fleur, with her empathy, was no easier to deal with, for her Weil spells could make a weak-willed person forget everything but that girl.

- Neville, move over," I gave Neville, who was sitting on the edge, a friendly shove, encouraging him to let us sit down next to his friends.

Neville, still smiling at the spectacle we'd put on, moved closer to Luna, giving me and Fleur a seat behind the bench in the front row.

- Harry," I was immediately accosted by several unfamiliar Ravenclaws. - Where have you been so long?

- Where?" I put my right hand on the table so that the cast gold seal with the Potter crest glinted in the torchlight. - Doing my own kind of work that Dumbledore was preventing me from completing, what else?

- You went to another school? - Padma Patil asked me with a soft smile, which, unlike her rather odd sister, I had nothing against.

- Yes, Padma, I spent a year at Beauxbaton. - I smiled back, immediately getting elbowed in the side by Fleur.

Neville, who noticed this, laughed, ignoring Snape frowning at the table.

- That's it, Harry, you're a married man now, and it's dangerous for you to even smile at another girl.

Neville was in turn hit in the side by Luna's sharp elbow, and the girls laughed slyly.

- A female conspiracy," Neville and I summarised in one voice. - Sung together....

- Really, Harry," Michael Corner, who I knew from Neville's and Luna's letters that he was dating Ginny Weasley, came forward this time. But now he was staring at Fleur with a look that was clearly the full effect of my wife's Weasley charms.

- In fact," he continued, swallowing down his saliva, "when did you get married? - When did you get married?

- I think we should talk about this later, guys," I held up my hands reassuringly. - The Headmaster is about to give a speech...

- You don't like Dumbledore," Luna played along with me, looking at me shrewdly.

- No, I don't," I almost felt uncomfortable under the many Ravenclaw stares I was getting.

- My friends!" The Headmaster stood up from his seat and gave the crowd a benevolent look that I would have called a kindly grandfather's look if I hadn't known the old trickster's rotten soul so well. - I am pleased to welcome old and new students here. I remind you that the Forbidden Forest remains forbidden, those who attempt to reach it will be punished. Argus Filch, Hogwarts Housekeeper, has provided us with a new list of five hundred and forty items forbidden to be kept or used in the castle. Those who wish to read the full list can see it on the stand near the main entrance. Also, all orders through the UUU catalogue are forbidden at Hogwarts, as it contains items that are dangerous to students' health.

- Next... - The Headmaster smiled, waving his hands in a burst of enthusiasm. - I would like to introduce you to the new Potions teacher, who has kindly agreed to take up the vacant position....

I pretended not to be aware of Slughorn's appointment to replace Snape, so as not to stand out among the excitedly chattering students. At the Gryffindor table, cheers of joy could be heard at the fact that the Slytherin Dean they hated had finally stopped leading Potions.

- Horace Slughorn, once the teacher of our Professor Severus Snape back in the distant years of the First War, was appointed as the new Potions teacher.

The ashy-haired elderly alchemist stood up, waving good-naturedly to his students and smoothing his bushy moustache.

- Good day, my dears," Slughorn coughed. - I hope that many of the sixth year students who received at least an 'Above Expectation' or 'Excellent' in their fifth year exams will choose my subject as an area to improve their skills.

At that sentence, the teacher was interrupted by a quiet murmur from around the table-Snape never took students who had received "Above Expected" into his Advanced Potions class.

- I, for my part, promise to help those students who excel to further their development as potions masters after graduating from Hogwarts.

With a brief bow and a smile to the delighted students, Slughorn sat back in his seat, relinquishing the role of speaker to the Headmaster.

- Professor Severus Snape, whom you see at the faculty table, has no less graciously accepted my offer to take up the vacant position of Professor of Defence Against Dark Powers," the Headmaster continued, smiling fatherly at Snape.

The former Potions professor's grim face was impenetrable, and I could only guess whether or not he was glad to finally have the position he'd long desired, no longer teaching the finer points of potions to those he'd called nothing more than a herd of sheep.

The tables of all the faculties except Slytherin fell silent - Snape as a teacher of Defence Against the Dark was no better than Snape as a potions teacher.

Snape didn't get up, just gave the students a disdainful look.

- Class schedules will be handed out by the Heads of Faculty during breakfast, tonight you are to inform the Deans of the subjects you have chosen from the electives, and now, EAT!

With Dumbledore's last words, backed up by a wave of his wand, food appeared on the tables. If I hadn't known that the food was delivered by House elf at the Headmaster's mental command, I would have been impressed by the old man's magical power and skill. However... If he wanted to, Dumbledore could probably master even a spell as complex and large-scale as mass materialisation of something other than food - nobody had repealed Gump's Law of Transfiguration yet, so not even the greatest of great mages could create food.

Being somewhat hungry from the trip from London to Hogwarts, I paid tribute to the food that appeared before me - this time the House elf had made banal fried potatoes with bacon, a salad of several varieties of vegetables, and, naturally, pumpkin juice, which horrified many people. Despite being in a conventionally child-safe school, I checked the food lying in front of me and Fleur for added potions. The amulet in the form of a small piece of crystal remained dark, which meant there were no potions in the food. However, mindful of the late Alastor Moody, I recited a few of the spells I'd made myself learn over the summer in preparation for my return to Hogwarts. Clean.

While tending to Fleur during dinner and sliding food onto her plate, I noticed her wrinkling her nose as she looked at the pumpkin juice in her goblet.

- Dobby. - I whispered the elf's name quietly enough that the others couldn't make it out in the noise that accompanied the dinner of over a hundred people.

- Harry's master is back! - the House elf's joyous squeak sounded near the table, where a pleased Dobby materialised.

- Hello, Dobby," I ruffled the house elf's wrinkled ears. - Would you mind getting my wife and I some coffee? And warn the House elf to make sure our cups contain something other than pumpkin juice from now on.

The elf silently disappeared, and instead of pumpkin juice, coffee appeared in the cups.

Fleur thanked me with an affectionate smile, and I made a mental note to give the cunning elf a pair of colourful socks - another loyal observer at Hogwarts would not be out of place.

Finally, when we had finished dinner, the Heads of the faculties began to take the students to their living rooms, and Fleur, Luna, Fleur and I went to the Smart Faculty's dormitory, where neither my wife nor I had ever been before. On the way it turned out that the girls Fleur had met during the Three Wizards' Tournament had already finished their studies at Hogwarts, so she would have to make up her social circle all over again.

However, just before we entered the Ravenclaw dormitory, we were caught up by one of the Hogwarts House elf with a note from Dumbledore.

"My boy, I'm expecting you and your lovely wife in the Headmaster's office, bring a couple of liquorice lollies with you."

- An invitation to a chat from the Headmaster? - Smiling at some of his own thoughts muttered Luna. - He had too many brainiacs and samoyeds in his head for him to be impartial.

- Anything could be... - Sometimes it was hard for me to tell whether Luna was joking or serious.

However, I preferred to go to the Ravenclaw dormitory first and see if Professor Flitwick was there - in a conversation with the Headmaster, I'd rather have an impartial witness who wouldn't allow Dumbledore to abuse his power and ability, especially since the old man had probably brought Snape along for support.

Fortunately, unlike Minerva McGonagall, who placed all matters of faculty governance in the hands of the Heads, Flitwick preferred to run the faculty more on his own. So the little professor sat comfortably on a table in the faculty lounge and instructed the freshmen on the rules of behaviour in the castle and some of the intricacies of life there.

- Professor Flitwick," I showed the half-goblin Dumbledore's letter. - 'Would you, as my dean, mind being present when I speak to the Headmaster?

- Of course," the little man smiled at me and Fleur. - 'I'll make arrangements with the newcomers now, and you and I will head to the Headmaster's tower.

Fifteen minutes later, which Fleur and I spent snuggled up on one of the sofas that were abundant in the drawing room, Flitwick had finished briefing the newcomers and the Heads of the Faculty.

- Mr Potter, Mrs Potter," the professor headed for the exit of the drawing room, and Fleur and I followed, preparing ourselves for a difficult and unpleasant conversation.

- Mr Potter," Flitwick asked without turning around, and I could see the professor's wand flickering like lightning, weaving some sort of complex disguising spell. - How are you doing with occlumency?

- More bad than good, Professor," I answered honestly. - But I am protected by the Mask of Madness.

Flitwick made a vague sound, so it wasn't clear whether he approved or disapproved.

- Let's assume you've answered my question.... - He stretched out. - I take it that the flash of your magic was the result of the Mask being triggered? Who did you take the basis of the emotional shield from?

- From a rapist and murderer sentenced to death," I answered honestly.

Flitwick grimaced.

- I hope you can get your magic under control in these situations. Judging by the way my colleague was shaken up trying to read your mind, you made the right choice, but in a school full of children, I can't approve of such methods.

- The mask worked the first time, Professor," I replied soothingly. - I didn't realise that the imposed emotions would be so strong and pressurising. I think I'll be in control next time.

- I think you should practice, Mr Potter," Flitwick grinned, still waving his wand, the silvery-blue dust falling from it in a shimmering cloud around us. - I'm not as good at Legilimenship as the Headmaster, Professor Snape, or the Dark Lord, but I could try to help you..... It's in my best interests.

- I understand, Professor, and I appreciate it," I replied sincerely.

Flitwick turned his attention to Fleur, who was walking quite calmly. And I caught myself thinking that I didn't know how my wife's mind defence was built.

- How are you getting on with it, Mrs Potter? - Flitwick turned round to Fleur with some concern.

The girl smiled charmingly at Filius, taking advantage of the fact that, as a half-blood, he was almost completely immune to the Weil spell.

- Let's just say that a man who tried to read my mind would be in a lot of trouble.

- Hmm," Flitwick seemed interested, but he refrained from commenting as we reached the foot of the stairs leading to the Headmaster's quarters.

- Licorice lollipops. - I uttered another of the principal's idiotic passwords, eliciting a chuckle from Fleur, who was standing next to me.

- You've kept me waiting, Mr Potter. - Dumbledore, sitting in the chair behind his desk, was not perceived as a polite and hospitable host this time, at least he didn't offer us any tea or lemon wedges.

Seeing that the Headmaster wasn't offering to sit down either, I gave a short wave of my wand, making myself and Fleur comfortable chairs.

- How dare you? - Snape hissed, glaring at me. - To conjure in the Headmaster's office without his permission...

- Professor Snape," I decided, despite my intense dislike of the greasy-haired bastard, that I wouldn't be the first to start a conflict. - I would like to remind you again that I am a member of the Hogwarts Board of Trustees and a member of the Wizengamot of England, so I have the right to sit in the chair even in your and Headmaster Dumbledore's presence, and my wife can do the same.

Flitwick, who was standing at my side, calmly made his way to a vacant chair in the corner of the study and settled himself on the back of it, leaning back against the wall. To my great surprise, the phoenix that had been sitting on Dumbledore's desk immediately moved into the little professor's lap, eliciting a disgruntled look from the headmaster.

Snape opened his mouth to reprimand and humiliate me, as he usually did at the first opportunity, but Flitwick interrupted him.

- Headmaster, colleague, student Potter asked me to attend your conversation because I am the Dean of his faculty. And since I was busy distributing assignments to the Heads, we arrived a little late.

- Really, Filius," Dumbledore began, "you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble, we can have a private conversation with Mr Potter without you having to leave your faculty.

- I think my students' business is my business too, Headmaster," the half-goblin squinted ironically, stroking the hilt of the short dagger on his belt absentmindedly.

Dumbledore didn't reply, shifting his gaze to me.

- Mr Potter," he began. - It seems to me that giving you your own room would be detrimental to the morale of Hogwarts students.

- What do you mean, Headmaster Dumbledore? - To be honest, this start of bargaining surprised me.

- We don't emphasise boy-girl relationships for the underclassmen during their studies, and if you and Mrs Potter are given a separate room, it will come as a shock to them, perhaps.

- I was wondering, Headmaster, what advice do you have for this situation? - I realised what the Headmaster was getting at, and what he would try to persuade me to give up my demands, but curiosity took its toll.

- I think you, Mr Potter, can live in the Ravenclaw faculty dormitories just as well, and you, Mrs Potter.....

- Lord Potter, Headmaster Dumbledore, you're forgetting yourself again. Thank you, I see your point. - I took the liberty of interrupting the manipulator who was about to speak. - However, I am well aware of the Hogwarts Charter, which clearly states that married students of Hogwarts must live separately from other students in their assigned rooms. There are enough empty rooms at Hogwarts that are suitable for housing.

- I don't think giving Potter a separate room would be appropriate, Headmaster," Snape grinned. - It would cause a great deal of resentment among the aristocratic families.

- Aristocratic families loyal to Voldemort, Professor Snape? - I grinned just as viciously, gathering all my willpower to maintain self-control. - Considering that up to this point it had never cost aristocrats anything to call a Muggle-born wizard a mudblood, insult, humiliate, curse, or beat him up - I didn't think these people deserved any special privileges.

- You have no proof, Potter," Snape bellowed.

- Hmm... - Need I remind you of what Mr Malfoy used to say in your lessons?

- We're getting off topic, gentlemen," Flitwick argued. - Let us return to where we started. Personally, I don't think it would do any great harm to have Mr and Mrs Potter living apart from the rest of the students. Rather the opposite, given that I know Mr Potter well, the example of their family may have a beneficial effect on the underclassmen's idea of family life. Rarely has there been such a beautiful couple with such vivid feelings. So I think it's justified, even apart from the Charter.

- Hmm," the Headmaster stroked his beard. - Do you think it will prove useful, Filius?

- I'm sure it will. - The half-goblin said flatly, rocking back in his chair. Obeying his careless gestures, a ball of dim light floated in front of Flitwick's face, and Fawkes tried to peck at the incomprehensible thing with his curved beak.

Snape grimaced, but the Headmaster, who had received further confirmation of his, to my taste, delusional theory about the magical power of love, seemed determined to set aside his objections.

- Very well, Mr Potter," Dumbledore nodded, "I will have the House elf prepare quarters for you near the Ravenclaw dormitory. That's not all I'd like to talk about today, however.

I felt Fleur tense faintly beside me, and Flitwick's eyes were filled with eager anticipation. The dueling master never hung his weapon on the wall.

To my surprise, the Headmaster had judged the balance of power correctly, and he didn't ask me categorically where I'd been since I'd escaped his care a year ago, or how I'd dared refuse his wise guidance. Instead, it was the exact opposite.

- Mr Potter," the Headmaster gave me a kindly grandfatherly look, and I felt soft feathers tickle under my skull, "Can you tell me why you're applying to be a sixth year at Hogwarts right away? After all, you left your relatives as soon as you completed only your fourth year.

- Headmaster, if this was your plan to find out where I've been all this time, then I can answer that - in France, with the people who helped me get back on my feet, not slipping me potions and best friend candidates!!!! - The mask of Madness solidified in my head and filled my mind with bloodlust.

- I don't know what you're talking about right now, Mr Potter. - The Headmaster tensed perceptibly.

- Need I remind you of your own words, Headmaster Dumbledore? - I interjected sarcastically. - 'The boy's feelings for young Ginevra Weasley are best awakened gradually...', 'You must not write to him all summer, and when he returns to Burrow he will be much more cooperative.'

With each word, Dumbledore turned paler and paler, and I tried to control the rage raging inside - it was suddenly hard to be around the man who had prepared me for slaughter in cold blood and placed me in a branch of his personal hell for years to come.

- Potter," Snape jumped up from his seat. - You are delusional and utterly ridiculous!

- Lord Potter, Mr Snape," I turned back to the potionist, still staring at the Headmaster in his chair out of the corner of my eye. - And if you're really interested, I personally heard those words in the Headmaster's office. Now sit down and shut up before I remember how you behaved towards me while I was a defenceless student!

An aura of incredible, sensual energy shattered the bloody fog in my head. Severus Snape turned dramatically pale, his black eyes glittering feverishly. Turning back to Fleur, I realised that the Headmaster had tried to test his Legilimency abilities on the girl, and her natural charms were now trying to shield the half-veil's mind from exposure by breaking through the Potions Master's mental shields.

- I don't suggest you say that again, Headmaster Dumbledorrrr," Fleur said in a voice ringing with rage.

I released the magic that had built up inside of me, and the room went cold.

I don't know what would have happened next, but at that moment Flitwick, who had been silent, intervened in what was slowly turning into a brawl. He intervened in the most radical way possible, simply releasing into the space between us the spell he had woven but not activated in the Great Hall. A great fire hydra, spitting droplets of liquid flame, hissed at the crowd, trying to get a good grip on someone with the crooked teeth of its many jaws.

- I think we should all calm down and stop the conflict, gentlemen and ladies," Flitwick was melancholy and thoughtful, not affected by Vale's charms. Only the more abrupt movements than usual suggested that he was having a hard time controlling the creature he had created or summoned.

Snape took a few steps back, literally pressing his back into the wall, his lips whispering some sort of spell. Finally he snatched a vial of blue glass from his pocket and drained it in a volley, immediately relaxing. Snape's black eyes were fixed on Fleur, as if Snape recognised her as far more dangerous than I was. In a way, though, he did.

- The Beauxbaton exam papers," I said, ignoring Snape, and with a wave of my wand I sent a copy of the certificate to Dumbledore's desk. - It's strange that the copy I sent earlier wasn't read by you, if you're wondering about the legitimacy of my sixth year at Hogwarts, Headmaster.

Dumbledore scrutinised the scroll placed before him, though I was more than certain he had already read the copy I had sent earlier.

- Professor Flitwick, since the subject of exams has come up," I turned my attention to my Dean, "I'd like to choose a list of the subjects I'll be taking this year right away.

- That would be fine, Mr. Potter, considering that Beauxbaton and Hogwarts have slightly different curricula.

Snape stared at me with contempt in his gaze, and I could literally read what he was thinking. "Don't you dare pick Advanced Potions, you little puppy." And I didn't deceive his expectations, even though Snape was no longer teaching Potions, he still had a soul for the subject and was convinced of my utter mediocrity.

- I'd like to study Transfiguration, Spells," Flitwick smiled at that, "Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Ancient Runes, and Herbalogy this year.

- An interesting choice," Flitwick shook his head. - But quite reasonable, I think.

- Why do you want to choose Runes, Mr Potter? - The Headmaster intervened. - You didn't study them at Hogwarts.

- I studied them for a year at Beauxbaton and extra with tutors.

- There's no room in Potions for people with less than an 'Excellent' in their transfer exams," Snape tried to press what he thought I wasn't confident enough in.

- Horace Slughorn accepts students with 'Above Expected' for exams into his classes, besides... No one is stopping me, as a member of the Board of Trustees, from questioning the quality of Potions teaching at the school when three or four students from all four faculties are admitted to the advanced course each year, of which this year only one Miss Granger is not a Slytherin.

- You are prejudiced, Mr Potter," Snape turned pale with indignation.

- And you, Professor? You may well read in the next issue of the Prophet the reasons why you've been taking points off my faculty and me personally for four years. I have that information.

Seeing that Dumbledore was about to object, I continued in a louder voice:

- And then, gentlemen, since I'm known in England as the Boy Who Survived, who's going to stop me from giving a few interviews where I talk about the reception I received in my first year at Hogwarts in more detail and with a bit more personalisation? With the current situation in the country, with Voldemort's henchmen attacking muggles and wizards, I can get away with it. But you, Headmaster, and you, Mr Snape, will be out of office the same day my interviews appear in the Prophet. And Cornelius Fudge will be happy to help you with that; he'll be happy to finally catch his main political opponent in such a mistake.

- Back to the subject of separate quarters for the Potters," Flitwick intervened, with a careless wave of his hand, causing the hydra to burst into a maelstrom of sparks. - There are rooms near the Ravenclaw dormitory specifically designed for couples. I think they'd be perfect, unless the Headmaster has any other suggestions.

- Hmm," Dumbledore, who had been silent all this time, and who I guessed was trying to find a way to break through the defences of my mind, finally broke away from his fruitless attempts. - I have no objection to separate rooms, provided there are no articles in the papers with your interviews about Hogwarts.

- This is unacceptable. - I stood up abruptly. - Unacceptable because we have every right to a separate life at Hogwarts from the other students without your condition. Headmaster Dumbledore, since you are violating the Hogwarts charter and my rights with your refusal, I will be forced to leave your castle and return the papers to Beauxbaton. With an appropriate report to the English newspapers about the reasons for your choice of school, of course.

Flitwick looked calmly at what was going on - the half-goblin didn't really care where I was going to be trained, as he was more concerned with the safety of the students.

I took Fleur under my arm and headed for the door, ignoring the furious Headmaster and the Potions Master, Flitwick grinning and slipping softly behind us, rightly judging that there was nothing more to talk about.

- You were right about something, Mr Potter," the Spells professor said as we descended the stairs. - The Headmaster had no right to do that, and I'll be sorry if you go to France again. True, in that case Hogwarts won't be attacked by the Dark Lord's servants to capture you.

- I think that they will try to take control of Hogwarts anyway, that's the reason why I came back to England, although I could quite easily complete my studies under the guidance of hired teachers and just pass the exams. - I understood the professor's feelings, and spoke frankly. - In my opinion, the more alliance supporters there are in the school, the better the children will be protected.

- Which you obviously don't think you are," Flitwick grinned, glancing at Fleur, who laughed.

- I think, Professor," Fleur smiled, "I don't think we're both children, even though Harry is in his sixth year.

- He hasn't even been in his sixth year for a day," Flitwick laughed suddenly, "and he's already decided to drop out.

- It's a shame, so we'll have to think of other options for protecting the school and for my legalisation in the country. - I grimaced. - The bloody Headmaster still thinks everyone has to dance to his tune.

- I never thought it would be this bad," Fleur touched my shoulder sympathetically.

- I guess I'll have to go to the Potter family estate and prepare for war.... Which I was going to do in parallel with my studies. It's better that way, though; I won't have to worry about poison in a glass of pumpkin juice.

- Lord Potter," my wand was immediately out of its sheath and aimed at the housekeeper with the Hogwarts crest. - Your quarters in the west tower are ready.

- That bastard didn't want to lose face," I hissed.

Flitwick laughed, probably for the first time in as long as I'd known the little professor.



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