
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
23 Chs

Chapter 2 : Compensation

Long Tian touched one of the herbs with a random movement of his hand and a screen appeared in front of him

  [Name]: Spraca / Spiritual

  [Introduction]: Spiritual grade herb that strengthens the body and enhances physical fitness slightly (Immature and damaged)

  [Status]: Upgradable, Restorable

  [Energy Points]: 2

' Shall I restore them and end the problem ? '

' No ! Everyone is watching me now '

' As they have already seen the damaged herbs, I will wait for another opportunity to test the effects of this ability'

Long Tian's mind quickly moved to look for a way out of this predicament

He initially thought of using this strange ability of his, but he eventually changed his mind and decided not to rush and wait to test its effects later when he was alone, and get rid of this problem in a simpler way

" Mmm ! "

" Aaah ! "

Long Tian pretended to have just woken up, then he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people around him soullessly, then turned to look at his aunt Long Jia who was supporting his body and hugging him gently

" Auntie, what's the matter ? My head hurts badly ! "

" Tian, are you okay ? "

Long Jia felt overjoyed when she saw that Long Tian had woken up and had not lost his mind and become insane, then she quickly asked him

" How are you Tian, where do you feel the pain besides your head ? "

" Don't worry, I'm much better now, just my head still hurts a little "

Long Tian shook his head slightly, then tightened his arms and hugged his aunt tightly, feeling the softness of her big breasts better

' Hehe~~, I'm in heaven '

" Long Tian ! You'd better be fine and well so that you can bear the consequences of your mistakes and be held accountable for your crime "

" The elders won't tolerate you after you destroyed the village's precious property and broke the rules ! "

Tian immediately heard Long Hai's sharp and vicious voice wich interrupted his bliss and made him furious

' Damn it, can't you wait until you're punished, instead you still dare to continue to anger and interrupt me when I'm almost reaching the truth of the universe ? Well, you brought it upon yourself '

Long Hai, on the other hand, was afraid that the circumstances would change and he would be unable to frame Long Tian as time went on, and he might even be discovered and lied to, so he wanted to hurry up and finish this matter quickly, that's why he intervened and interrupted them

" What ? "

Tian showed an extremely surprised expression at his words and said in a loud voice

" Me !? When did i destroy the body strengthening herbs ? Don't talk nonsense and accuse me, Long Hai ! "

Long Tian said with tears in his eyes and then continued with a sad expression

" I was going to collect my fish cage early in the morning, then I fainted halfway and found myself here when I woke up "

He then pointed to the damaged grass and shouted for the injustice he had suffered

" It wasn't me who did it ! "

' Hehe, who can't act ? '

' Damn it, I'm not acting at all here, it's the truth! '

Hearing what Long Tian said, the people around them were surprised

" It's not him ? "

" Then who could it be ? "

" Looking at the child's appearance, it seems that he has truly been wronged ! "

" I can't confirm that, would you really believe the nonsense made up by a child ? "

" Then is he the culprit ? "

As the chaos grew and spread, the white-bearded old man waved his hand to stop those passersby and said

" Long Tian, you said that you fainted, but do you know what caused it ? "

" I don't know, I didn't see anyone else at that time, but as soon as I got near the garden, I fainted and I don't know what happened after that "

Long Tian thought for a while and then decided not to mention Long Hai's name directly

On the one hand, he had no evidence, so even if he accused him directly, it would be of no use, and just by keeping quiet he would make people certain that he had been wronged and violated, and they would deduce the truth of what had happened themselves. On the other hand, Long Hai was still one of the village chief's sons and Long Tian would definitely have no interest in fighting him at this time, especially since he knew his family's situation from his memories

After seeing the crowd's reaction and how they started to seriously think about the incident, Long Hai hurriedly said

" You said you don't know how you got here, do you have any proof ? Besides, you don't usually pass by here at all, so why did you change your path today and pass by here to get to your fish cage like you claim ? "

" That's right ! Is it just a coincidence ? He doesn't usually pass by this side but as soon as he did, something happened ? "

" Did he maybe want to go to the river path behind the garden ? "

" I don't think it's that simple ! "

" He said that no one saw him at that time, so who did it ? "

" There was no one else.. , right.. ? "

" You mean ! … "

Long Tian and Long Hai's words gave the people around them different ideas about the incident and even the look in Long Suny's eyes towards Long Hai had changed and it seemed as if he had discovered something so he decided to intervene and quickly end the incident

" Enough, Long Hai! Let Long Tian continue explaining ! "

' This idiot ! Doesn't he realize that he'll expose himself this way ? '

' Damn it, how will I explain to the village chief if it gets out ? '

" Look at the back of my head, the blow is still swollen ! "

Long Tian looked a little sad and frightened, slowly turning around and exposing the back of his head, suddenly a severly swollen blow appeared in front of everyone's eyes

" Oh my God ! "

" That child wasn't lying ! "

" It seems we misunderstood him . The boy was really beaten ! "

" Who could do this to the child and why ?! "

Seeing the bulge behind Tian's head, everyone was in a bad mood and didn't like the situation

From her side, when Long Jia saw the severity of the bulge behind Tian's head, her eyes turned red and sharp and she was extremely angry

Long Hai was a little scared now, he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, his lips trembled, but he gritted his teeth and decided to continue the matter to the end

" You probably fell yourself, also, you were the only one here. If It wasn't you, so who do you think harmed the Spraca Grass ? "

Long Jia didn't wait to hear his words and stood up, holding Tian's hand wile she stared at Long Sanye coldly, not caring about his strength or status

On the other side, the latter's expression became strange after realizing that Long Jia had already understood this farce and was waiting for him to explain

He sighed heavily before staring at Long Hai and pretending to guide him as he tried his best to restrain himself from slapping this idiot

" Stop, Long Hai, Long Tian is obviously innocent, don't worry I'll handle the case from here "

" But aa … "

Long Hai wasn't convinced and wanted to continue, but as soon as his eyes met Elder Sany's, he trembled with fear and the words got stuck in his throat

Long Sany turned to face Long Jia and then spoke to her slowly

" Long Jia, I'm really sorry for what happened to Long Tian this time "

" It seems that the security system around the garden needs to be reviewed "

" Don't worry, I'll make sure to compensate you for the accident and this false accusation "

As he spoke, Long Sanyi took out a small bag and gave it to Long Tian and then turned to face the crowd

" Okay, since it's okay so far, you can all leave ! "

Village elder Long Sani has always been highly respected in the village, and his seniority is extremely high. Now that he spoke, everyone listened to his words and left the garden, but before that, they all looked at Long Hai strangely

' fuck the spoiled bastard '

He bothers them early in the morning , accuse a chikd, and even beats him up to the point of killing him

Does he think they are fools ? How can everyone not see what happened, especially with Elder Sany's intervention ?

" Long Tian, don't worry, Long Hai made a mistake today by accusing you. The clan will pay you a small compensation for that "

Elder Suny looked at Long Tian who still had an aggrieved expression on his face and tried to calm him down while stroking his beard

" Elder Suny, the main problem isn't that Long Tian was wrongly accused "

" But look at his head ! He was beaten up so badly that he could have lost his life ! "

Long Jia was still angry at what happened to Tian and she didn't like how Elder Suny handled the situation and how he wanted to calm it down quickly

" Okay, okay, didn't you say earlier that you wanted Long Ruru to join the Black Snake Academy ? "

" I will agree to that and guarantee her a place in the village's quota if her potential exceeds three stars, and i will also keep the same offer for Long Tian next year "

Long Sany thought for a while and then gave his suggestion to Long Jia

He could see that Long Hai the bastard was the one who did it this time

If the compensation wasn't made properly and the matter wasn't ended here, the story would spread and once it reached the ears of the village chief, he wouldn't like how he handled it and failed to calm it down

So the decision to let Long Ruru and long tian join the Black Snake Academy for free was only made because of his careful thinking

They were all from the village anyway, so it wasn't like he was helping a stranger, and for Long Tian, he had turned twelve a few months ago and was fit to learn martial arts, so it was right to give him some white spirit stones as compensation

" This … "

Long Jia hesitated after looking at Long Tian and she was ready to refuse

This is compensation for Long Tian, it has nothing to do with her or Ruru, so she didn't want to take his things

But before she could speak, Long Tian pulled her by the sleeve and nodded for her to agree on this condition

Long Jia was a bit puzzled but when she saw Long Tian's steady gaze she reluctantly agreed

" Alright, then I'll thank the old man in advance "

Elder Suny smiled at her while still cursing Long Han in his mind

' Damn, if it weren't for that idiot, I wouldn't have had to lose this position and i would have gained more advantages if I gave it to someone else ? '

' I'll make sure to punish him and ask for appropriate compensation from the village chief later '