
Chapter One

"We share no hope or destiny

Just something you can't see clearly

Baby, you keep holding on to me for so long

Didn't I say before, baby it's over!" The director walked in and turned off the recording and opened the glass door he told fire to step inside.

Fire took off the headphones and grabbed his notebook. Director had a few binders that were filled with papers he set them down on the table and a young girl that was a few years younger than fire walked in and sat with them. She looked like a devil and had a scary smile on her face while she looked at Fire.

"Fire this is cath, she is a mysterious actor and will be filmed in your next video with her older sister. Her family is looking for Jasmin and they need as much help, she's my granddaughter and I'm asking you personally if you could help because you have a talent and a very gifted soul for finding. These are pictures of my grandaughter throughout the years." Director opened up the binder and scooted it across the round table.

Fire looked through the binder, he hoped it wasn't a joke or some prank. Fire looked at cath and tried to look her in the eyes but she had a pair of eyes painted above her real eyes. Cath had herself looking like a clown. Fire decided to change the subjects about the granddaughter and her photos and looking at the cath.

"That was different, there weren't any missing people like a girl or woman. You've always threatened me if I didn't help you with whatever." fire mentioned.

"Oh, that's a good point son." the director rubbed his chin.

Fire was curious about the girl and why his boss called him a son because he never called him a son in personal life or business, why today?

"Can someone please tell me about, this Whoville?" fire asked whispering the last part.

"Don't call my big princess a Whoville. Dr. Seuss, I beg your pardon for being here and not in your grave. or would you prefer to be Rudolph the red nose reindeer? He's celebrated all we just need is a hammer to smash your nose and give you a glowing red lightbulb for your nose." Cath stared fire down like a hawk.

"You just got burned," director turned on some pop music and smirked.

Fire raised one eyebrow, his mind was going to explode from two creeps, two monsters, he grabbed the binder and looked at the latest picture of her and compared her to cath.

"She's your half-sister, you stole her boyfriend and now she's furious. Nobody tells me anything so I'm guessing!" fire watched as Cath was turning into a monster she was looking deadly with her mouth open and her body turning black with fur all over.

Cath looked like a mutt, she had black fur darker than paint or hair, her jaws were filled with razor-sharp teeth, her eyes color was brown but cold enough to rip millions of people apart with just one look.

Cath was like a monster who roamed the earth for generations to come and she was the first insight.

"What the f*uck is she?!!" fire screamed jumping out the chair and sticking to the ceiling.

"You think I'm an ignorant savage

And you've been so many places

I guess it must be so

But still, I cannot see

If the savage one is me

How can there be so much that you don't know

You don't know

You think you own whatever land you land on

The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim

But I know every rock and tree and creature

Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people

Are the people who look and think like you

But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger

You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned

Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind,"

Grandpa turned on audio that had been stored in the

Fire was calm something inside him triggered him back to the past where he met the small girl who gave him everything she could offer. His heart was pounding but his physical feelings felt weird.

"That's kitty, we met ten years past. She is the one who saved me from being like that Whoville." Cath jumped up on the furniture and growled, she was louder than a lion and braver.

"Back to the past!" Cath jumped off.

A few more people walked in, they were odd with long brown hair, red eyes, blue clothes, they all walked in once the first person from there gang yelled. But fire was thankful they did it because he was saved from bad breath.

"We found the last social camera where Jasmin was last seen." one of the odd guys looked at fire and he blinked from the opposite direction.

"When will anybody tell me what's going on? Honestly, I'm confused and lost, show or explain something!"

Cath transformed back into the clown, fire fell off the ceiling and landed on his back, the odds and cath grabbed something from behind there back and pulled out something like a hologram device. It was showing holograms of random stuff like pie.

"Jasmin named you fire because of the energy that burns inside you... you have a connection with her she gave you a necklace that's a very valuable object and an important connection to her and us. Give!" Cath held out her hand waiting for the object.

Fire just looked at the cath with a no emotional face.

"When I met the jas who gave me a necklace she and I made a promise but I wouldn't say it really means something to be or to me because I work and live in my own life alone. She wouldn't give a damn about me or theme now." Fire kept a straight face, cath ran her hand out the hologram device twice and the Jasmin appeared in a hologram.

"Fire if you ever receive this message find cath and her fiancee they will help you to unlock your power. Your mother had been with you this whole time she has been protecting you from the shadows now i must surrender myself to the shadows before all of us are gone. The legend of the shadow of the night is real, when you fall asleep they kill. Please save me, I need you." Fire was about to cry because he was thinking wtf.

Hello everyone! This is a story based on true events about the shadows and besides that, it's just my imagination! The shadows are a legend, once you fall asleep and your sleeping straight you'll die because the shadows will kill you. You'll wake up as soon as you feel them sitting on your stomach are body is too weak to compete against them when waking up because they choke their victims. We feel like were awake but we can't move our bodies. This has happened to me before and honestly, I'm scared to die but sometimes the shadows live inside are the body and do this everychane or opportunity. I'm so excited to be writing this story. I hope you all will enjoy and give feedback! Enjoy!

JustDreamercreators' thoughts