
Forged Fate

An Assassin with one final mission, to kill the king and bring peace to his country. Succeeding in killing the king but wasn't strong enough to see the plan through he dies knowing that at least he succeeded in his mission. Thinking that this was his end, he met god and got a second chance at life but things don't always turn out how you want them. Will our Mc have the life he has always wanted or will it just be like his last life. ------------ Hi, new author here I hope this turns out well. I have been inspired to write after seeing a bunch of novels and fan fics on here. English is my first and only language but I will probably make some spelling mistakes and the story might not flow as well as most other stories. I will not drop this but I do have a busy life so my updates might not be crazy consistent but I will try to upload at least 1 chapter a week. I do not own the cover picture, if the original creator wants me to take it down just message me and I will. I will also make some references in this novel to help have a better under standing of what I am to visualize. Wish me the best of luck, BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

The End?

The next moment I open my eyes why I don't feel pain anymore and why I am still alive. I remember everything going to plan but why am I not dead. Sitting up I look around at my surroundings. Only seeing pure white everywhere except a black dot in the distance I decided to walk towards it.

After a few hours I stopped walking, the dot didn't even get bigger instead it seemed to get farther away. At first I thought that maybe it was a moving object so I started to pick up speed but it seemed to speed up as well. It kept matching my speed. I even stopped a couple of times but it still moved when I wasn't.

When I was about to get up I felt a pulling force towards the black dot and next thing I knew I was in front of the black dot. Well more specifically the black dot was actually a desk with a person sitting at it and a chair on the other side.

The person sitting at the desk seemed to be asleep so I decided to pull the chair in front of the desk and sit there waiting for the man to wake up.

Greyson was a patient person but everyone has their limits. Greyson wasn't in a rush since he finished his life's work but waiting for 24 hours and not doing anything but just stare at the person in front of you sleeping will get on your nerves.

Greyson did try to fall asleep but he wasn't tired. In fact ever since he woke up he hasn't felt tired even when he was running/walking when trying to reach this place.

Having enough of this, Greyson finally decided to speak up. "So are you going to keep sleeping or are you going to explain things to me?"

"Haha, finally had enough! I was actually getting bored, myself. Normally people last a few minutes before going insane but you lasted 24 hours!" A man said while sitting up. After sitting up Greyson got a better look at this person.

The man in front of him looked to be around 25, 5'11", green short shaggy hair, blue eyes and wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Seeing no surprise in Greyson's eyes or expression, after the man in front of Greyson just started talking enthusiastically out of nowhere. The man squinted his eyes quizzically and said.

"You aren't surprised about my change of behavior."

"Well no, I knew you were faking. Your breathing pattern didn't align with someone who is asleep. You were 0.5 sec too quick and it was at that speed the entire time you were 'asleep'. People usually take a deep breath after once in a while and start to move around a little bit since it is not comfortable to stay in the same spot for too long." Greyson said as if what he just said was basic knowledge.

The man went wide eyed for a 0.01 second before going back to normal, this didn't go past Greyson. The man was surprised but then remembered who was in front of him. Greyson also known as Grey for short but mainly known as the White reaper. Guinness in combat and acting nothing went past him.

"*Sigh*, well nothing goes past you. My name is Earth. I am what you call 'God' but really I am more like the world you existed in. You are here because I lost/won a bet. I bet with Mars that you would fail your last mission while Mars said you would succeed. While you did succeed in your mission, you died before seeing it through. So Mars was technically won but he did specifically say 'you'll succeed and live to see it through'. If I won Mars, you would have gone to heaven but if I won, you would have gone to Hell. So to compromise you'll be reincarnated for saving your world or whatever."

"So, let me get this straight. You had a bet on whether I would succeed in my mission or not. You both lost so I am just going to be thrown into some random world?" I said dumbfounded that my fate was left to a bet.

"Ya, basically but don't worry. You will have 3 wishes before you get reincarnated. But first let me tell you a little about the world you are going to, to help you with some ideas for your wishes. The world is set in the medieval era for infrastructure wise because the world focuses on solving their problems through magic and there are monsters that attack villages. Now that I have told you everything that I had to, go and say your wishes." Earth said in a lazy tone.

After thinking for a while on the wishes I want I decide to ask. "Will I get to keep my memory of my previous life or will that require a wish to keep it?" I asked to make sure I don't get cheated out by this 'god' who for some reason doesn't like me.

"*Sigh* You just had to figure it out didn't you. Yes, you will need to use one of your wishes to keep your memories." Earth said exasperated.

"Ok, for my first wish I would like to keep all my memories and skills I had acquired in my lifetime. For my second wish, I wish to be able to use magic in my next life. Specifically being able to use wind, lightning, and non elemental magic. For my last wish, I wish to have a gamer's body, mind, and interface that shows how strong I am compared to other ranks."

"And of course you asked for magic, why wouldn't you since you already found out about erasing your memory. *Sigh* Fine, everything is fine except for your gamers interface. The interface will only show your strength, you won't be able to increase your strength through levels. It will only help you to look at it instead of paying a fee at the church to see what level you are at." The 'God' said totally done with everything.

"Well, to never seeing each other again and hoping you die sooner than later." The god said before snapping his fingers and I disappeared.