
Forest's Redemption

"Charlie, please!" I begged her again. "Just tell me what's wrong. Tell me what I did wrong. I'll fix it. I swear, I'll fix it." I was on my knees in her University's student park. People were staring, some were even taking pictures of the bizarre scene infront of them, but I didn't care. The woman I love has spent two and a half months not answering any of my calls or replying to any of my messages. And now here I was begging her to not give up on us and she was...eating ice cream? "Forest, you need to go!" She whispered screamed while camera phones flashed at us. "I said we're over. Just let it go!" "No!" I practically roared. "I love you, Charlie and...and I know for a fact that you love me too. So no. We're not over. We'll never be over." ******* After a shattering break up, Forest finally finds a way to put it behind him and move on.After five years of trying to forget the love of his life, she suddenly reappears and tells him she wants him back. Forest has a choice to make - forget the past and be with the only woman he's ever loved or uncover the mystery behind the break up and go digging in a past that everyone is trying to hide. *** This story may not be published on any other platform in any form whatsoever without the express written consent of the author, Eli Stone.

Eli_Stone · Urbain
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66 Chs

Chapter 23: Charlotte's POV

Lisa Mitchell.

A woman I respect.

She came in with that cold and rigid walk she was known for on campus. Of course she's wearing a navy blue dress that does nothing for her figure or her skin tone. It stops right below her knees and gives her body the shape of a box.

The Mitchell women can afford things most people can only dream of and yet they all insist on wearing clothes that do absolutely nothing for their figure or their skin tone. I know Lauren only changed her wardrobe once I came back into Forest's life. Before that, she dressed just like her sister.

Lisa is here attending a Sunday lunch in a garden on a beautiful sunny day, but she's dressed like an angry school principal from the 1980s.

She looks hard, cold and rigid because that's precisely what Lisa Mitchell is - hard, cold and rigid. The only thing that softens her look is the little baby bump that's protruding from her belly.

"Ericsson." She gave that million dollar sly smile she was known for in Law School.

"Mitchell." I returned with my own sly smile.

"Mrs Greyson, Annabelle." She gave them a much kinder smile while Lauren also greeted Mrs Greyson and Annabelle, but not me.


Forest started making his way to us the second he saw the three of them coming to the garden. He was now standing beside me with a hand placed on the small of my back.

We exchanged superficial niceties... the most superficial niceties.

The air around us was awkward and tense, but that much was expected. What I didn't expect is the way Forest is acting towards Lauren. He seems displeased to see her attending today's lunch even though I included her when I planned the whole thing. He's looking at her like she did something wrong even though I'm the one who punched the poor girl.

Christian was doing his best to avoid my gaze, which didn't bother me because he usually has an angry glare directed at me. Lauren's eyes were fixed on Forest; the way they always are and of course her eyes were shamelessly begging Forest to give her some kind of affection.

Affection she'll receive once I step out of the way.

Unlike Lisa who is dressed like a school principal, Lauren is dressed like the school principal's rebellious daughter.

She's wearing a short red and white summer dress that's hugging her petite frame tightly and stops right below her behind, barely covering it.

Had she been going to a highschool party, it would have been appropriate, but since this is a lunch for adults, it's making most of us uncomfortable.

However ... not a single person here will say anything about it.

She has worn less clothing than this since I moved in. She's even accidentally dropped her towel in front of me and Forest and no one but me has ever said anything about it. Forest and Christian have made it clear that they see no problem with how Lauren dresses, but Mrs Greyson and Annabelle are new to all her theatrics and they are clearly uncomfortable. But they won't say anything either because of that shiner on Lauren's left eye. It's black, purple and blue and there's some red in the white part of her eye.

No one can say anything to a girl who got punched in the face.

That left me and Lisa. No matter how much we were all laughing, smiling and feigning interest in the shallow conversations we were having, Lisa's eyes never left mine and my eyes never left hers.

"Can I talk to Ericsson alone, please?" Her voice broke through the laughter. "I'd like us to ... catch up..." She sneered the word.

Of course she and I have no catching up to do.

The two of us went to the same Law School. Although it was very clear that our personalities are very much alike, we never became friends. It's not that we disliked one another; we just didn't run in the same circles. I was an undergraduate and she was a postgraduate student. There wasn't much reason for us to be friends, but I still liked her.

She's quick witted, precise, ruthless and extremely intelligent. She would have made an impeccable lawyer, except she chose to become an impeccably educated housewife to a congressman who treats her the way her father treats the women in his life - like tradeable commodities.

She's one of the few people I suspect would have given me a run for my money, but she chose a life that deprives this world of that brilliant mind of hers. She's chosen to pop out kids, take care of a huge grand house, throw extravagant dinner parties and throw too many charity balls in a year.

She's currently carrying her fourth child and rumour has it it's twins this time, but now I see motherhood hasn't softened Lisa Mitchell's cold and calculating demeanour even one bit. It thrills me that she has stepped out of the mold of a perfect and subservient wife just to come and threaten me.

I really have come far.

Everyone dispersed without question. Everyone, except Forest.

"Lucas", she said calmly when he stayed behind, "Ericsson can take care of herself. Believe me. I've seen her in action. They don't call her the black viper for nothing."

Forest shrugged his shoulders.

"I know." He said calmly. "I'm still staying. Let's all catch up together."

She scoffed lightly before her cold blue eyes returned to me.

"You hit my sister." She said with a sly smile.

"I hit your sister." I repeated.

"And then you threatened her."

"And then I made promises I intend to keep if she strays." I corrected her.

Her smile widened and she directed her cold gaze at Lucas. "If you didn't have the Greyson wall protecting you Ericsson, my father would have had your head for doing that to my sister."

"And I would have had your father's throat." Forest responded before I could. "And if need be, I would have had your throat and your mother's throat as well. The Mitchell name would have withered away, Lisa and in case what I said last night is lost on you, I can still make the Mitchell name wither away."

He pulled me into his chest.

It was warm and the sound of his steady heartbeat almost got a soft moan out of me. Before I knew it, my hands were wrapped around his waist and I was rubbing my head against his chest.

I felt like a fucking child wrapped in a cocoon.

I can take on any person in this city or country, even a Mitchell. So why the hell am I leaning into his arms instead of fighting for myself? Why am I letting him fight this battle for me when I know very well that I can fight it myself?

I tried stepping out of his embrace, but my body refused to let me. So instead of standing alone like I usually do, I remained in his protective embrace and smirked at Lisa whose glare had become murderous.

"The black viper has a black stallion." She winced at the scene infront of her.

"Yes." Forest's arms tightened around my waist. "She does."

I felt safe. Oh my goodness, I felt so safe. I always feel safe with Forest.

I was a foster kid in a private school for the richest kids in Oklahoma. I should have gotten bullied and teased that first day in third grade. I could see that the kids were prepared to give me a hard time too and I was going to give them hell in return. However, when he held my hand, most kids understood that I was no longer up for grabs. They wouldn't dare bully Lucas Greyson's friend.

He was just a kid, but he somehow looked past my scars as if they weren't there. He looked at me as if there was no difference between the two of us; as if I was also lucky enough to have parents who loved me. To him I always looked whole, no matter how broken I was.

So I did everything I could to be worthy of him. I picked up whatever pieces were still left and I put myself together so that I could be worthy of this man who loved me when I was unlovable... when I am unlovable.

That's all I've ever wanted - to be worthy of Lucas Greyson.

I was still cuddled up against his chest when Lisa dropped what can only be described as a grenade right in my face.

"Does he know you dropped out? Does he know it was because of the Greyson name that you were allowed back in school?"

I felt like time slowed down just so I could remain trapped in this terrible, excruciating moment.

How was I bested by yet another Mitchell woman? That's fucking two times in a row.

What the hell is happening?

Am I losing my mojo?  Is it because of Forest?  Is he making me soft?

How do they keep doing this?

I tried to let go of Forest, but his hold on me tightened. This is my fight; not his. I've stood alone my entire life. He may have been there during the day at school when the sun was out and we were protected by teachers and sane adults. But he wasn't there at night...I faced every night alone and I will also face this alone.

I tried to get out of his embrace again, but his arms tightened even more.

I looked up at him while he refused to let go of me. The expression on his face was cold and stoic. He appeared unmoved by Lisa's words, but I knew better. He's going to ask me about what she said.

"She's one the best lawyers in this country and your degree is busy collecting dust, Lisa. What's your point?"

Her jaw hit the floor. All the cold and mischief disappeared from her eyes and was replaced by so much shock and pain that I almost felt sorry for her.

Not practicing, not building a career of her own is Lisa Mitchell's scar.

Forest remained unmoved by the dagger he just pierced through this woman's heart. She was practically bleeding right infront of us, but he didn't care.

"She needs to apologise." She forced the words out of her dry mouth. "Ericsson must apologise to my sister for what she did to her. That's the least she can do."

"Sounds reasonable." I replied before Forest could say anything. He looked like he was about to pierce another dagger through Lisa's heart if she didn't leave.

"And the banquet?", she spat angrily. "Lucas, you didn't just promise Lauren that you'd take her as your date; you promised my father and mother. Greysons keep their word. We expect you to keep your word."

She walked away from us so quickly that she was practically running. She couldn't get out of here soon enough.

Forest was still glaring at her so I beckoned for him to look at me.

"Forest", I tried calming him down, "you can go to the banquet with Lauren. I meant what I said. I know I've overstepped and I know I've been overbearing. I'm going to back off and-"

"You're going to tell me what the hell she was talking about." He cut me off.

Charlotte keeps taking losses!

Eli_Stonecreators' thoughts