
Chapter 1

Looking at the beautiful garden through the window of her room, it was so early this morning and the view she got from outside her window was so attractive.such that it made her want to lay back in bed and dream of any movie she could feature in a garden.....

Being an actress, she was just being creative. Getting almost lost in her thoughts,she got distracted by a familiar voice calling out to her

"Tovia Tovia!!" of cause she knew who it was.

It was her best friend whose name was Mia, they had been friends since child hood and were both actresses.

Mia was a cute 21year old lady,she had a dark shiny brown hair and a cute baby pink colour lips which matched with her fair skin. Being a very playful lady, people would always wonder how she was friends with Tovia because Tovia was the opposite of a Playful type of girl.

She was also a 21year old lady with a very long tinted dark shiny hair,a royal pink colour lips and long lashes seeing her was as good as seeing a goddess or something. she was always calm and spoke less

"Tovia!" Mia said

"Yes Mia..... come in" Tovia said as she climbed out of the bed.

"Tovia... don't tell me you're still in bed"

Mia said, walking into the room

"I just woke up" she said, brushing her hair with her finger.

"Come on babes...you have to get down stairs asap" she said with an extremely serious look.

"Why?" Tovia asked confusedly

Your Father is here with your Mum" Mia responded

"what!.... What is he doing here?" Tovia asked with fear obvious in her voice.

" I don't know"Mia answered, shaking her head

"Just hold on,am coming right now" Tovia said, as she dashed into the bathroom and then came back after some minutes with her face wet as a sign that she washed her face

* * *

You might be wondering why she got so scared up on hearing of the presence of her Father.

That is because her Dad is very wicked to her and her family, He isn't her biological father her real dad had left when Tovia and her siblings were little Something's happened afterwards and Tovia's mum who's name is Lara was forced to marry Me Lucian, little did she know that he was the devil him self

He never cared for them he only cared for him 3 daughters which he had for his ex wife whom he killed. He was the most wealthy business man in America

Tovia had two siblings,thy were both males. One was her twin his name was Zavia while the other was the most senior and his name was Angelo

Up on getting to the sitting room, Tovia found her both parents sitting on a properly furnished couch

"Hey Mum,Hello Father"she greeted,but got no response from her Dad apart from her Mum who only managed to smile at her.

"What may I offer you?" she said, taking a sit on an empty sofa opposite her parents.

"Am not here for anything..."Mr Lucian said rudely

"Look it's been a long time since we last saw each other, because I had no use of you,but now I do

You see... one of my oil companies in Korea has Lost a lot of funds lately and by a means of tracking the reason for this massive lose I found out that the manager of my company sold valuable informations to one of my competitors and they are bent on making me go bankrupt.So with this I want you to become an acting manager of the company but your actual job is to dig into those competitors companies and get me informations I can use against them" Mr Lucian said

Though Tovia wasn't happy with this but she had no choice but to obey

"okay Father I'll do as you have said"

she responded

"good... you're leaving tomorrow So would you love to go alone or should I make arrangements for you?" he asked

"I'll alone " "okay... I'll send you the documents required for your take over from the acting manager." he said,as him and Lara stood up to leave

"Have a nice day" Tovia said,as they walked out of the house.