
Football/Soccer: I am the best

Some people say, if God closes a door, he will open a window for you. A man dies of one of the most hated diseases on earth. Cancer. He spent his last days with his family and died while watching the World Cup. He suddenly woke up in another world as a new born baby in a bavarian(located in Germany) city. He had three templates in his mind. Thierry Henry Phillip Lahm Roberto Rivellino I want a few templates you don't see every day. I never heard of a Lahm template or a Henry template. Lahm was the captain of World Cup 2014 Germany. He never got a red card, even though he was a great defender. And Henry without a doubt was a great striker, with his crazy speed and shots. And about Rivellino, he is a perfect fit for the last template. I think this is enough. He will play RV, but will often play as a kind of winger with his speed. And maybe he will play completely as a winger. The reader can decide.

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Last matches before the World Cup

"Hi guys, this is the Maximilian Meyer", he will be your teammate from now on. Joachim said in the accent of his hometown. (The "the" isn't a mistake. It highlights the accent)

After Löw introduced me my fellow Bayern mates came and introduced me again to the others, but in a much more personal manner.

"Hi, I am Reus. It seems that you will be the most handsome man in the national team in the future", Reus made a joke that wasn't a joke and showed his charisma. 

Reus is a very likable man, but he sadly never won a major trophy as he missed the World Cup 2014 due to injury.

After a few days of training, we had the first friendly against Austria, our neighbor from the south.

The game will take place in Klagenfurt, a town in Austria.

In the pre-match tunnel, I saw Alaba and talked with him and we both had a good laugh.

I of course wasn't in the starting eleven. I was sitting on the bench between Reus and another young player called Werner. Werner talked the whole time about Fortnite and how good it is. 

He told me about the best player Emperor in the game. About Fortnite. I had pretty many things to talk about this game. I myself would say I wasn't bad in the game.

At the beginning of the game, Özil made an early goal to make it 1:0 for Germany in the 11th minute. After that, the game was pretty even. Nothing major happened till the end of the first half.

At the beginning of the second half, Hinteregger made it 1:1 and everyone began their first substitutions. In the 68th minute, central midfielder Gündogan(Gundogan) made a mistake and caused the 1:2. Both central midfielders didn't seem to be playing good today. Suddenly Löw had an idea. He called me to warm up.

Soon after he substituted me in and Gündogan off. The reason wasn't Gündogan's mistake but to experiment. He told me his arrangements.

I soon told them to the others.

After that, I went to right back and Kimmich to central midfield.

Soon after the game continued. It was currently the 74th minute on time and the game was the same as ever. Nobody was tired as you can substitute as much as you want in the friendlies.

I started to get more and more confident and made more dribblings and solo actions like Grandpa told me. Sometimes I would pass the ball too late at the beginning, but I quickly adapted thanks to Rivellino's template. 

In the 81st minute, Germany advanced very much up front and was pretty stuck. 

Kimmich made a high-arc pass to change sides to the fast Sane and I advanced with an even higher speed than Sane beside him. Sane quickly passed the ball towards the goal kick sidelines and I caught the ball and cut in. I passed the ball back to the penalty point and there was Werner shooting the ball in the lower right corner hitting the net.

Me and Werner celebrated using our favourite Fortnite emote True Heart. (I will upload a YouTube video of it. Sadly I can't use my own GIFs in WebNovel. Should I make a discord, where I can comment the gifs? If someone who is in the Discord knows how to put them in WebNovel and does that, it would be perfect)

After that, there was nothing special to do. We tried to start a few offenses but it didn't work out and on the defensive side I didn't need to do too much as Hummels and Boateng were clearing everything easily on their own.

Soon after the game ended and we drew 2:2 against Austria. 

A few days after that we will have the other match of this international break.

We will play against Saudi Arabia.

The game will be played in Germany, Leverkusen. It is almost exactly one week before the World Cup.

Time flows by and it is already the 60th minute of the game against the Saudis. The game is pretty boring and I didn't want to annoy anyone with reading it. 

But now I get substituted in for Draxler. I will play on the left wing this time. 

It is now 2:0 for us due to an own goal and a goal from Werner.

Now it was time for me to let my offensive templates come into full play.

I started to sprint a lot. Boateng often kicks high balls to the front. He is great at that. And now we have three speed-type players up front. With me, Werner, and Sane.

In the 73rd minute, I took on a ball with my breast. Leaned on the defender. Chipped over him and started to sprint. I was way faster than their Right back and quickly distanced myself from him. I was now starting to be near the penalty area. I cut in, passed the ball to Werner who changed positions with me, and ran near the bottom line. After that, he passed the ball back to the 5-meter area in front of the goal. I had an easy time and shot the ball into the goal.

Me and Werner celebrated again. We got to be great friends the time we knew each other. This was a real friendship.

Now it was 3:0 and it didn't end there. 

This time Werner got the ball from Kimmich, who passed the ball back to Kimmich again. Kimmich then chipped the ball over the Saudi's defense and I quickly overtook them. I started to sprint with the ball. With me, sprinting was the newly substituted Reus. After being near the goalkeeper I passed the ball sideways and Reus tapped it in. It was a fantastic combination.

After the 4:0 nothing happened anymore and after the game, we soon flew to Moscow, Russia for the World Cup.


Like I said in one of the paragraphs. I can't post my own gifs. I will maybe open a discord and post the gifs of the scenes or the video of it there. It would be perfect if someone could post these gifs I put on Discord in the comments.