
“Have you met someone before that you somehow feel like they existed in your past life?”

Everything started in 10th grade when I got an injury during football practice. I wasn't worried or anything, since we had trainers who took care of players who got injured. One trainer in particular took care of me and her name was Preston. She was a blonde girl with freckles and green eyes. Something about her bothered me, and I was 100% convinced we met before. Every time I told her if she was sure we haven't met before, she would reply with: "I've never seen you before."

As days passed, I would have dreams about her, and every time each seemed super realistic. We would go to church, movies or some kind of date, and each would end with me waking up with tears coming out of my eyes or me waking up breathing really loud almost as if I was choking. One time I told her everything that has been going on, and she laughed it off saying I'm insane. I shrugged it off and thought she was right. Preston and I stopped talking for whatever reason, and soon afterwards she moved to another school. Now this is where everything really starts sounding weird.

After she moved away, I felt depressed and concerned. I didn't know why, but my depression continued for about 3 months. Every once in a while I would have a dream about Preston and I would wake up feeling like shit. Crying like a coward. This got to the point where my girlfriend thought I wad obsessed with Preston, when in reality I wasn't. I explained everything to her but soon afterwards she broke up with me because she thought I was cheating on her. My life seemed to be going downhill from there. Each dream felt like it was a puzzle, and each told a story. Most were about us going to dates, while others were about me attending school but Preston was nowhere to be seen.

I told friends about my experiences and they all say that I probably met her in my past life, or I'm obsessed with her. I know for a damn fact that I'm not obsessed with her, but Preston's characteristics trigger something that makes me feel sad, and concerned. She looks so familiar but I cannot seem to know who she is. This went on for 3 years, until I stopped having dreams about her.

The last dream I had was in 12th grade, and Preston was giving birth, but she died alongside the process. Her baby did too.

This hit me hard since out of nowhere I felt depressed, feeling like I was responsible and I was griefing over my "dead child" This made me feel scared about women giving birth and the reason why I don't want to have kids.

Personally I think that Preston might be my wife or girlfriend from a past life, and I was probably able to recover some memories through my dreams. Yet, Preston face is burned deep inside my head, and the dead child I held in my hands still haunts me.

Owner - Aleo 17


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