



Year 2078

A loud siren echoed the whole city of Astral as the ocean slowly turns into violet. The marine life that was once living was now crippling away.

The moment people heard the loud sirens, they immediately packed up their things and desperately ran away from the city even though they knew that there was no chance of surviving this phenomenon.

Another siren echoed through the city of Astral followed by a deafening roar of explosion in the middle of the ocean.

The explosion shattered the glasses of the buildings, the debris was falling and lastly, it even destroyed the facility of the organization.

"It was your fault that this happened! If you only give up on this experiment, this wouldn't have happened! Now look what you guys have done. Are you happy?!" someone shouted to the scientist who was holding a leaf.

Despite of the raging aftershock, the scientist remained composed yet was slowly swallowed by guilt and terror. Freezing every ounce of courage that he had.

He wandered his eyes to his surroundings and was still speechless of how a being was capable of doing this. He thought that this was the only way to save the planet, the hope of humanity. Tears went to the corner of his eyes as his chest tightened when he realized there's no hope anymore in continuing this.

He felt that his world turned upside down.

The aftermath of the unfortunate event was full of chaos and devastation. From the lifeless bodies, wrecked city, burning engines to the ocean that is now violet and red. Once the magnificent city of Astral, now resembles the perfect image of hell.

And that historical phenomenon was witnessed by two kids and the remnants of that time will forever be engraved in their minds.

Year 2086

The earth rotates on its own axis for 24 hours, and 24 hours is equivalent to 1 day. For some people, it might be a lot of time but for others, 24 is simply not enough especially when you're under complicated circumstances.

It was a stormy night in the city of Atalier. The loud roar of thunder scared some of the people that were on their way home along with the heavy rain that seemed unstoppable. Meanwhile, the kids, after seeing the strong storm outside their window hid behind their mother's back, some hide under their beds, and even inside the cabinet, tricked into believing that the thunder will eat them.

Many people were under the shade to avoid getting soaked by the awful rain but despite it,

Axis davina was still running away, not giving a damn to the storm. As he runs in the middle of the road, he keeps looking behind his trail. His heart was beating so fast and all he thought about now is how to escape.

He wants to forget about it. Everything.

He once again looked back and saw that they were still following him. Behind him was a bunch of men in black holding their own laser gun. What? They're here already?!

One of them fired towards Axis's direction that shot his abdomen. In return, Axis despite his shaking hands decided to get his own gun and shot the two of them. As he ran away, he closed his eyes for 3 seconds. Axis remembered what happened before it led this scenario. He remembered what those lifeless bodies looked like, how their eyes were covered with dried tears and the amount of plugs that had been stabbed into their bodies.

Axis suddenly felt an unmeasurable rage towards the organization that's behind those massacres. Everything doesn't make sense to him but if there is one thing that he discovered, the RAY organization is doing a mass production of cyborgs. It was not against the law to create cyborgs in the current age, but the condition of the people he's seen were brutal and full of agony.

But even so, the beings that he pitied were also one of the reasons why he escaped, scared. He pitied those cyborgs but he also hated them. That includes himself and him.

He wasn't like this before. With trembling hands, he shot the other two and without minding the flood that was full of plastic and trash. Axis continued to run. The blood that was coming from the wound was widely spreading and needed immediate attention of the medic however in this situation, he'd rather die escaping from the person he hates and from the scenario he witnessed.

He was an idiot and a coward. Axis definitely knows it himself because even before, that's what people told him ever since he was a child until now.

Axis then enters the dark forest that's on the far side of the Atalier City. Each step he made, splashes the water. Every owl, birds, snakes and lots of things he hated appeared on his sight. His body suddenly froze on the spot. Axis couldn't even feel nor move his own body due to the numbness that started to kick in.

Axis's heart began to pace fast as he glanced at the animals that were surrounding him. Flashes of memories appeared before his eyes. From the animals up to the injections.

Tears started to blur everything he saw.

"AXIS DAVINA! Come here and give up already if you don't want this chase to continue! Just give up already and we're done with this business!" someone shouted. He heard a loud gunshot alarming every sense of him and decided to run for his life no matter what it takes.

After learning everything, Axis knew that it was the end of him. Only the end of this cliff is what's waiting for him. After climbing the mountain, with slippery ground, he lost his balance. Causing for him to fall helplessly below. He closed his eyes to embrace the sudden impact of his back to the hard ground; already aware that it's finally the end of him.

Due to the strong and heavy rain, the mountain where he was caused a landslide. It affected every part of the forest, from destroying the houses, trees, animals, until to the plants.

Because of this, the man who were chasing him retreated. Although they searched for his body from above, they eventually realized that Axis might be dead already considering the Impact. They also realized how injured their fellow were so in order to prevent themselves from further damage, they retreated despite of the consequences they might have faced.

Their voice became so distant until Axis could no longer hear the voices who chased him out; but he slowly realized that he lost something that's all what's left. He started to feel the tightness of pain in his chest but also in his eyes.

While feeling the faint vibration of the eyes, he then realized that this blue eye takes everything away from him; the truth, his dreams, his family and especially his freedom that he once longed for after so many years...


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