
Florida Man Stormed into Gun Store, Threatened Store Owner, and Robbed a Pen

Chapter 182 – Florida Man Stormed into Gun Store, Threatened Store Owner, and Robbed a Pen

Leo was slightly confused. He had seen them in them in their giant forms, but at the moment, they were no bigger than a human's head. They looked like something from the Pokémon Series.

Most importantly, their speech reminded Leo of the giant cat ball statue back home. The statue also loved to meow "Munya" like these guys.

Discovering the kin of that statue, Leo was curious about them. He introduced himself and cupped his fist, mimicking cultivators.

"Yes, I'm Florida Man. Nice to meet you, fellas."

The three Cathulhus saluted like modern soldiers with their tentacle arms. Their innocent eyes and happy smile showed their friendliness and carefree attitude.

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