
Flame Of Love

An average couple, Chen Xue Qin and Jiang Da Xia, had just become fiancé and fiancée. During a late night drive, the two happened to encounter an accident which then happened to lead them to something strange. When they opened their eyes, they were not in the hospital! Instead they were in some other magical world where many things still were ancient and traditionally chinese cultured . Jiang Da Xia woke up in a well built wooden house, but Chen Xue Qin woke up in a royal palace?? Throughout time they’ve made friends and found people who can be trustworthy of. Friends who soon became someone important and changed them. The two spent long searching for each other, however when they finally met, they both found out something about each other: Xue Qin was the son of Chen Zhang Yong, a powerful king, and Da Xia happened to be a reincarnation of the most hated woman in the palace! Song Wu Zhou seems like he’s just an average man, though he is someone secretly powerful. After facing many difficulties and losing Liu Wen Qiang, his loved one, he begins to see how more depraved the world actually is. While investigating with his sister like friend Hua Jia Yi for such a long time, he couldn’t find anything about Wen Qiang’s death until he met someone. About two years later after his love’s death, he meets Da Xia who first seemed extremely suspicious to him. Slowly after getting to know her better, he begins noticing she shares the same similarities as Wen Qiang. The two (Song Wu Zhou and Jiang Da Xia) begins to have a love-hate relationship bond together and there happens to be a reason to it all.. What will all of their twisted fate become of as dark secrets begin to spill? *I do not own the cover*

SaYing · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


Da Xia lies down on the bed and tiredly sighs from the long walk. Jia Yi was preparing lunch while Wu Zhou was outside doing something. Da Xia walks over to Jia Yi, "Do you want some help? I too, know how to cook." Jia Yi smiles, "Then I'll have to bother you for awhile." Da Xia helps rinse the vegetables and cuts them.

Wu Zhou comes back in the house carrying some sticks for the fire. Jia Yi looks at him, "Wu Zhou, the fire died out." He nods his head and goes over to the stove. With a quick hand movement that pointed towards the stove area something sparked then ignited. There was fire again. Da Xia's eyes widens in surprise and shock, "Wait...how did you do that??" He looks at her, "It's Magic," then sticks his tongue out at her like a little kid would.

She thinks to herself. There's such thing? Jia Yi laughs, "You look like you've never seen Magic before." Da Xia sits down on the chair, "Yeah. I've never seen something so..supernatural." The leaves of the vegetables were being picked off it's stem by Jia Yi, "Everyone has some kind of magical powers in this world. For example, Wu Zhou has the Universe's power. I have the Earth's. I'm sure you have one too, something special alike ours."

A sword suddenly appears and points out towards Da Xia. Wu Zhou smirks, "We all have our own swords too!" Da Xia slowly pushes the sword away from her. Jia Yi looks up, "They have their own names too." Wu Zhou sheathes his sword, "This one's name is 'Falling Light'" I named it after a meteorite."

She becomes weirded out, "That's very..cool.. and Jia Yi? What's yours?" After stirring the vegetables on the heated pan, Jia Yi answers, "'Blossoming Growth.'"

At this moment Da Xia was speechless, however she intended to laugh to not make anything awkward. Wu Zhou then closed up on Da Xia, "You kno what? I think that you're a really suspicious person." Nervous, she spoke back to Wu Zhou, "Wh-what makes you think that?" Her mind continues to talk, 'I think you're the suspicious one instead..'

Wu Zhou walks around Da Xia while carrying his sheathed sword in his crossed arms, "You randomly appeared out of nowhere due to a 'car' accident, don't even know where your 'fiancé' is, and is unknown of yours and our magic powers. Not to mention you don't carry a sword either."

Jia Yi throws a small pot at his head, "Stop scaring her you idiot." She then apologizes to Da Xia, "Sorry, he's just really talkative at times. But trust me, he will never harm you, he's a kind hearted and good friend who just likes being an idiot all the time."

His jaw drops, "Wha— Hey!" Jia Yi angrily looks at him and he suddenly becomes quiet, looking away. Da Xia shakes her head,"It's okay, I understand." They continue to cook together. Wu Zhou goes outside and looks at the lake. Suddenly, he hears the gallop of horses nearby. His curiosity leads him to walk towards the noise.

"Wu Zhou! Lunch is ready come and eat with us!" Jia Yi yells from inside the house. There was no reply. She looks at Da Xia, "Should I yell again?" Da Xia nods her head. Again, Jia Yi shouts, "Wu Zhou!!! Lunch is ready come and eat with us before the food gets cold!!" Same as earlier, there was no reply.

Annoyed, Jia Yi steps outside, ready to twist his ears as drag him in. But when she was out, he was no where to be seen. Da Xia follows her outside and asks Jia Yi, "Where did he go?" Stressed out, she replies, "I have no idea! Let's go search for that idiot!"

While walking around for awhile, they finally saw Wu Zhou. Angrily Ji Yia walks up towards him. Wu Zhou senses her presence and tells her, "SHH. Look over there." He points in a direction. Da Xia and Jia Yi looks at where he pointed.

There were soldiers chasing down some people by horse and killing them. From afar they could hear the screams of people:

"Please don't kill me!"

"I have a family to take care of!"

"How cruel the king can be to us!"

"Heaven shall see and punish you all!"

Witnessing the horror of the scenery, Da Xia asks Jia Yi and Wu Zhou, "What are they doing to those poor people?" Jia Yi curls her fists and looks at the ground, "What's the king planning this time?" Wu Zhou stands up, "We have to find a new place now."

Terrified Da Xia looks at Wu Zhou, "For what? Why are we running away to a new place? You both aren't bad people are you?" Jia Yi wipes the dirt off her dress, "We're not bad people. However it seems like the King is planning something anew. Probably killing off the poor or making them into slaves so the wealthy can have more land or something."

Wu Zhou laughs for a short second, "The King always acts like this, planning such silly things." Da Xia confusingly asks, "So is he a good King or a bad King?"

Jia Yi tugs some strands of hair behind her ear, "He's in between, we don't know. Sometimes he's hated, sometimes he loved." Wu Zhou walks away back to their little house. Jia Yi follows behind him, "Let's eat first then we'll find another place."