

After 3 years of living a normal life Joseph Cooper gets challenged with new people and new things that will change reality forever.

iamscubawally · Romance
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 - Flare the Flame

Joseph (narrator) - In the beginning there always and an end but during the adventure is friends and family that counts the most

Jayden - Xavier call everyone to the cortex something happened to Joe

Xavier - oh no alright

Wally - so he just vanished?

Jayden - yea right in front of me, it was like he got teleported somewhere

Xavier - I can't seem to find him anywhere

Wally - you don't think it's Chronos again

Xavier - it can't be the readings I'm getting off of their house is not temporal

Sarah - could it have been a time pull

Angel - or another time storm

Jayden - oh I hope not that again

Xavier - whoever did this planned it well

Jayden - there has to be a way to get him back

Wally - were gonna try

Sarah - yea if anything my dad is strong, he can take care of himself

Joseph - *teleports in*

Jayden - Joe are you okay what happened, where you go

Joseph - you guys won't believe everything that I just went through

Sarah - what

Wally - that doesn't sound good

Joseph - first off I went to another timeline it was very similar to this one but there was no team flame and I tried to fix it and make it like how everything is now but turns out this timeline is the one that's wrong not that one and all because of one person

Xavier - who?

Joseph - Herobrine's grandchild name Jordan he tried distributing my life because of what I did to is a man his grandad and he ended up killing Jayden and Sarah, and because of that it seems myself from that time on a villain spree that created himself as a powerful god just so Jordan would become the powerful of all of the universe and turns out Chillbrine is just a robot

Wally - wait what

Joseph - yeah my past self goes to his future to distract his past self with a killing machine robot after my main nemesis and creates this new timeline branch that we're living in now

Xavier - he did a time hack so your meaning these past two months we were never supposed to be a team

Joseph - that's right and he also created Chronos

Angel - Chronos did say he was just following his orders but didn't want us to know from who

Joseph - everything that has happened to us fighting Candyman,Rockstar,Bear Claw the Time Jerker, us breaking into that military facility then fighting Chillbrine, the Bunker getting affected from that time storm and then us getting help from Micro Knight, me going to that one earth, it was all planned to be a distraction and a big change to the future

Xavier - wow we been moved like chess pieces in a game we didn't even know we were playing, to by you in the past or future

Joseph - more like both

Wally - ok we'll now we know everything and that everything has been planned to change what do we do now and with Chillbrine

Joseph - well my future self died both versions so we still have to stop Chillbrine but he isn't our biggest problem anymore

Sarah - yeah it's this Jordan guy

Joseph - he wants to become the most powerful man in the universe of history and with all the changes if we don't stop him and save this time from wiping itselfs we all vanish and gods knows what he'll do to the universe

Wally - there has to be something we can do

Xavier - yeah like if the change started with Jordan in that other time we have to go back there

Joseph - wait no we don't

Xavier - huh?

Joseph - when Dark Flame got created it was because of the time magnet in the future that changed him evil but if that never happens Jordan doesn't stronger and it will reverse things

Sarah - well great how do we do that

Wally - by going into the future right

Xavier - you wanna go the future isn't that risky

Joseph - it's our best hope so why not

Angel - or we can try a time transfer

Joseph - time transfer?

Angel - I've been working on my abilities and I once accidentally connect to my future self and like became her and was able to take control like it was just me

Sarah - how is that even possible

Xavier - I think because of her spirit connection it can travel it different ways in points of time so since her future self can do the same their brain waves connected but only one can be in control

Wally - so all she has to do is connect to her future self again and make sure your past self doesn't get hit with that time magnet's energy

Joseph - ok good let's do this now we have no time to waste

Wally - you ready Angel

Angel - yep

Xavier - ok do it and this machine will help your signals *powers on*

Angel - *connects to my future self*

The Future 2049

Johnny - guys so get this Joe is getting visions of things that hasn't happened before in the past any idea of what it could be

Xavier - so your saying he's hallucinating

Joseph - I'm not hallucinating, but after everything I've been through it could be possible that there's a change in the past present or future of why I'm getting these visions like crazy

Angel - that is true we have dealt with a lot and it could be a starting point in time of things that are changing and the changes hasn't just fully caught up with us yet

Xavier - well if that's true we can ask Gideon for any timeline changes in the past

Joseph - ok good let's go

Angel - *starts to lose consciousness*

Xavier - Angel you ok?

Angel - yeah I'm ok go on without me I'ma stay here

Xavier - alright

Angel - it worked so where is that time magnet *hears explosion*

Flame (past) - oh fuck I forgot about changes for that ima gonna need to make another but like a time wave and that can only change with a time magnet thanks to Team Micro villains I believe one of Chronos devices is in the hall

Angel - he's powering the time magnet, it's time to extract that energy

Flame (past) - *continues to power time magnet*

Angel - *sucks in the energy from time magnet*

Angel - there that should do it *connects back to the past*

Xavier - Angel what are you doing down there

Angel - I have no clue, I think something's wrong with me

Xavier - ok let me run some tests

Present 2023

Angel - connects back with self

Wally - did she do it

Xavier - I think so

Sarah - Angel? you there

Angel - *wakes*

Joseph - did it work

Angel - yes and our future self didn't suspect a thing so now what happens

Xavier - well then if the time magnet doesn't effect Joe then he never becomes crazy enough to keep Chillbrine in the past and remove him, so if Chillbrine only exist in a certain point of time the paradox will erase him from ours in like a few hours from now

Joseph - we need to find him to stop whatever he's programmed to do before he vanishes

Xavier - well me and Wally has been working on a way to track him but now since we now know he's a robot all I have to do is track his IP address with something used from the bunker

Joseph - ok good but we also have to find Jordan he's here somewhere as well how can we find him

Wally - maybe he's with Chillbrine

Xavier - I hope he is because I just found our cold robot friend and he's charging up power at the waterfront but why

Joseph - Jordan's making him stronger

Sarah - oh god

Wally - we have no time to waste let's go there now

Angel - oh yes I'll be coming too, it's time I get back in the field especially with the new suit Xavier made me

Joseph - ok good today we stop the events in our present to save our existence in the future

Sarah - awesome

Joseph - Jayden are you okay

Jayden - yeah I'm just worried how I'm dead in the future and how I'm supposed to die at some point here

Joseph - I'm not gonna let that happen, I put that on everyone that I've ever lost in my life

Jayden - ok good luck *hugs*

Joseph *hugs*

Jayden - now go save existence Flame

Joseph - *smiles*

Chillbrine - *gets fully powered up and morphs into new form*

Jordan - looking good

Chillbrine - thanks now what is the next plan

Jordan - well after all that energy it took for me to power you I'm pretty sure Team Flame will be here to stop us, so we crush them and make this multiverse our universe

Chillbrine - let's do it

Jordan - *sees Flame and his team*

Jordan - you brought the whole crew with ya huh Flame

Flame - sure did that means your going to lose

Jordan - oh I doubt that and even tho we're outnumbered I still have one more guess that I'll like to bring *teleports in Herobrine*

Flame - oh no

Herobrine - you didn't think I would miss my grandson's revenge party did ya?

Megatron - your still outnumbered dumbass

Chillbrine - oh trust me that's not gonna change a thing to what we're gonna do

Glyph - yes it will and no one will die but you three will be gone

Jordan - as you think

She-Flame - we don't think we know

Flame - enough talk you can't beat all of us

Jordan - we'll see what happens tonight

Flame - alright everyone split up *flies up and aims for Jordan*

Jordan - *jumps at Flame and throws in portal*

Herobrine - *flies away*

Megatron - *follows*

Chillbrine - *creates ice path and goes away*

Glyph - *grabs She-Flame and follows him*

Flame - *falls out portal*

Jordan - *throws fire fusion at him*

Flame - *tries to dodge but gets hit and gets sent far back*

Chillbrine - *lands and shoots icicles at them*

She-Flame - *gets hit and falls down*

Glyph - *lands and fires at him*

Chillbrine - *creates ice wall to block and sends ice bombs at them*

Herobrine - *lands on top of building*

Megatron - *lands down and attacks with weapon system*

Herobrine - *balls up fist and flies threw his attack with a super punch to his helmet*

Megatron - ahhhh *falls and helmet breaks off*

Herobrine - you and your suit is weak and your life has no meaning and that's why you'll die a failure *picks up and throws off building and makes him bleed badly*

Megatron - ahhhhhhhhh

Glyph - *uses ultraviolet radiation to burn him*

Chillbrine - Ahh noooo *melts and shuts down*

Xavier - that's good guys just Herobrine and Jordan left

Flame - *falls and crashes inside the shop*

Flame - grrr

Jordan - you can't win this Joe, I've already winning

Flame - if that was truth then my team wouldn't be alive

Jordan - oh trust me they won't be for much longer, but you will die first

Flame - then kill me

Jordan - with pleasure *charges up power*

Sans - *throws holy knife and super kicks down*

Jordan - ahhhh

Sans - stay down

Flame - Sans what the hell

Sans - hey Joe long time huh?

Flame - yeah what are you doing here

Jordan - *gets up*

Sans - I'll explain later

Jordan - isn't this nice another reunion, looks like he's now on the kill list

Sans - how will you kill me without any power *takes out solar device and shoots him with it*

Jordan - ah *loses power* what the nooo

Sans - omg it worked

Flame - what device is that

Sans - only thing to weaken him

Jordan - but doesn't mean I can't get stronger again *sucks the power and soul from Herobrine*

Herobrine - time to die

Wally - …

Herobrine - *gets killed and erased*

Wally - … well that happened

Jordan - haha yesss

Sans - what's he doing

Flame - he's getting more power

Jordan - too late *blasts Sans back*

Flame - damn it

Jordan - I need more *zaps myself away*

Sans - what now

Wally - *flys in*

Wally - Joe

Joseph - Wally, what happened to your helmet

Wally - his grandfather got the beat on me but I'm ok, sort of

Joseph - you need to get fix just head back to the bunker

Wally - no way we have to stop Jordan and you need all the help you can get before we get wiped

Sans - yeah and how exactly are we going to do that

Joseph - well he just killed his grandfather to get more powerful and if he wants more power, we're could he go for something as strong as that

Wally - Gideon's energy core, if he takes that it will charge him with unlimited power

Joseph - we gotta go to bunker, especially since Jayden and Xavier is there

Wally - right *on comms* Angel and Sarah report to the bunker Jordan is going there now

Glyph - *on comms* copy that

She-Flame - oh no why is he going there

Glyph - I don't know but my brother and Jayden is there

She-Flame - we gotta hurry

Jayden - how's the team out there

Xavier - good so far Chillbrine and Herobrine is down

Jayden - now just the real deal

Xavier - wait hold on I just lost connection and comms to them

Jayden - how that happened

Xavier - something damaged our system

Jayden - like what

Jordan - *teleports in*

Jordan - like me

Jayden - …

Xavier - oh frak

Jordan - oh frak is right now if you both want to stay alive give me what I want

Xavier - oh what's that

Jordan - Gideon energy core

Xavier - like hell I will

Jordan - I did mention you keeping your lives correct

Jayden - what do we do

Jordan - you give me the core

Xavier - I don't know

Jayden - …

Jordan - the core now

Xavier - Gideon?

Gideon - Hello Xavier Austin

Xavier - can you give me your energy core

Gideon - are you sure this will shut me down and all the energy throughout the bunker

Jayden - damn it will

Xavier - yes I'm sure Gideon

Gideon - *releases core*

*Bunker power shuts off*

Jayden - now Joe or anyone can't get in

Jordan - too bad now where is it

Xavier - it's in the time vault

Jordan - let's go get it and if you move Jayden to let anyone come in, Xavier dies instantly

Jayden - …

Sarah - dad there you are, you guys okay

Joseph - yeah but Wally assumed he's coming here we, let's go in

Angel - we can't the power is shut down no one can get in or out

Wally - Gideon's power core has been taken out

Joseph - oh no noo FUCK

Sarah - wait I know a way in

Sans - how

Joseph - yeah how

Sarah - we can use a hyper pulse to reboot the system from Wally's suit but it isn't be charge for long

Wally - oh yeah but it will knock out my armor shield but we can do it

Joseph - you sure

Wally - yeah *sets up pulse rifle charge and blast the bunker*

*bunker systems reboots*

Joseph - Jayden!

Jayden - Joe

Jayden - who's that

Joseph - my old friend Sans

Sans - howdy

Jayden - you guys got to save Xavier

Angel - where is he

Jayden - He took him to the time vault to get Gideon's core

Joseph - ok Wally let's go the rest of you stay here in case he tries to escape

Sans - got it

Jordan - you're taking too long get it now

Xavier - …*opens vault and grabs core*

Jordan - *snatches from his hands* yesss *charges up and starts to change*

Wally - XAVIER

Xavier - Wally and Joe, look out

Jordan - too late again

Joseph - fuck

Jordan - *makes cosmetic blasts and teleports away*

Xavier - *gets knocked out*

Wally - Xavier *feels his neck* he's ok

Joseph - take him to medbay

The Future 2049

Angel - Xavier I think something did happen to me

Xavier - the tests I ran didn't say anything but let's go ask Gideon to scan you instead

Gideon - *scans Angel Austin*

Xavier - Gideon what's going on with her

Gideon - she's been taken over by a connection from herself in the past of the year 2023

Angel - my past self in 2023 woah

Xavier - hmm I wonder why, what are they tryna know about the future

Johnny - so your saying Joe been getting these visions from y'all past selves tryna know about the future

Xavier - yeah or they tryna fix something that's happening in their time to fix the future

Wally - *comes in*

Wally - yeah they are and it already effected this time and now it's going to spread to theirs and we screwed after that

Joseph - what could be happening

Angel - we have no clue but whatever is going on the starting point is here but to the fixing point will be in 2023

Wally - then we need to go there

Joseph - no we can't that will make an even more change trust me, Micro Knight tried that before

Johnny - then I'll go I'm not in y'all past yet so I can't be a affection

Wally - he's right

Joseph - ok be careful, you don't know who or what they dealing with that could be doing this much change

The Present 2023

Wally - Xavier is ok but he's gonna be out awhile

Sarah - dang

Angel - how are we gonna stop this guy he's already 10 times stronger than when we first went out to fight him

Wally - I'm out of ideas

Sarah - me too

Joseph - I'm not

Sans - what you got

Joseph - I'm going to surrender myself

Sans - like hell you would

Sarah - what no dad are you crazy

Jayden - yeah your not doing that

Joseph - just listen this all started with Herobrine I killed him instead of going a different route and now my past is coming to haunt me I have to pay the price for my mistake

Jayden - no I won't let you

Joseph - Jayden I know how you feel about this but it's the only way to save everyone to save you all and if that's the only way to keep everyone living in peace then I have to, I have to sacrifice myself just like my best friend did and now I understand why he did what he did because now I have too

Jayden - but what would I do without you

Joseph- you'll keep living your life, for all of you guys to continue

Sarah - there has to be another way

Joseph - not this time


Flame - relax I'm here

Mephisto - oh look who decided to show their face in pubic, just so you know I thought I was going to have to kill a few people before you showed up

Flame - of course because your sick

Mephisto - you killed my grandfather in cold blood and I'm the sick one?

Flame - oh I know and I did something that affected his future line and didn't think what could his bloodline be and that's on me so for that I'm sorry

Mephisto - an apology really your a fool to try and make me surrender myself

Flame - no just needed to own up to my mistake

Mephisto - well at least you're going to die with a little sympathy

Angel - he's not going actually just sit and let him just kill him

Sans - it can't be

Wally - better not be

Jayden - damn right he's not *walks away*

Mephisto - are those your final words

Flame - yes

Mephisto - good now it's time for you to face the revenge of MEPHISTO

Flare - *blasts in with ultraviolet energy*

Mephisto - ahhhh

Flare - actually there not

Flame - who are you

Flare - just I'm from the future and the changes are there and spreading here and once that happens we're all screwed

Flame - that's why I'm going to give up my life

Flare - no dad you can't

Flame - dad?, wait Johnny is that you

Flare - yes I become the new Flame but not because you die but because you in peace and after we stop this fool you will be

Mephisto - that part won't happen, no matter how many friends that keeps coming Flame, none of them will be able to stop me

Flare - yeah yeah heard it all before but luckily for this thing in my time there's this strong God of Chaos named Krono and we stopped him with a godly radiation light magnet and that's all we need for you

Mephisto - try me

Flare - with pleasure *powers it and shoots it at him*

Mephisto - *gets weaker* what this can't be

Flame - it's actually working

Flare - haha yess

Mephisto - noooooo

Flare - *device overloads and stops* what the how

Flame - oh hell no

Mephisto - fails again isn't this nice *blasts at them*

Flare - *jumps in front of Flame*

Flame - what are you doing

Flare - my cape is like magnetized shield

Flame - oh I see why you have it then

Flare - yeah but now since that didn't work we're doomed

Jayden - or are you

Flame - Jayden?

Jayden - *sprays holy water out of water gun*

Mephisto - haha I'm too strong for that to affect me *grabs and flies away*

Flame - NOOOOO Jayden *gets super angry and turns into full demon Flame*

Flare - woah even I can't do that yet *gets wiped from existence from future timeline change*

Demon Flame - the effect of his time happened first and now is working its way to ours

Wally - he's gonna kill Jayden

Sarah - my dad won't let that happen

Angel - yeah

Wally - no if Joe goes in there like that there both gonna die

Sarah - well what can you do

Wally - I'm gonna call upon Micro Force and get them to bring me the Staff of Horus from the past of Team Micro missions

Sarah - and that will work because everything we've done so far doesn't

Wally - oh it will because it's an mystical Egyptian relic that powers from a ninth metal orb from Thanagarian tech

Angel - wow

Wally - now I'm gonna kill that bastard with my new upgrades I wanted to have a few weeks ago and the staff

Demon Flame - let him go

Mephisto - you think you're supposed to scare me

Demon Flame - I won't let you hurt him

Mephisto - oh but you have to because if you didn't remember when you went to that alternate earth your other buddies told you the risk of breaking the chain of deaths and that Jayden was gonna die just like they lost someone

Demon Flame - noo

Mephisto - oh yes

Megatron - not on my watch *blasts him with staff*

Mephisto - ahhh *falls down*

Demon Flame - what is that

Megatron - no time to explain just get Jayden outta here I'll finish him

Demon Flame - no I can't let you do that

Mephisto - *gets back up*

Megatron - there's no time now go

Mephisto - I won't be denied *creates cosmic black hole to Hell over the city*

Jayden - *looks up in the sky* oh we're so dead

*alarm beeps*

Sarah - we have bigger problems than that

Sans - what you mean

Angel - yeah what's that sound for

Sarah - it's the timer on how long we had until the timeline changed and when we get wiped

Angel - …

Sans - oh god

Wally - *looks at wrist* damn it

Demon Flame - *changes back to Flame* what

Wally - it's time the timeline will change in exactly 6 minutes

Jayden - …

Flame - I'm out of ideas

Jayden - just use the staff Joe

Wally - the staff your right it was the close thing to stopping him but to get rid of him someone would have to entangle their DNA directly into the orb for it to work

Flame - then give it to me and get Jayden outta here

Wally - no it can't be

Flame - what? why

Wally - because since it's part Horus you'll live but lose your powers in the process

Flame - then that's what I'll do

Wally - no you have to keep being Flame the world needs you

Flame - but would it kill you

Wally - I don't know

Flame - what! I'm not gonna let you die

Wally - I'm not counting on it! …

Jayden - I believe in you Wally

Flame - you better come back

Wally - of course

Flame - *flies me and Jayden away*

Megatron - *equips new nanotechnology on suit*

Mephisto - you know for a smart guy that was very dumb

Megatron - oh really then why am I about to beat you

Mephisto - your hilarious

Megatron - oh will see who's laughing after I use this *shoots him*

Mephisto - *dodges and makes big blast and throws him down*

Megatron - *drops Staff* ahh noo

Mephisto - *picks up Staff* this right here is now destroyed *crushes orb with fist*

*Orb pieces falls everywhere*

Megatron - grrrrr

Mephisto - uh oh something's broken

Megatron - *looks at wrist and sees there's 2 mins and thirty secs left* I know what I must do

Flame - guys how Wally doing

Sans - not good Jordan just destroyed the orb from the Staff

Jayden - oh no

Sarah - we're all going to get wiped

Flame - no, I'm going back out there

Megatron - *grabs pieces of the orb*

Mephisto - what are you gonna do with that it's broken

Megatron - this *puts the pieces inside my suit and charges them*

Megatron - woah what a charge

Mephisto - *grabs him into the black hole of Hell*

Megatron - Ahhh woahhhh

Megatron - grrr ahhh *starts to feel pain*

Flame - *on comms* Wally, are you okay

Megatron - *on comms* yeah I'm in Hell, but looks like you were right

Flame - wait what, what does that mean

Megatron - it means I'm not gonna make this out alive

Flame - what no Wally you can't die for me I won't let you

Megatron - but that's just it Joe, I won't be dying just for you, it will be dying for Jayden, I will be the one to break the chain of deaths from your multiverse of other Flames that lost someone they loved

Flame - I don't think it works that way

Megatron - well we're gonna find out *connects to bunker comms* Sarah,Angel

Angel - Wally

Sarah - yeah Wally

Megatron - I'm going to save everyone just like my doppelgänger did but that means killing myself

Sans - …

Sarah - what no

Angel - are you crazy you can't

Megatron - it's the only way but if you can Angel give a message for me to Xavier, tell him he's the best person I've came across since I came to this earth and how he helped me with so much potential and for that I'll always be grateful, could you tell him that for me

Angel - *cries* yes I'll tell him

Megatron - and for you and Sarah keep fighting keep going, be the heroes me and Joseph know you are *exits comms from bunker*

Sarah - *cries*

Flame - Wally don't

Megatron - sorry Joseph, but the rest of you guys have to live *blasts Mephisto with more power*

Mephisto - Ahhhhhhhh

Megatron - *looks at time with 30 secs left* it's now or never *blast him with maximum capacity*

Mephisto - AHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO *falls into mega lava*

Megatron - AHHHHHHHHHH *feels body getting weaken*

Mephisto - *gets vaporized by holy burns*

Megatron - *suit overloads and falls down*

Flame - *enters Hell and sees Wally on ground*

Flame - WALLY! *takes mask off*

Joseph - Wally?

Megatron - *coughs*

Joseph - you did it, Jordan's gone

Wally - told ya I could do it

Joseph - but, Gideon what's his status

Mobile Gideon - life function critical

Wally - it's ok it was my choice and it was the right one, now the rest of your days will be spent with your family and friends

Joseph - your our friend Wally

Wally - I know but your best friend brought me here for a reason, a purpose, and now I've fulfilled it *coughs out a bunch of blood*

Joseph - …

Wally - *coughs again and dies*

*timer beeps on Wally's wrist*

Joseph - the timeline change timer is up

Sarah - *on comms* so what's gonna happen

Joseph - I'm not too sure

*timeline changes and erases everything from the past month with a new timeline*

Joseph - *wakes up*

Jayden - finally your awake

Joseph - hey Jayden, what happened

Jayden - you fell unconscious after the blast

Joseph - blast what blast, wait Wally he died

Jayden - yeah we know we all heard

Joseph - but how do we remember that if the timeline changed

Jayden - I'm not sure, let's go ask Xavier

Joseph - guys?

Sarah - dad!

Angel - yeah

Sans - you're awake

Joseph - how are we all still here

Angel - ask my brother

Joseph - Xavier?

Xavier - if your gonna ask if I'm ok for what happened to Wally, I am

Joseph - it's ok to not be

Xavier - yeah but it was the only way, I'm just gonna have to live with it

Joseph - we all do

Xavier - besides from that, we all remember everything that happened because mobile Gideon was able to keep our time memory intact with all of our minds

Sans - wait so we're the only ones that remembers what happened in the past what month?

Xavier - we were until I used what she did to us and put it in a breach so it'll hit throughout the multiverse starting with our other super friends in Meep City,Royal High and more

Sarah - well that's good then

Joseph - yeah it is

Angel - so what now

Jayden - we should celebrate Wally's life he died for our lives

Angel - agreed

Joseph - yea

Sarah - let's do it but we're gonna need a bigger place

Jayden - oh why not me and Joe's place it's more than big enough

Sarah - ok yeah I'll go set up

Angel - I'll come with

*Few Hours Later*

Joseph - woah this place looks nice

Sarah - of course

Sans - this tux is very tight

Angel - lol

Joseph - *gets alert on phone* holy crap

Jayden - what

Joseph - the adoption center contacted me back about Johnny

Jayden - wow they did what they say

Joseph - they said I have all the right details plus care and there gonna drop him off to here right now

Jayden - wow that's so great

Sarah - you guys are adopting a child

Joseph - yeah I didn't want to tell anyone yet until I knew I was getting him

Angel - that's so awesome congratulations

Xavier - yeah congrats

Joseph - thanks I'm gonna go outside to get him

Xavier - wow this is a happily ending

Sarah - it sure is, but that's not all you want to say

Xavier - no it isn't, it's about us we never completely talked about what was gonna happen

Sarah - right

Xavier - I know your going to move back to Seaboard City but I just thought maybe I should move there too now since Wally is gone I don't have any purpose here

Sarah - Xavier that is not true, you helped this team out ever since me and my dad came here, your just as important as everyone no matter what

Xavier - you sure?

Sarah - positive, and you don't have to worry about us because I'm not going back home

Xavier - wait your not why, I mean yesss but why

Sarah - I don't know I guess Wally reminded me of everything we continued since a whole month and what my dad and Micro's legacy created just is to at best to let go of

Xavier - it really is, but now I'm super happy your staying

Sarah - me too

Joseph - everyone say hi to Johnny Walker

Angel - awww, look how cute he is

Sans - he's a handsome little guy

Jayden - he is very handsome

Joseph - just like his new dads

Jayden - *smiles*

Sarah - hi Johnny I'm Sarah

Johnny - …

Joseph - he'll warm up to us

Jayden - hope so

Joseph - Sans, I know we was busy stopping a god demon but you never told me what made you come here

Sans - oh you see, I actually don't know it was just like a presence called me and told me to come and help you

Joseph - hmm that's weird

Sans - yeah very

Joseph - well I appreciate you coming haven't seen you in so long

Sans - I know but this was dangerous

Joseph - In our line of work it always is, but it always comes with a happy moment like with what I'm about to do here

Joseph - Jayden

Jayden - yea Joe

Joseph - after everything during the past month you was kept from a world of my life for some years and I was afraid to open up about it because it meant going back to another life I used to live, but once I had to tell you the truth, you was so supportive of it even tho what you heard was the most craziest story of all of history but you've been by my side this whole time and our connection has been 100 percent better ever since

Xavier - is he doing what I think he's about to do

Sarah - I think so

Joseph - *pulls out ring* Jayden Orion

Jayden - … *smiles*

Joseph - will you marry me?

Jayden - yesss *grabs ring and kisses*

Joseph - *kisses*

Xavier - it's a end of an era

Sans - woohoo

Angel - wowww

Sarah - *smiles and looks at Xavier*

Xavier - *smiles back*

Sarah - *turns and kisses him

Xavier - *kisses her*

Joseph - *turns and looks at Xavier and Sarah* uhh when did you two start happening

Sarah - ummm

Joseph (narrator) - I've been through one hell of a couple of years between my old team and now my new one and each of of those adventures came with a power so strong that it channels through me no matter who I'm with, but now that power won't just be from me

Xavier - you sure about doing this now Joe?

Joseph - yeah it's better he gets some of my power now so he'll learn to use them as he grow and he might even get a cute little demon side

Xavier - ok and let's hope his demon side is good like yours

Joseph - well mines wasn't really good I just learned to take control of it

Xavier - oh well put Johnny inside and sit in chair

Joseph - ok

Xavier - *starts the transfer*

Johnny - *gets half the powers of Flame*

Joseph (narrator) - and like my friend Anthony said I inspired people like him and there will be many more to carry that gift here on out and in the future with our legacy

Joseph (narrator) - and if we keep sharing pieces of ourselves, maybe we change the whole planet of violence plus pain and our New World with a Flame of the Future

*Two Months Later*

Sarah - *grabs tea* Thanks again Archer

Archer - no problem, but I thought you was going back to your home last time you was here

Sarah - well not anymore

Archer - oh ok well guess I'll see ya around

Sarah - you sure will

Jake - Sarah Cooper

Sarah - uh who are wait, Jake hi, what are you doing here

Jake - looking for you

Sarah - how come

Jake - well because about two months ago I came to the bunker and told your dad about an upcoming threat


Joseph - wait what about your other mission

Jake - well that's another reason why I'm going because Daniel also found me some places to check that he got from one of his buddies, the places are Livetopia,Mad City,Redcliff,Seaboard City and Brookhaven

*end of flashback*

Sarah - … Seaboard City?, that's where I live

Jake - yeah, but before I left adopt me I told your dad I was going to visit these cities and when I went to yours I met a guy name Rene Ryler, and him and his friends has been haunting this new monster

Sarah - well after everything we've been through to get back to peace and now you're telling me there's another new guy trying to destroy it, I say for him to bring it on!

She-Flame Book Coming Soon