There is a place,coverd blackness miles upon miles yards upon yards.That seems too go on too infinity, Itself sitting in that blackness flots a single. White orb it's does, not know how long it's been there,days years century's it has lose,more and more of Itself this is our mc,His name Robert and this is his story.

How long have i been here,it's been so long says Robert,as he remembered how he got here-


laying own a military cot, sat a man with black skin hair and Hazel eyes, standing at 6,1 jack with muscles, that would make the like of body builders jealous this man's name. Is Admiral Robert Saint A former navy seal,and master marksman and right now the last U.S solider remaining,after world War three the war too end all wars for you too know what happenedyou need too know the things leading up to it.

three majored events happened that caused this , The first was when Donald J Trump was booted from office,He with his arrogance and pettiness started a riot.And attack our nation's capital,we're many so called "real" Americans, made there Displeasure know about getting rid of there so,called Golden boy that unjustified violence had far more consequences. Then anyone realized,it showed the world that America the shining, jewel of all who wished too dream free,and achieved greatness can too fall into turmoil like so many others.

And this gave the vultures,the monsters that had a bone too pick,with the country come out of the shadows and make there move.At first we couldn't see it,blinded by our own problems and bigotry,basically had our head shoved up our Ass our,enemies were slowly making its way into our country. Buying people here, blackmailing there and a hole lot,of threats they managed to infiltrate every part of our country.

And like a snake,they waited for the moment too strike, and that came three years later when the second major, event happened the cure for covid happened every major power. From the ice cold north,too the burning south every country wanted too get there hands on this,cure with good reasons including those,little snakes you see they wanted too control who gets the cure.

And control the masses,they kept it secured where nobody else knew,they thought they were on top but what they didn't account.For was five young scientists, who at various stages lost or was affected,by covid you see these scientists had morals, quite the rare thing in science they heard what was happening.And about the cure needles,too say they were pretty pissed so they stole the cure,and went public with it needles too say the major third event came after it was discovered.

Anarchy I war was declared,on the U.S.A by all major countries and powers,bombs where dropped in urban areas city after city state, after state none were spared needles too say.We fought back,while the real perpetrators were hiding,laughing at us but jokes on them they were found out by agents,that investigated why the cure was held off and those five little scientists now only two.

Lefth came clean right away,about who did what how this happened,when word got out those countries targeting us ,felt the wriath of the other powers but it was two late world War three was already.In full swing there was no stopping it I was a normal man,that never seen horrors I've seen violence but never true horror,was drafted into the military do too forcibly like All men and women.And those non binary,I was trained for six months,before they assigned me too the navel branch of the military.

I fought bleed lost friend family,in this war making my way up the ladder, too become the youngest Admiral I'm history not like it master now.Our planet is dieing maybe it was,climate change or good old mother nature finally decided Enough was English. But the likey cause was maybe just maybe,covid that little monster was still around you see after all this,fighting this not so social distance bullshit,the virus bloomed and grew in ways only at the start,of the epidemic ever saw this much lost of life the little bug reaped,and ate good off the life of the people.

so much so that only a handful of humans, remain and thats not going ,too be for long no vegetation survived no animal spared,too even start a settlement just nothing,as I lie on this cot with only the picture of my family,my children that I lost because of human greed why did 😱this have too happen. What happened too us too humanity,were we really so flawed so much damage, that we couldn't see the monster was not the other person but ourselves.

when we look in the mirror,do we really see ourselves or do we see the monsters,the creatures we become were has our soul went where has our pride.We were nothing but slaves too ourselves and too,other's influence a child thats supposed too be protected,will strike you down the second you turned your back it's with this that I look back.On the phrase a great but flawed man had said, Children that have never known peace have different values then those who've never known war.

It was also then that I knew,That peace is a lie this state is taken,as the fundamental fact of the universe the idea of conflict, natured and required for growth and evolution,in nature animals constantly vie for dominace in any given moment.In every given area so do people, Everyone has an Idea of what is right and wrong and the outcome.Is ultimately determined, through conflict doesn't have too be, violent but calling it peaceful is far from the truth any debate is a conflict.Of ideas and its this conflict,that drives progress progress is what drives the world is what mankind strive for no matter the cost.

No matter the voice war will always be, because war is a force that gives men beast God or even a demon meaning,a phenomenon where a sense of purpose is truly revealed.to us it help guides us,to a path that we have never or will ever walk,people say that war brings out nothing but the worst of us but like sorrow pain strife.But it also brings out the best,like love happiness joy protection war is not just fought with guns swords nukes or drones but woth pen and words because there is no good or Evil only power and those too weak too seek it.

As I lie in bed thinking this,as my body is dieing from the radiation plus Corona,looking at the picture of my family signs looks like it's almost time .Huh whelp can't say I dint lived a great life but it was mine he says whit a smile.

mom dad im Alice everyone I'm coming I smiled and close my eyes

(Flashback End)

so as I sit there remembering,a bright light blinds me and as I open my soul eyes,I see a man with long white hair and beard muscular,in a way that bodybuilders would bow down in shame and worship he kind eyes that change color.

???Hello Robert it's great too see,I cannot express how much it is too meet you

the mysterious man said,with a friendly, smile who are you sire I said it wasn't smart too anger the obvious powerful being so I just be quite and see what this being wants

mortals can't comprehend my true name,so just call me corvus the God of life light reincarnation and sun the now name corvus said

Robert-so mr.corvus why am I here sire

Corvus-youe here because I need your help want too make a deal and I want too make a deal with you corvus said

Robert-what kind of offer it might be great deal I've always like betting just look at my sports book account

Corvus-its simple there is a world where the humans there are in trouble fifty years ago after the death of Jesus the world was invaded by an alien race knows as the vasirs at first it was peaceful then after a year they showed there colors they enslaved humanity humans tried too fight but was beaten down over the centuries the invaders restructured the world splitting, it into six parts East,West,North, south then its the canyon Pitt the most ruthless area, it were all the most violent stay or thrown into it then you have the invaders they live on top of the mountain, and sky that separate the world looking down on all while they feast and party while humanity starves.

(AN:picture them as the celestial Dragons from one piece so too is this world there is just less water and instead of paradise and new world the canyon Pitt is those twoo mix together)

Robert was shocked and horrified, at what happened too his people humanity,treated like animals beaten starved he couldn't take it an unknown rage over took him and he lost himself too rage anger at these vasirs did too humans he's going to destroy them .

Corvus-Calm down thsts why I need your help too fix this and I'm offering you 5 wishes too make it happen corvus said

Robert was shocked he taught this only happened in those trashy ass R.O.B isked stories he read before the world turned too shit hen he was excited he admiditly start thinking about his wishes after some time he said his wishes

ok for my first wish I want

1:the purest form of hanma bloodline and also the bloodline of garp Roger big mom and kids basic any other that has a strong physical power and I want to be able too pass it own too people


2:I want all knowledge of martial arts in the multiverse and from earth from modern to dead to fist ,weapons and anything else


3:I want the power of not only haki but also aura and psychic powers that I can share and teach to others


4:the ability limit breaker super growth and an instant mastery and understanding


5:I want an inner world/pocket dimension that is infinite and I have complete control over that I can store people and everything in it would also let me travel too different worlds I'm the multiverse

Hmm that might be doable but it will be locked until your strong enough too open it Corvus said and I was happy about how I'm going to destroy those misery shits

Corvus-so in what area you like to be born in corvus said

can you give me the information about the world I'm detil sure and he snap his fingers and information going into my head and I figure out that world I look at corvus and said I'd like too be born into canyon Pitt

Fine hope you survive and snapped his fingers again and I was gone I hope he can survive the world needs him now more then ever corvus said and he dissapeared leaving nothing bit darkness

Depp within a canyon there was a scream deep into the more lighter part of the canyon but still dark and dangerous lay a women with blonde hair and green eyes and light skins and 5,9 as she gives birth to her child the only good thing that happens in this cess pool of death next to her holding her hand is a man with black hair very tan standing at 6,8 and purple eyes he had three scars running down one of his eyes and two on his chest but that doesn't take away from his handsome looks holding his wife hand

push Susan your all most there said the man ahhhh it's not easy as it look Ronald the women said too her husband and with one final push there where a child's cry Ronald quickly went too the child and use the water by the bed too clean him he look at his son

Ronald his has your hair and nose but my eyes he says handing he too his mother she took him and looked at him he was the most beautiful child in the world with blonde hair and purple eyes with flicks of green light tan skin and a button nose truly beautiful

what should we name him Ronald said

Michael cain she said smiling not knowing that the child she holds would be the key to humanity salvation

