
Finn mikelson: The white wolf

Richard Blake he was the young owner of a small company in the modern world, he had no enemies because his company was small, already his brother.... One day out of revenge against his brother, a gangster group killed Richard, and he reincarnated the cover is not mine if the owner wants, I'll take it off

Alexmorgan · TV
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4 Chs


nineteen ninety

Finn Mikaelson sat in his chair putting his foot on the table to watch the city from the top of the Wolfram & Hart company building

"It looks like the Cold War is over" Finn spoke thoughtfully looking forward

"Yes, the Soviet Union no longer has the strength to compete with the US" A woman replied sitting in the chair in front of Finn's desk

The woman was blue-skinned with two small horns on her forehead that seemed to give her an exotic charm. She crossed her leg while pulling a cigarette from a wallet.

"Yeah, I got it! I think that also means our victory over the watchmen's council" Finn spoke coldly as he crossed his arms "I expected them to be a bigger challenge"

"Hump, they were never a challenge, unlike the Strix, they are a much bigger threat and I say if they hadn't been cowards and sponsored the Nazis to the end, maybe we would have lost it" The woman responded with disgust and clapped her hand on the table with everything

"Sir, I believe we should attack the Strix now, they are still reforming with the losses, and I'm sure we could bring their leaders' heads back" The woman once again spoke irritably

"Do you think you can just go after 900+-year-old vampires so easily Lorya?" Finn asked as he took his foot off the table and threw the woman an annoyed look, "They're as strong as demon lords and do you know how many demon lords we have in this organization?"

"5?" Lorya replied unsurely pointing to herself

"Exactly, We have 5 demon lords, and they have 2 vampires about to turn 1000" Finn got up from his chair with his hands behind him and approached Lorya

When he got in front of her he put his hand on her chin forcing her to look at him

"you know what that means don't you, you studied about vampires," Finn asked looking right into her eyes

"yes, vampires have a power boost every 100 years" Lorya spoke looking away shyly"900 years equals demon lords and 1000 years equals a demon king... that's why we should stop them now "

"No... You're the wrong dear" Finn spoke again sadly "stop them now would be useless because they've already reached that age"

"what are you... don't tell me" Lorya asked in surprise and then widened her eyes in shock "is the myth that the age of being turned is true?"

"yeah... that's why I'm the second most powerful original," Finn said taking his hand off Lorya's chin and walking to the window.

"How many demon kings do we have Lorya?" Finn asked looking at the night city

"You, Ram and Hart" Lorya spoke thoughtfully "but I don't think they're as strong as you guys"

"exactly, they're not, but, they're still demon kings" Finn spoke as he placed his hand on the glass and dragged his finger across it "so we can't just kill them, there are a lot of demon kings out there and I don't think we will be well seen if we kill three demon kings"

Finn sighed in the last part because he knew that if he kills 3 demon kings he would have to deal with very bad diplomacy situations with the other demon kings

Finn in case he decides to kill Aurora, Tristian and Lucien would have to explain himself to the Walpurgis top10. What Finn didn't want to have to deal with so soon

The top 10 were the 10 great demon kings that were superior in power than the demon lords, literally atomic bombs among the demon kings had some connection with that dimension or were in it. It was the votes of the top 12 that decided on the course of the demonic world

Finn knew he had Ram on his side most of the time, so he had two of the top 10 Octagrams to support his decision. the problem was, he wasn't sure if Hart would stand in his favour.

since she had a grudge against him for killing Wolf. Apart from the fact that Tristian and Aurora recently entered the top 27 of the Octagram

Of course, Finn's word that he was in the top 10 was worth much more than theirs, but there's someone in the top 10 that Finn was sure would go against him.

Mikael the number 8 of the 27 official demon kings, someone who despite sharing the same blood as Finn wouldn't help him if Finn doesn't surrender Klaus of He

Finn knew that what happened to Mikael was the same as Finn, they were attacked by demon kings and won by earning their place in the chair

Finn killed the wolf that was 6 in the top 10 and Mikael killed Amadeus that occupied 8th place in the top 10

other than that, Finn didn't have any enmities with the others in the top 10, but he also didn't have super friendships with them. that is, he has two who will incriminate him and 2 (counting him) who will defend him if Ram takes sides

"From now on we're just going to watch them from afar and keep our territory clean" Finn spoke as he sat back in his chair once more

"Yes sir, I'll send my best lookouts" Lorya replied bowing to Finn and turned her back to leave

"aff, geopolitics sucks" Finn snorted looking up wearily and looked at his desk finding a paper

"Roanapur, Huh? Looks like I'm not alone in Buffy and The Vampires Diaries" Finn said taking the paper while looking quickly at him

He threw the paper on the table and began to click his fingers thoughtfully.

"I think it's time to start investing in the human underworld," Finn said bored thinking about what he would do about the strange world he was in


Sage was a very old vampire and in love with a man who saved her when she was at rock bottom. She spent a lot of time looking for her man based on loose information

All she knew was that her man had been inside a coffin for 900 years. She searched for the coffin everywhere chasing Klaus her man's brother to release her man

Until one day she was wandering around the UK looking for some clue to Klaus in the demonic bars below which the original didn't even know existed.

That was the charm of the demon world, you don't know if it's even there until you find it yourself, until then the whole demon world is hidden

as if he had a spell protecting people from seeing him. Sage despite being born human was offered as a sacrifice by her family to a demon they adored and was eventually saved by Finn at that time and fell in love with him ending up marrying the man who would later turn her into a vampire

She at that time heard the rumour of a very powerful vampire with white hair who had eyes that glowed yellow when he used his powers.

she suspected at the time that that vampire was her man and somehow escaped from Klaus, she just had to find him before Klaus did to make sure he didn't get punished again

Sage entered the bar confidently with his posture straight and his guard down. She noticed that everyone inside was watching her and made a point of letting her magical power radiate

Sage laughed at the trick that made everyone in the bar wince. One thing most vampires, werewolves and witches did was that all beings were able to control their powers with training.

"What is a demon lord doing in my bar?" a female voice caught sage's attention, and she looked at the counter where a woman was looking at her curiously.

The woman was red-skin with a well-built but very feminine body and a single horn in the middle of her forehead that made quite a contrast to her blond hair. an ogre, Sage smiled calmly approaching the woman and when she got close enough she placed her hand on the counter leaning towards the woman.

"I'm looking for information," Sage said looking straight into the woman's eyes

"What kind of information?" The ogre woman asked "I can tell you the time, on how many days in a year if you want"

"sarcastic you, huh?" Sage closed his eyes but made no move.

She realized that the woman in front of her had no magical power, or rather, she was hiding it. A person able to completely hide her magical power is someone dangerous that Sage doesn't want to pick a fight with.

"I'm?" The woman spoke with a friendly smile

"Of course it is" Sage replied with the same smile "I'm looking for this man, have you seen him?"

Sage has placed a drawn portrait of her and Finn on top of an altar dressed in a beautiful antique wedding dress.

The woman looked at the photo and widened her eyes and then quickly composed herself.

"no, I've never seen him" The ogre woman replied with a smile and handed a photo to Sage

"don't lie to me, I saw your heart racing, you know him," Sage said angrily and gripped the ogre woman's wrist tightly "please tell me I'm leaving"

"This is the white wolf," the ogre woman said looking down "he is no longer the person you knew"

"what does that mean?" the sage asked worriedly

"He lost his memory" The ogre replied as she took the Sage wrist from her hand and released it "was the story he told all her former acquaintances"

"Have you met Finn?" Sage asked

"who do you think introduced the demonic world to him?" The ogre spoke sadly "it was a thousand years ago when he was still a human, and I was a young ogre was perhaps the first time I fell in love"

"I see, he has his charm, haven't you tried to recover his memory?' Sage asked carelessly

"I tried, but they're gone, Finn is no longer the man I fell in love with, he's just someone else with his body" The ogre spoke before leaving the bar with her head down"which was good, at least, now he is no longer affected by the curse"

"curse?" sage asked

"yes, the mental curse that kept him from accepting himself" The ogre replied and turned to Sage "he's in the USA, but, know that he's not the same man you knew anymore, and he's turned into a womanizer, and I'll tell you he's good in bed, he does things in bed that I didn't even imagine trying in my thousand-year"

Sage realized that the woman's last words were filled with lust and the way she ran her hand down her body was definitely meant to piss Sage off.

"Hump, and you think this was to piss me off won't work" Sage spoke with a sly smile looking at the woman fiercely "I'm open-minded and I wasn't the most faithful person when he was in jail, life is for himself live intensely it's only fair that he can taste other tastes too as long as I'm together"

Sage can see the woman's eyes widen and a slight laugh comes out of her mouth.

"You really love him, don't you?" the ogre asked

"yes" Sage replied

"are you going to love him even if he's someone else now?" the ogre asked

"Yes, I swore my Finn life when he saved me 900 years ago and no matter what happens to him or what he does it won't change" Sage speaks confidently and disappears from the bar

"Looks like you're going to have a good follower, Finn Mikaelson or rather Richard Blake" the ogre woman spoke with a slight smile and looked around the bar to see that all the customers were dead with their necks twisted and some mutilated

"as expected from a demon lord an A rank monster is truly terrifying" She said as she ran her hand over her face with an amused smile "maybe in the future she can become as powerful as I am"