
A Visit And Permission

Entry 81:

Kunou POV:

My Mother having a boyfriend is one of the most incredible things ever, as I finally have someone to play with me all the time. But it is a bit sad when he is working, but he always seems to have time for me.

Except late at night when Anakim and Mother are doing their nightly exercises as Mother seems exhausted every day, and when I ask why they are doing it, Mother says, " You will understand when you're older, my little fox."

"But I am old enough," I think to myself as I vow that I will find out eventually what they're doing at those nightly exercises. 

Today, I wanted to surprise him by showing up at his house in Kuoh, and when I used the page he gave me to teleport to him, I found him with another girl.

But as I use my senjustu to sense this new being, I immediately regret it as the presence. It is like a neverending void.

As I panic, Anakim picks me up in his arms while smiling as I snuggle closer. It feels nice being around him.

"Little Fox, what are you doing here? Is your Mother alright?" He asks, making me smile as his first thought is my Mother, even with his intimidating look.

It's a nice feeling.

But as he pats my head, I feel a cold presence in the room, which is coming from the other little girl, and I feel jealous as I ask Anakim, "Papa, why is she here?"

He then answers as he says, " Well, my little fox, this little girl here is the Infinite Dragon God that is bumming at my house because she has seemingly gotten addicted to the room of silence I gave her and my food."

I immediately tighten my grip on him as I look towards the little girl, who I swear is smirking, which causes me to narrow my eyes at her.

This dragon represents a threat as she threatens to take all my food, stories, and hug time. 

As I hopped down to the floor, I stood right in front of the little girl whose empty look was somewhat concerning as I said, " Well, even if you are the Infinite Dragon God, we must establish the pecking order."

"Pecking order?" The Dragon God asks, tilting her head.

"Yes, The pecking order as I was his friend first, and so the pecking order goes as such: you've got the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, the regular humans, Anakim's acquaintances, i.e you, The Great Kunou, My Mother and his Lovers, and then The Almighty Kunou."

The Dragon Loli then hops onto Anakim and says, " Your pecking order is flawed as the new light has my silence, so I am at the top of the pecking order." 

I immediately attempt to get her off, but her grip is, and after a couple of minutes of trying, I give up and just sit on his left shoulder while the dragon loli sits on his right shoulder.

Anakim sits in silence as I hear him mutter, "I am an angel of God, not a chair or benchwarmer." and "Go to Japan he said. It would be fun, he said."

Ophis then pats him on the head while I wonder what story I could ask him to finish. He still needs to tell me what happened after Naruto became Hokage.

Linus Ozias POV:

Anime worlds are beautiful as physics takes a backseat to action, and anything is possible, from flight to controlling reality at a snap of a finger.

For now, though, I have been focusing on my next move as I have a couple of things left to do before I leave this town, such as gaining access to that white cat's hair clip with data relating to the research on creating Super Devils.

While that would help me immensely in understanding devil physiology, it will also help in showing the increased influence of the Old Satan faction within the current underworld.

It may also allow me to gain the interest of a particular black cat, not the silver-haired one from Marvel but another.

  And with that black cat's help, I could gain access to Divine Dividing, and that divide ability would be clutch along with analyzing the poison Albion can create to harm divine beings.

Sacred Gears are such bullshit.

But my mission is to stop the chaos brigade from contacting the other worlds and stop Loki from being able to time travel, which will delay the alien God's invasion by around 30 years, which is plenty of time.

I have already completed a part of the quest to become a god, but it is only a temporary form and requires more training.

Luckily, if I ever really need to be in multiple places at once, I can use the life model decoys.

Thanks to my parallel thought processing, I can control my life model decoys in real time. I have the original me in Kuoh and a life model decoy running the Iscariot Organization.

Speaking of which, I spend today's charges on increasing the defense of my soul so I can feel the effect as my soul becomes a lot more compact and robust as I can hold my divine form longer.

With my increased magical regeneration/control and consistent growth in power, I should be able to hold my divine form for days now.

Currently, my level is reaching mid-God Class just by existing, thanks to my broken limiter essence.

I am still weaker than the primordials and the top 10 in comparison. I am still more vulnerable than the most vital members of the Hindu pantheon, who were weaker than the celestial dragons, with the celestial dragons being weaker than the dragon gods/primordials(Tartarus, Gaea, and Ouranos). 

At my current growth rate, I should be able to at least be at the level of a Dragon God within a couple more months.

Also, I did make a slight mental change to our resident wannabe Red Dragon Emperor, as while he is essentially immune from soul manipulation due to the presence of the Red Dragon Emperor, his mind is not.

So I have had my nanites changing specific priorities in his mind while hiding his energy signature.

In a couple of years, Issei Hyoudou will contribute to society under my new company.

If he does awaken the Red Dragon, I can recruit him, as I find having the Red Dragon under an angel ironic at its best.

Others would wish for his death, but he does not represent a threat anymore, and it's actually a boon as Rizveim Lucifer only found out about other worlds from Issei getting in contact with the I kid you, not  Breast Goddess.

So, as I manipulate the protagonist so he never awakens his gear, that threat is dealt with.

So, all that is left is to grab Koneko's hairpin, and I can do that while informing the devils of my leave.

But I will leave defenses around the city in the form of A2, who will maintain my residence in Kuoh as the android has found wearing maid outfits and maid role-play fun.

B2 is a lot more reserved and simply wishes to remain in my shadow.

As I mentioned my thought processes to the two children, both are sad, but as I can never really get rid of them, I will be there for them always.

Ophis then requests more food before leaving to return to her room.

When asked how she will find me, she says, "I will follow the light and the smell."

She then leaves, and Kunou returns to Kyoto after a story/tickle session with a promise to see her later tonight.

And that is a promise I will keep, as Yasaka is a gift that keeps on giving.

Her insights are also a plus as I feel like I need not pretend from her. It's a liberating feeling.

When I told her of my plans, she just smiled and said, " I will be with you always as me and Kunou will always love you for everything you've done. No matter what changes occur, we will be happy you do it for us."

She then surprised me by saying, " I also know how much my angel is a player as I hear the very Earth growl at me whenever we "exercise," so if anyone joins, let me know."

When I asked her why she would allow that, her response was very pragmatic: "I cannot be with you all the time, and as such, your needs will be left unfulfilled, so I will be satisfied knowing someone is there to help you out."

I love this woman, and let's just say she was rewarded well that night.

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