
Finding my soul

finding my soul love stricken prologue... Glen Angie is a 18 year old female with long lashes, pink soft lips and adorable body shape. She's a human with a very good an respected behavior. Her families and friend cherished her so much and even her late parents.... She attends a school only for elites through scholarship and made up her mind that by all means she must achieve her goal in life. Becoming a very successful Neurosurgeon.... but still she wanted to know what love is. Jim Jarvis, a very cute popular teenage and handsome punk... He's a werewolf not in search of his mate cos he doesn't care and he's a gay! he is all girls desire in school... but unknown to them he is a gay. Both Angie and Jarvis are on different path, Angie is very crazy and funny. She troubles Jarvis a lot and then finds out he's a gay but that made her trouble him the more. Angie is desperately in search of her soulmate... while Jarvis doesn't give a damn about his mate. But things went out as unexpected... Angie got informed about a fortune teller and went to meet him to seek if she could get anything about her soulmate. The way it went was how she never imagined.... All went and prove that the highschool punk Jim Jarvis, An alpha gay is Angie soulmate and Now that she knows she has to make him fall in love with her "Forget about the prince charming!" Jarvis said in a husky tone “Go for the Wolf, he can see you better. ......and eat you better!” he said with a sexy smile.

Dera_Brown · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Fine.. I'll help you


Angie POV

He didn't again.. he can't say sorry. What type of human being is he anyways

"What type of Hunan being are you!" I exclaimed

He scoffed instead..."Angie...don't get on my nerves, you won't like it!" he said into my eyes

"I can't be scared of you" I replied intently into his eyes

"Yeah I should have known!" he laughed and stepped back

"You're helping me with my assignment!" I said and turned back to my phone

"And who said so?" he asked me

"Me!..who else, I heard you're smart!" I laughed and saw the assignment showing it to his face

"this is it!" I said then he took his face away

"See it!!" I groaned and showed it to his face again but same he took it away

"C'mon!!" I groaned and hit his shoulders

"Ah..why did you hit me!" he exclaimed

"I'll hit you again!" I replied and raised my hand to hit him but he caught it and sighed

"Oh my goodness.. Isn't that Angie with Jarvis?" I heard a female whisper.

I gulped down and looked round slowly. Eyes were on me

"and what's bad if we're together!!" I fired back at her.

"I thought he doesn't talk to girls!" another said

"He's even holding her hand" another replied

Jarvis seemed to notice what he just did and was about to let my hand down but I gripped his hands tightly

"So what do you say about it?" I asked him

He looked confused.."me?" he asked

"yeah..you!" I poked his chest

"Angie just leave me alone... tell someone else to help you" he said and tucked his hands into his pocket about to walk away but I grabbed his collar from behind.

"Jinja (진자??)" I exclaimed in Korean meaning really

He looked at me irritatedly

"Ginger??" he asked me

"Really???" I half yelled and let him go

"ah... I should have thought about it, you're really gynophobic!' I clicked my tongue lowly and walked to him

"What did she say?" I heard a voice whisper

"I don't know if I heard it clearly!" another said

"Why don't you all mind your business!!"I yelled out at them

"This Angie is really gonna bring me trouble!" a Girl said and walked away

"So you better keep off" I fired at her

"You..." I turned back to Jarvis

"help me with my assignment or I tell everyone you're gynophobic" I whispered to him

He laughed instead and then I nod

"really?" I folded MY arms..

"okay then!" I sighed and was about to talk when a guy walked to him

"Xanthus!" Jarvis exclaimed

"what you doing?" he asked Jarvis and turned to me

"who's she?" he asked as he poked him

"Me...?" I asked lowly

Damn...he really is hot

His hair was styled backwards and some fell to the right side of his face.

He had one ear piercing, his nose was sharp and his brows were good.

shaped nicely

"She...She's a newbie that's getting on my nerves!" he groaned

The guy gave a cute laugh ..He must also be among the top ranking handsome dudes in the school

"Xanthus! you're laughing?" Jarvis exclaimed

"You're funny..!" he laughed

I glared at Jarvis pouting.

"Please..!" I begged him childishly

"What's she pleading for?" Xanthus whispered to him

"I should help her with her assignments!" he rolled his eyes

"can't you.. She's cute anyways" Xanthus laughed

Jarvis frowned immediately.."I can't!" he said and turned to leave then I shouted


He frozed and turned to me. "aren't__" he trailed off

"Everyone!!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

Jarvis raised his brows at me..

Most students around stopped and looked at me

"Jarvis ha____" I trailed off

He suddenly walked to me and pulled me by my arm

"What's wrong with them!" whispers was all I heard

"ah ah let me go!" I said as I hit his arm but his grip was so tight that I couldn't let go.

"You're noisy!" he replied instead and then pulled me down the stairs

"where are you taking me to!!" I said

Students around gave way for us to pass

"must he have known her before?"

"Jarvis..you're annoying you know!!" I groaned and then he opened a door and dragged me in with him shutting it hardly.

He let go immediately and ran his hands through his hair.

"what's your fvcking problem Angie!!" he yelled at me

"You're my fvcking problem Jarvis, why can't you just help me with it!" I yelled back and then he groaned and grabbed my hands pushing me back

The next thing I knew was my back went against the wall and my hands were raised above my head

"Angie...you and I are not equal... I can't help you!" he said

"really..?" I asked lowly

"Teach me" I said

"I____" he trailed off

"ah ah I'm not hearing you!!" I screamed shaking my head vigorously

"I'll tell everyone you're gynophobic and you know they'll believe me...I heard you're top ranking handsome.. ha!" I laughed

"So..handsome guy has a sickness!" I laughed

"I can't believe you're saying this now" he groaned and then stepped back

"Fine...I will help you with it!" he said and tucked his hands into his pocket

"don't help me do it..you'll teach me!" I said calmly

"what?..I can't seat with you lecturing you" he groaned

"Jarvis...." I said lowly and stepped to him

"I heard you don't spend a minute with girls ..true?" I asked him

He had a surprised look on his face.."Now you know" he rolled his eyes

"Then why are you with me?" I laughed

"this is the second time you're pinning me to the wall yunno!"

He slapped his forehead.."how could I!" he clicked his tongue

"its cos you're a newbie I'm being casual with you"he muttered

"what else will you say!" I laughed

"you'll cover up...its obviously you don't move with girls, but since you're doing what I heard you don't do with others. ." I sighed and threw my hands up in the air

"I'm the lucky one!!" I laughed

Jarvis POV

I chuckled lowly at what she did... she was just childish

"Oh yeah am really an angel ..the babycake!!" she squealed with cute laughs..

I found myself laughing with her..." so I'll leave it with you!" she said happily

My gaze landed to the window..Was I seeing double

"people were at the window.. including Xanthus, he was shocked.

My laugh seized...

"let's go.. they'll be waiting, don't worry I won't walk with you" she said and pulled ME with her. she was backing the door..

I tried pulling her back..they were out there already

"Let's go Jarvis!" she screamed and turned to the door

She froze immediately..

"ahhh.. punks, I should have known!" she stood in akimbo and walked to the door..

"What's you guys problem!" she shouted and kicked the door open

"ahhh.. sure y'all will like poke nosing around" I rolled my eyes