
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Ranking Exhibitions

Lucian walked from the study building through an underground passage that held a great many uniquely ornate locked doors towards the estate arena.

It was a 100yd by 100yd battle arena surrounded by a large collesieum. It had a great many entrances underground and above ground to seat around 20million.

Today was the first day of the light family anual rankings exhibitions, and was also the first year Lucian was old enough to participate.

As Lucian approached the end of the underground passage he found a butler standing awaiting his arrival.

"Precisely on time my boy let us get you to your locker room." The butler began as he opened the door and ushered Lucian through.

On the other side of the doors were two massive armed guards that stood at attention when the door opened.

"Lead the way I must remind young Lucian how this event will effect his place within the light family." The butler spoke letting the guards know they could begin navigating the arena undercroft towards Lucian's assigned locker room.

"The light family thrives in friendly competition and pushing everyone to do better while also affording every person of light family blood has an equal opportunity to thrive and flourish within the light family."

"Yea, we're all just one big happy family!" Lucian cut in sarcastically to which the battle sharply looked at the child.

"Uhm-uhm as I was saying, the ranking exhibition games consist of 5 random events, the purpose of the games is to determine how much resources can be alloted to your branch of the light family."

"Yea I know I saw them last year and the year before that and the year…" Lucian began before being cut off.

"Uh-uhmm as I was saying, the light family is a very large family, much larger and more connected than what you may have been accustomed to in the mortal worlds. The size of the light family is akin to possibly a few mortal worlds, this much diversity brings many geniuses of all types so to offer fair opportunity to all based on the youths ranks there are a list of sects guild they would be qualified to join, while their families will receive an allotted sum of money from the ancient elders that control the families treasury."

"Your parents asked I tell you to do your best, also your ranking doesn't matter they just want you to have fun." The butler said as they approached Lucian's locker room.

It was another ornate burgundy door with a golden eagle head placed at head height.

The guards stepped aside as the butler held his hand in front of the eagle which caused the door to open.

"After each round you will automatically be teleported here, you will be able to view other contestants and matches from here as if you were anywhere you would like to be in the collesieum from here." The butler said stepping aside.

"Thanks, maybe I'll come in first?" Lucian said casually as he strolled past Janus.

"There are a great many geniuses in the light family, but I believe in you none the less young master." Janus said as he slightly bowed before he turned and scurried away.

Lucian entered the luxurious locker room, and inspected it, there were great mirrors the spanned every wall in the room, even the ceiling.

As Lucian walked closer to the mirrors he realized that not a single one of them were showing the reflections of the other mirrors only his reflection was in each mirror.

Once he was in touching distance of where the mirror was it began to vanish slowly revealing a shower area and robes and different types of fighting attire all on life size models of himself.

Additionally the wall held a weapon rack which contained items that ranged from a slingshot and sword, to guns and what looked to be high technology energy weapons.

"Welcome participant 1, all rooms are fitted with a rest area through the west mirror, a shower and preparation area through the north window, the east window has a portal to on sight medics if you need, while the main room can function as a training area with light clones, or a meditation area where the energy can be purified to amplify your meditations." An automated voice sounded above Lucian's head answering what he had been thinking.

"The first event will begin in 5 hours I will remind the participant 30 minutes prior to the event so they may prepare." The automated sounded again.

*yawn* "I guess I'll get some rest then" Lucian said as he stretched his arms and walked out of the shower area to the right to the rest area.

Here Lucian was greeted by one of the most lavish beds he had ever seen, it was the shape of a cloud and took up nearly the entire room.

He immediately jumped onto the bed where he found himself fall into the cloud and as it gently conformed to his shape perfectly almost as if he were a child in a womb.