
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime et bandes dessinées
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215 Chs

Ch 174 – Wondrous Realm of Dreams

As his body slowly floated towards the magical construct he himself created painstakingly, his body passed through the thin barrier of rainbow-colored runes and his clothes fell down to the ground. Stopping inside the bubble-like construct, he sat down in a lotus position naked and slowly calmed himself down.

Sensing that his mind has fully entered a tranquil state, he put his entire focus on the cheat dwelling deep within him and slowly activated it. Sensing the activation of his power, he can sense the Law of Dream around him reacting in response. Like snow located inside a cold area, the two complemented one another, and he could clearly feel the synergy between the construct and his cheat.

Acknowledging his success, Nox Aeterna's consciousness slowly faded away from his body while the radiant cheat deep within him shined brightly. Just like that, a strange power boomed and silence ensued within the spacious room illuminated by the bright rainbow color in the middle.

But somewhere inside a mystical realm unknown to man nor beast, a realm very few have access to, Nox opened his eyes to be greeted by a beautiful sight incomparable to anything he ever saw before.

Brilliant rainbow clouds, countless glittering stars, and a high concentration of the Law of Dream in the area. It was akin to an endless realm of dreams. It was only him in the area, and he stared down at his astral body in amazement.

'So, this is the realm of dreams?'

A universe, though it may seem simple at first, is actually split into countless realms containing different purposes. For example, the astral plane is the realm where spiritual beings roam.

'A realm where all dreams are located. Dreams that range from past, present, to future are all stored in this one single place. It can be said that those who can enter this realm can potentially acquire a power far beyond that of Gods, as even the dream of Gods and other god-like beings can be found in this area…' Nox Aeterna's eyes glimmered with greed before he held it back.

Even with the potential to enter the dreams of Gods, it will be a foolish mistake as it would spell his very doom. The dreams of Gods are far more mysterious compared to the dreams of mortals. In those dreams, the godly comprehensions of those Gods over the Laws of reality will drive any mortal to the brink of death in mere moments. Even with his own abilities, Nox Aeterna wasn't confident he'd live if he were to enter the dream of a God.

Staring all around the area, he saw the countless glittering motes of light and instinctively knew what they meant in the back of his head as the Law of Dreams in the area allowed him to comprehend the mysterious heavenly secrets of the realm. 'The dreams of mortals are merely incomplete worlds, while the dreams of Gods, if what I learned is true, are actual worlds!'

It made Nox feel an immense amount of shock to learn that the mere dreams of Gods are actual worlds, but after realizing that the law comprehension of Gods is akin to transcending the limits of what mortals can achieve, then a world formed from such mysterious laws are of course going to produce dream worlds.

'Dreams, they are the manifestation of one's comprehension of the laws of reality! If one can become the God of Dreams, then they'd potentially attain the comprehension of all other Gods!' Once that thought entered Nox Aeterna's mind, a blazing fire was lit inside him and he knew that he must make haste to grow stronger.

Throughout his entire life, he has never once entered the realm of Gods even after a thousand years! But now, the times were different and he knew that even reaching the level of Gods is merely just another step towards Braun's scheme.

'Gods, ha! They are merely pawns under the omniscience of Freidrich Braun!' Nox Aeterna laughed madly, and he entered a shining star. With that, Nox Aeterna descends into a dream for the very first time after becoming a clone of Isaac Deathwill.


In an unknown area, one can see an endless blue sea holding innumerable aquatic life. One can find fishes, eels, plants, corals, and such all throughout the area. On the surface of the sea, there were rolling waves and even large tsunamis forming everywhere, yet no sign of land can be found.

In the sky, one can find fluffy white clouds, yet no signs of birds can be found. The only thing one can find in this strange sea were the aquatic beings below the sea, and nothing else.

But slowly, every being in the general area suddenly stopped moving and they turned their attention toward the sky above them. Fishes soared and flapped their tails rapidly to arrive at the surface. Flying aquatic life hovered in the sky. Sea serpents rose their heads and peaked through the water and glanced to the skies above.

As if all of them were called by a mysterious power, they all opened their mouth and a strange hum rang through the entire sea. Slowly, in the far distance, one can see the white clouds start to gather, and the harsh salty winds of the sea became stronger as the strange sound that reverberated throughout the entire sea became stronger.

The waters of the sea turned turbulent and chaotic, the Law of Water itself seemed to react to the strange phenomenon and the waters started to form whirlpools, pillars of water, large waves, tsunamis, and such.

Eventually, in the far distance, a majestic being arrived in their vision and their cries turned louder.

Clouds gathered around its mountainous body. Its skin was blue just like the sea below it, and the white fluffy clouds gathered around it like a coat of white cotton. It was akin to a moving mountain range, with its body being hundreds of meters long and hundreds of meters high. All around its body, one can see the dense markings of the Law of Water.

One glance alone and one would immediately describe it as a flying whale the size of a mountain range. If one were to see it, they'd already faint from shock.

One would also feel immense fear, as the aura of a Z-Rank Demigod emanated from its body, pressuring all other aquatic creatures in the area like a natural dominance. It was the verifiable Emperor of Seas, its mere presence caused turbulent changes in the entire area.

It opened its mouth lightly, and the water from the sea rose toward the sky. The sea creatures inside the water remained stagnant and accepted their fate. With a loud chump, the stream of sea creatures entered the giant flying whale's mouth and he swallowed them whole.


Inside a strange forest filled with trees of all sizes and shapes, with all sorts of colored leaves and trunks, one can find mysterious beings roaming inside it freely. Some were red foxes, some were three-eyed rabbits, some were small fairies, and others were sentient trees, vines, snakes, and such.

Strangely enough, all of the beings inside the mysterious forest lived in harmony. The normally hostile predators didn't eat the docile pretty. The harmless rabbits lived along with foxes, and wolves lived along with moose without hurting them.

Not only that, but if one was an experienced mage, one can sense the glaringly high spirituality of the animals within the forest. Their eyes were filled with the brilliance of sentience comparable to even humans and beyond it!

They seemingly talked with one another in their own strange language. They had a structured society where they shared food and had their own share of work! They helped one another, and followed their own form of laws! That was a clear sign that the residents of this forest have verifiable intelligence.

And just like before in the world made solely of seas, all of the creatures in the forest halted their movement as if sensing something. Instantly, all of them turned their bodies directly towards a single position and bowed their heads respectfully.

Slowly, in the distance, through the dense patches of trees, one can sense the powerful aura of a Z-Rank Demigod hastily approaching. From the darkness, they saw a pair of three eyes light up and stare directly at them. Through the dense trees, they saw its ginormous body a few meters tall, with long brown fur. Its multiple horns poked through the leafy roof of the forest as its entire body finally appeared in their vision.

It was a ginormous, monstrous deer! Its body was akin to a large building, while its fur was long and messy. Its antlers were long and were like the branches of a tree. It had three golden eyes that shone brightly with intelligence and brilliance. Just its mere presence alone caused the entire forest to change rapidly as the Law of Life reacted to its presence.


Above a sea of white clouds, one can find dragons roaming about. Some were long and fierce, with red scales and a pair of demonic horns. Others were more elegant and smaller, having black scales and multiple pairs of wings.

They were far from the normal dragons Nox Aeterna has encountered back in Tellus. Dragons were usually almost the same in appearance, not like the ones inside this strange place where dragons can be seen in all shapes and sizes.

Some had two heads, which is already something no dragons possessed in Tellus. Some had horns, some had no legs, some had no wings but can still fly, some had multiple tails, some had multiple eyes, and such. Such diversity definitely shows that this place belongs to an entirely different world.

And again and again, just like before, the dragons in the air halted their movements one by one as a strong aura swept through the entire sky above the white clouds. A loud roar reverberated throughout the entire area that echoed loudly just like thunder.

The clouds below them gathered and changed, turning dark and ominous. Seeing that, the dragons all around the area roared in excitement as they hastily flapped their wings.

As if they already knew what was about to happen, they hastily moved into a certain formation. Some hovered near the dark clouds, and some flew higher and higher, but what was common was that they all spun in a circular motion and created a pillar of flying dragons. It was a brilliant scene where countless dragons worked with one another in a synchronized manner and the dark clouds below them quickly formed into a ginormous tornado.

As the tornado of dark clouds formed, a louder roar reverberated and they howled in response. Instantly, they felt the absurdly strong winds erupt below them and the clouds in the surrounding area dispersed. The clouds that ranged for kilometers were now suddenly gone, and they all hastened their flyigng speed.

Finally, they saw a green dragon appear in the far distance hundreds of meters long in size. It had green scales, filled with markings of the Law of Wind. Not only that, it emanated an intense aura of a Z-Rank Demigod as the Law of Dragons around its body resonated with all the dragons in the area.

"ROAR!" It cried out loudly like a clap of thunder.

"ROAR!" All of the dragons responded, and the dragon flew higher and entered through the pillar formation onto the sky above the sky!


"To experience the dreams of such grand beings so freely…" Nox Aeterna opened his eyes in an instant. Even though only a few hours passed, it felt like an eternity to him.

He breathed out a sigh and continued: "To freely traverse the realm of dreams, this power truly is absurd…"

Clenching his fist and feeling the surge of comprehension within his mind, he felt his pulsating heart that beat with excitement and smiled lightly.

Closing his eyes once more, Nox Aeterna descends into the endless realm of dreams. With the dreams of many significant beings for him to explore for free, he would of course exploit them to the fullest and increase his own personal strength, for Godhood was considered only another part of Braun's grand scheme.

AN: This chapter has 2061 words.

(October 12, 2022 – 322nd day of writing)

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