
chapter 2

Arina remained silent and went to a huge dresser in the front room. It was half closet/ half dresser. She pulled a large key ring from her top and held it in her hand. She removed some clothes from the drawer and it revealed a key hole in the back of the large drawer. She had a hidden compartment in the dresser side. Jontho and Wilron were clueless that the hidden compartment was even there.

Jontho was surprised with what he saw. It was a dress of a prostitute from the training grounds red district.


Jontho one night nine months ago got all hot and bothered, so he decided to go again to the red light district.

He was going end-to-end down the streets looking for a thrill, but none of the harlots caught his interest. He had slept with most of the whores of the training grounds and they bored him now. The whores in their wanton dresses did all they could to get the attention of the huge man but he keeps walking.

A group of prostitutes surround the mighty man and grab at him.

A blonde declares,"Come on Jontho! Give us a good time!"

A red head speaks,"We need you! We won't even charge you this time!"

Jontho swatted all the women to the ground gently. The whores stop trying and gave up. The whores curse among themselves while Jontho walks further away.

He walks past an alley and he hears a voice.

"Come here I will give you a good time!" said the voice.

Jontho speaks,"I told you that I am not interested!"

He looks to his side and sees a new harlot that he has not fornicated with yet.

She is in a green miniskirt and a top with her mid drift bare. She is wearing high heels that are tied around her shins. The women has a veil over her face and excessive eye make up.

As soon as Jontho sees the whore's eyes she has him now under her complete control. She leads him to a love hotel and they cave into lust.

Jontho knew better than live the way he was living but did it anyway. He loved the pleasure too much to be abstinent!


Arina is holding the same dress as the whore he had slept with those nine months ago!

Jontho breaks out into tears out of sheer horror. He could have knocked up his brother's wife!

Jontho begins to truly rule lose his mind.

Jontho yells,"How could you do this to Wilron and I?"

Arina speaks," I have never slept with anybody but you two! I did it to have a baby since Wilron wanted one so bad! I chose you because you and Wilron look almost as twins besides your sizes."

Wilron was slightly smaller than his elder twin Jontho.

Jontho knew that he could not take back what has been done. But, he could remove the problem so that his brother would die never knowing the truth.


Jontho had repeatable been offered gifts by the great shadow in an attempt to try to turn to his side.

This figure known as the great shadow is the source of all evil in the entire Singlarr Galaxy.

Jontho knew better than sell his soul to evil, since he would only reap damnation.

The great shadow had given Jontho a metal box and he opened it.

He was so surprised by what was inside it that he dropped it to the ground.

It was the conqueror mask! This mask was a special mask that gave the user ultimate power. It had been said that it had been made by the elders eons ago.

Jontho had lived for over two hundred years and increases in his abilities at this point were close to zero. This mask could change that and give Jontho near limitless fighting potential.

That moment in time Jontho was caught up in the snares of the great shadow.

The giant yells,"I will follow you!"

Jontho bows and tries to grab the mask but the great shadow grabs back the mask with his psychic powers.

The great shadow speaks while holding the mask,"First you must do something for me!"

Jontho was starting to tremble out of anticipation.

He speaks,"What do I got to do? Name it!"

The great shadow speaks,"First, kill Arina, your brother's wife!"

Jontho was taken back and begins to walk away.

The great shadow speaks," Your sister in law is pregnant with an another man's child!"

Jontho became angry and was going to assault the great shadow when he sees a scroll in his


Jontho stops the assault and looks down at his hands.

The great shadow speaks," It is proof of what I just said!"

Jontho looks at the scroll and is dismayed. Three doctors had said that they had tested his brother Wilron for infertility. His brother had been found to be completely sterile. Jontho could not comprehend he has just read. A small sample of his brother's blood was given three times as proof that it was his brother. He now knows the truth of Arina's cockholding. He knows that his brother would probably kill himself if he would find out what has happened. The giant would kill his sister's wife to erase the dark truth of what she had done. That is all that Jontho could do for his brother Wilron, even it meant being the villain.

At the very moment, the great shadow knows that he has Jontho in his grip. Jontho will do whatever what the great shadow may tell him to do.


Jontho spoke," Arina we have a problem here!"

A look of intensity appears on the pregnant woman as she tries to back up.

Jontho spoke,"One of us will have to die here today!"

Arina backs up right up into a wall but she can not escape! She is startled when she hits the wall.


Wilron comes back home and walks through the front door.

He can smell that dinner has been cooked but the flames were still burning. There was a burnt smell emitting from the humble kitchen. Wilron knew within himself that something was wrong. It was not like her to leave a flame unsupervised or burn food. Wilron turns off the flame of the stove.

He walks in the kitchen and see that some form struggle had occurred. The dinning room

table had been destroyed and all sorts of kitchen tools all over the floor.

Wilron begins to call out," Arina! Where are you!"

He receives no answer and he goes through the entire house. He goes to their bedroom and opens the door.

Wilron is horrified by what he sees.

Arina has been murdered! It looks like she had been butchered like an animal. Wilron throws up all that was within his stomach unto his bedroom floor.

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