
chapter 29

Tenlong Yang, Rin, and Lin were walking all over to try to get back underground.

Lin spoke, "How are we gonna get back done there? It will be a very long time before we can become the tiger conqueror. We can do that combo attack that we used to get up top.

Tenlong spoke, "No need because I will take care of it."

Twins were climbing up the top of the giant since it was the only safe spot in the area.

Lin whispered in Tenlong's ear, "Be gentle because I am your girlfriend now. I have decided that already."

Yang blushed at her comment but said nothing.

He thought, "How are we going to have kids, as my manhood is bigger than she is.

Rin thought, "Something happened to the two hotheads since my sister isn't hiding her boobs and is caring more about her looks. I see the looks that they give each other."

Lin was pretending that she was head butting her boyfriend, but in reality, she was kissing the whole side of Tenlong's face. The brute held his massive hand to her head and she accepted it by grabbing his index with her free hand. She sucked Yang's middle finger in a risque manner.

Rin spoke, "Stop it, girl, you'll never get it in your mouth, even if you can dislocate your jaw."

Lin kicked her brother with her short legs and said, "Shut the fuck up! I will put my man's trouser snake in my holes, as I desire! You aren't the boss of me Watch this motherfucker!"

She loosens her boyfriend's pants and climbed in face first.

Tenlong got a hell of a sensation when he rattled around like a bag full of snakes.

He spoke, "Stop it before I blow, I hadn't had a chance to let it loose."

It was too late, as an explosion of body fluids and muffled screams.

Lin jumped out from there covered in her man's seed. She had been marked as a dog marks its territory with its scent. The poor woman was puking up all sorts of ejaculate at the Giganto's feet.

She was too shocked to be mad and had to wash in a nearby river.

She came back and spoke, "This never happened!"

Tenlong then cleaned up his lower body and he started to punch clean through the hard ground.

They were now underground ready to fight whoever that would enter their path.


It was back at the might troll king's lair as he was fuming with rage.

He spoke, "Those damn humans have defeated the troll shogun and escaped into the overworld! Call my troll king brothers! We are going to war and Zinjo is leading the way! Troll brothers, kill all those overworlders! Kill all the males, elderly, and rape all females! We will have the humans become our sex slaves so that we can allow our brothers to be reborn into new bodies!"

The whole hall was covered in armored trolls

Zinjo spoke, "Send messengers to my fellow troll kings."

The trolls poured out of the king's domain and into the Lowroda overground. Towns were getting destroyed one after another.


Tenlong and his comrades were traveling in the Lowrodian underground.

Lin was on her man's shoulder as she spoke, "Ten, where is everybody? All ki sources are not down here, they are fuck..."

Tenlong cried, "We left the up top undefended! We have been duped!"

The newly conqueror grabbed his friends and forced himself back on the overground.

Lin spoke, "There are several villages nearby that need help! I will show you the closest ones with a mental landmark.

They prayed for a minute and left for the target villagers.


Tenlong was moving at Mach two-hundred and fifty to the village and he was shocked at what he saw.

All the males had been castrated, raped, and killed. The trolls were too busy molesting the small villages' young girls. Yang was livid beyond comprehension.

He punched holes clean through the rapists.

A troll commander spoke, "How dare you kill my brothers! Come face the blade of Reji!"

The swordsman was carrying a large twenty-feet long sword with no hilt.

The two warriors were standing before each other waiting for the moment to strike. Tenlong lunges forward but gets gored by Reji in his side.

Tenlong spoke, "What a sword is this? It must be powerful to break clean through my armor."

Reji spoke, "This is my zanpakuto and it is my overworlder killer."

The super conqueror spoke, "This is what I wanted after that awesome battle that got cut off too early! Let's see who will win."

The two warriors were fighting with Tenlong taking all of the damage. The Giganto starting to laughing at all the damage that he was taking.

Tenlong was covered in a white ball of ki that caused him to power-up his power base. He was speeding around the swordsmen at Mach three-hundred plus. The fight had completely turned hands, as Reji was hit into the air, as he was a punching bag.

The swordsman had enough and powered up to save himself from the assault.

Tenlong Yang spoke, "Let's quit the warm-up and see who will be the winner."

The two warriors moved faster than Mach three-hundred and fifty.

Reji spun in a circle vertically and started in cut through the conqueror's armor.

Steam started to pour off the conqueror as he catches the blade with his hands. Tenlong ripped the zanpakuto out of his hand.

Tenlong spoke, "Wow, this must be the rare steel/ titanium alloy that I had allows dreamed of. This blade feels that it contains the aura of over one-thousand people! I can hear them screaming out for revenge. I will kill you with your sword."

Reji spoke, "You will die anyway since I am a much better at dual wielding than with two-handed weapons."

The troll pulled out two slender blades from his back and he was ready to go.

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