
chapter 12

Tenlong was burnt to a mass of molten lava and very little else.


Lin was inside some sort of sickening torture chamber with Kerrin being nowhere to be found.

The ritual whore's voice echoed throughout the entire chamber, but Lin couldn't determine to where the source was emitting from.

"You little darling with your lovely pear-shaped body, I will have fun taming you for my master! You have such wide hips for a short woman as yourself. Those are child-bearing hips, I declare to you."

Lin wouldn't give the slut the benefit of a verbal response, so she decided to use her physic powers to show her disgust. The woman used various spiked balls and chains to wreck clean through the barricades of shelves and unnameable equipment.

Soon, Kerrin was revealed, sitting on several sex slaves that formed some sort of human chair.

The mistress spoke, "Don't you want to take part in the pleasure of pain? You will find out soon enough that I am so kind to my lovelies."

Lin spat a long distance lugie that hit the woman straight in the eye, but she didn't even blink once.

The physic warrior spoke, "I am sure that was not the first white substance to hit your face!

Kerrin had one of her slaves lick the spit off her makeup face.

The mistress sliced the back of the slave with a cat of nine tails.

The slave screams, "It feels so good!"

Kerrin stomped the neck of the slave and corrected, "That is Mistress Kerrin to you, dirt!"

The slave screams again, "Mistress Kerrin, it feels so good!"

The mistress yelled, "That is better!"

Lin threw a mentally controlled knife to the left eye of Kerrin.

The whore rolls on the floor, trying to free her eye socket from the knife.

Lin used her powers to beat the back of Kerrin, as she cried out to the pain. The slaves were

frozen in place, as they awaited a command from their mistress. The heroine took advantage of the slaves' inaction and whipped Kerrin's back down to the bones. Lin saw an iron maiden within twenty feet from her. She pulled over the device over to her foe with her mind and opened the spiked filled torture device. The iron maiden was covered in blood both inside and out.

Lin pushed Kerrin into the maiden and slammed the door behind her. The mistress screamed out

in horror, as she relents to death's unrelenting call.

Lin thinks that it was over, but it was not.

The former slaves return back to their normal senses and they were pissed. They yelled, like

wolves to the moon, as they grabbed up the small woman. Lin kills some of the slaves, but they did not

relent in coming after her.

Two slaves set up a torture rack and gesture the other slaves near them. The rest of the slaves do as they are asked, despite all of Lin's screams. The slaves hold her down, as they tie each of her limbs down to the rack with heavy chains. One of the men hit Lin in the head with a metal club.

She was knocked clean out of consciousness, as they slowly tear her muscles from her bones.

The crack of the bones being ripped apart was deafening to all that could have listened.


Rin was standing in front of Yetu as the two warriors were starting to fight inside of the giant troll hall.

The troll spoke, "You have killed my brothers, Zulgeteb and Reji! You will have to die to avenge their deaths. They were just starting out on their own and you just ruined it! I know that they could have been great, but that is impossible now."

Rin spoke, "They started the trouble and we punished them in response to that fact."

Yetu charged at his foe with a heavy ax and Rin countered the strike with a sword strike of his own. The two warriors' weapons clash into an explosion of sparks. Rin was amazed at the ease at which Yetu was using such a massive ax. The swordsman figured that the ax user would only have a limited range of motions in its patterns. But, the troll's ax usage was not the case. The ax was being moved like it was only a feather in Yetu's green hand.

Rin thought, "This guy is only using one to control his blade, despite most heavy ax users requiring both hands. Does the dual wield, as I do?"

Both the swordsman and the troll ax man were fighting to the death, while under a self-imposed handicap. They were both proud as warriors and would only as they would see fit. The warriors were

deep into a firework display pouring from their two weapons.

Yetu swung his ax at the head of Rin, but the swordsman drops to the floor and sweeps his foe down to the floor with him. Rin forced his foe into a figure four lock and sat up on his butt with his hands

supporting his upper body. The swordsman had learned this wrestling hold from his friend Tenlong.

The troll was crying out, due to the writhing pain that he was feeling.

Yetu rolled unto his foe's back to ease the pain that he was feeling in his legs. This act put most of the hold's pressure unto the attacker, which was Rin.

The duo rolled to force the other to take the brunt of the attack. Rin let go of the hold since he couldn't effort to take damage, as Tenlong could. The hero stood up to his feet and moved at Mach three. The swordsman slashed at the troll's knees, but Yetu jumped over the sword. The troll hits Rin with a ferocious kick to the side of his head.

The swordsman rolled backward to minimize the damage from the massive blow.

Rin spoke with a grin on his face, "Enough with the warm-up already and let's go it."

The two warriors are cover in massive auras as they moved at Mach five.

Yetu and Rin couldn't screw up even once or they would be dead meat. Blows were being flung

faster and faster, until Rin gets the better of his foe.

Rin stabbed his sword deep into the stomach of his foe with both hands. Yetu was spitting blood unto the floor and all over Rin's feet.

Yetu laughed as he pulled the sword keep out of his gut, which scared the hero endlessly.

Rin back up with his bloodied sword, still in hand.

The troll spoke, "You think that I would die so easily? I am a troll king like my fallen brothers were. I could beat them two on one once I shed this tender shell.

An explosion of black ki formed around the body of Yetu. His body changed in extreme fashion.

He got down to all fours as he stitches from to a biped to that of a quadruped. His legs grew in length and shape to match his new form. His face grew to that of a canine predator. As it grew the tail of a


Rin yelled out, "It is a chimera!"

(A creature made out of multiple different animals.)

The speed of Yetu's new form is twice as fast as before. He was moving around Rin moving at hypersonic speed! (Mach ten, or 7,680 mph)!

Rin was completely unable to strike back at Yetu and was helpless against his foe.


Meanwhile, at the dragon's lair, Tenlong's body was burnt to nothingness. The monster goes to

eat his fallen kindred, when a small tornado burst from the smoking crater, that was his grave.


Tenlong awoke to his amazement over what he was seeing.

He was laying down horizontally in an endless white void. The man stood to his feet in a hurry to find himself somehow being able to stand with nothing underneath him.

Tenlong called out to whoever or whatever might heed his desperate call.

He yelled, "Where on Violio. am I?"

A female voice spoke, "We are here in the space between the land of the living and the land of the dead."

Tenlong turned to his side to see the origin of the voice but did not find it.

He yelled, "Quit teasing me you fiend."

The same voice yelled back, "I am right behind you silly!'

Tenlong fell down to his knees out of sheer shock from looking upon whom had spoken to


He screamed out, "Momma, why are you doing here? I thought that you were gone?"

It was the Giganto's mother, Zizi and she was grinning from ear to ear. She walked over to her son, who was in a three-point stance.

Zizi spoke, "My Lord, look at how much you had grown in a little over nine years! I knew that

you could have been over ten feet tall, as according to the midwife that delivered you."

Tenlong's hair quivering lip was still able to see by the mother.

She spoke, "You are much bigger than I ever dreamed you to be. Let me help with your beard so that it will keep off his face.

Tenlong spoke, "Don't cut my beard, it took me so long to grow it!"

Zizi spoke, "I hate beards, but I will not ruin it for you. Your hair is all over the place."

He looked down to see that his beard was longer than it had been in his life. He trimmed it to be

only down to the top of his abs. But it was as if he had never cut it.

The mother spoke, "You want me to braid your beard?"

The son spoke, "That will be fine, momma."

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