
Voice of the Wind

I struggled to finish my chant as the trees suddenly split into two.


I jumped inside with all my remaining strength.

Instantly I saw outlines of gigantic trees as I fell to the ground.


I felt the pain slowly disappearing as the last of the dragonic blood was gone.


I felt my horns came out as I stood up I saw my arms were now colored grey with black veins stretching throughout my body.

"I dont feel it anymore! It's gone!"

I looked at the giant tree as I aimed my hands towards it.

"Hell Flame Ignite! Hell Flame Ignite!Hell Flame Ignite!Hell Flame Ignite! ARMAMENTS!"

"My elemental soul is gone! I'm no dragon anymore! I'm a pure giant now! It seems that my connection with magic is gone."

I looked at the puddle on the ground as I saw that my two horns were twice as long as before and my eyes were now permanently black.

"Losing my elemental soul had made me lose access to magic as I am not a native of this world. And losing all the dragonic blood completed my metamorphosis to a full Jötun."

'Jung jötun kommen'

Suddenly I hear a voice came to me like the wind.

"Who are you come out!"

I looked around the giant trees as I saw no one.

Although we were taught some old Norse when we were young. It was still a dead language as no one knows what it means anymore.

'Jung jötun kommen'

I heard the voice again as I looked towards where it came from.

I looked at my clothes that have been spoiled by blood.

With a thought, the blood washed off as I suddenly grew to a 50-foot giant.

I hid my horns as I turned my eyes to red and my skin to normal.

'Jung jötun kommen'

"It's begging for me. What could it be?"

I ran towards the voice.

'Jung jötun kommen!'

I hear the voice getting stronger as the wind blew across my face I sprinted towards its location.

After a few hours of running, I feel tired as hunger assaulted me.

Suddenly I came a across an army of giants it seems they are transporting something important.

In the middle, was a horse pulled carriage surrounded by a thousand men in chained armor. They looked intimidating as they marched forth.


I heard my stomach rumbling as I smelled grilled meat inside the carriage.

'Let's see if they are kind enough to give me food or else hahaha!'

'Jung jötun kommen!'

"Just wait Ill eat first!"

I came out from the forest as I walk towards them.

"Halt! You are in the presence of prince Larson third son of King Martin from the kingdom of Targaryen. State your name and where you from!"

Said the guard as he looked at me.

I heard about kingdoms in the giant's domain before as some merchant came from them visited the Sun village.

But my dad always brag about them having no guts to attack us because of the eternal flame.

"I'm from the Sun village and I request some food!"

They immediately looked angry as some kid asked for food as if they are blessed for him to ask them for food.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I knew I had to resort to this!"

I opened my jacket as the black magic circle on my chess came to view.

"Guys thank you for being the best test subject for me to use this and I'm sorry in advance. Blame your bad luck."

Why would I attack them? Well except the three runes, this is the only power I have and I need to test it somehow. And what better to test the power of slaughter on then an army!

With a thought, I activated the magic circle on my chest.

'Don't fail me now!"

"What's that glowing thing on his chest!"

"This can't be good everyone step back!"

"Too late!"

I arrived on his back as I grabbed his neck lifting him off the ground.

"Tell me whats your worst nightmare?"

He heard a voice that sounded as if it came from the depths of hell he looked at what was holding his neck as a horned demon with bloodshot eyes was smiling at him.

"Demon! Release our commander!"

The entire army was alerted as they aimed their spears at me.

"Oh, his very important?"

"Yes if you kill him yo..


Before he could even finish his sentence the sound of the general's neck breaking echoed.

They looked shocked as the lifeless body of there commander fell to the ground.


Said the person on the carriage.


Red smoke came out of the commander's corpse. The red smoke split unto two one surrounding the demon and the other was solidifying into a red spear.


Cries of a demon echoed throughout the army.

"It's going mad!"

The demon who was surrounded by the red fog roared in anger as they felt there blood boiling. Some of the weaker ones in the army fell on there knees pale.










"Charge! Protect the prince."




I opened my eyes as the smell of rotten flesh assaulted my nose.

I stood up as I saw a mountain of corpse was beside me. Some were split into two as intestine and organs hang on the side and some had heads completely smashed in.


I threw up on the side but nothing came out.

"Right I didn't eat anything. But I dont seem hungry at all, on the contrary, I'm quite full."


"Ok...Ok, I'll go."

I ran again as a few minutes later I arrived on a large mountain.

The voice stopped as I approached the mountain.


Suddenly the rocks began to give way forming a tunnel.

"Well, that's easier than I thought. "

I walked inside as the tunnel closed behind me.

'Well, there goes my way out.'


What greeted me was a.....

Wasn't planning on writing today but two cups of strong coffee later I had so much energy I just had to write something.

ps.Still on vacation right now I'm on the beach on south east Asia.

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts