
Idea 1


The mc will die and go to a fictional world (classic) the world the mc is in will be exactly the same as the original but there are no mangas/comics/animes. The Mc will have a system that will post 1 manga/comic chapter per day (the Mc can pick the manga/comic or it could just be a random thing)and the Mc will get VP(view points) from the amount of people who read the chapters (1 person can only give 1 vp per chapter but if they read different chapters they can give more VP). With the VP he can upgrade the system with different things ( able to produce 2 chapters a day, better quality, better story telling, half the time for production, etc and the cost would increase proportionately) he will also be able to by character cards (can summon what is on the card and the card would have limited uses (like 10 uses and it goes down the better the character is) and a time limit (weaker characters can be summoned for longer times than better ones)).

I would say after awhile (and if he collects enough VP) he could 'rebirth' this would reset everything he has however he will get 1 permanent upgrade that can't be taken away. the 'rebirth' will also send him to another world by himself. In this case he will be the only person going to the next world nobody else and he will reset everything he bought from the system/lose his VP and character cards) The only thing he will keep is his skills (let's say he learns to play guitar in the next world he would know how to play guitar but he would have to practice to get his body use to playing the guitar). This is all to make this like an omniverse fanfic without letting the MC get to OP to make the story boring (just remember to not only put him in worlds like naruto/dbz/one piece and to try to put him in world's where their may not be any powers)

The system would allow him to choose 1 manga/comic that it will make and to get more he would have to buy it (1 of the rebirths could grant him 2 manga/comics the system will make without buying anything). If the Mc uses the same manga/comic for different worlds he could only get 50% of the view points and this would make him not choose the same manga/comic. Another feature that you could add is that if he makes the manga/comic from the world he is in he would get a 25% increase in VP (ex: he makes the naruto manga while he is in the world of naruto). I would also say that the system shouldn't be one of those talkative ones and should just be an ai if the MC needs help that involves the system (the system won't help the Mc but if Mc has a question that concerns the system the system will answer if it can)

The Mc (depending on the world he is in) will get a power that corresponds with the world he is in (in naruto he would get chakra, in mha he would get a quirk, in saiki k he would be a weak psychic, etc. However he will lose this when he goes to the next world)

That is the gist of this idea if you need better explanations on a part just ask and I will see if I can clear it up.

Anyways you can use this idea if you want if possible though can you say you got the idea from me (either in synopsis or first chapter) would be appreciated.

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