
Festival Of Legend

The world as we know It has to change Magic has resurfaced with in the world in the form of a game of supremacy. people of all ages have been summoned to participate in a game were legendary figures become chess pieces and magic is a ordinary occurrence. Solomon Gracen has been selected to become The King Of Darkness In The upcoming war to end the never ending power struggle between casters of all eras. He will face many foes and problems along the way in order to once and for all win this god forsaken festival.

Dark_jester3 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The Gathering

 Chapter 4 : The Gathering 

What can go into your mind during the binding process: power , strength, confidence, the feeling that you want to hold it and never let it go, all feelings that I had at that moment. I felt it gave me a boost in strength and that I was on the top of the world and nothing was ever going to change that. After the process the cards went down into our hands and Robin said "My card is that of the Nature Guardian I am classified as a Rook" he then puts his card in his pocket and says " now that that is done what is our next move" Romulus closed his eyes and thought " are next move is to establish a stronghold we have enough pieces but we have little to no protection we need an area were the king can learn" Remus than looked at Romulus with a calm expression " depends on what area the Avalon Planes are most likely already settled by The King Of Light and The Sherwood is already half taken by The Queen Of Spirits" Robin came up to answer next " well with our luck the only other places are the Promethean Desert and The Devils Archipelago".

As I was listening I was recognizing so terms and other were drawing a blank " first of all what in the heck is a stronghold and what are all of these locations" they all three locked eyes with me and Robin decided to speak first " there are five distinct locations that make of this plane of existence The Avalon Planes long favored by the Pendragons Ancestral Kings Of Light , The Sherwood Forest is a place of nature and magic with many secrets, The Promethean Desert is the place of scorching heat and the lair of the Fire Dragons, The Devils Archipelago is a pirates den filled to the brim with mystery and sunken ships, Finally Jotunheim The Land Of Frost home of The frost giants and berserkers" Romulus then opens his mouth to speak " to add to what Robin was saying the strongholds are the start of your kingdom it's where your most powerful and the most weak because if someone takes your stronghold your power will start to diminish and you will either die or have to start from square one" he then rubs his hand on his forehead " we were discussing which area would be more strategic and beneficial to your own magic and combat training due to you being the weakest king on the board".

I then start to think he is right how can I wield this power , I've never even wielded magic much less a sword " Ok what were your suggestions" Remus then gears up to talk " we thought about The Devils Archipelago or Jotunheim as the options but The Sherwood is also a viable option" I look at all of them trying to think about what could give us an advantage in a fight but with such little information I just go with the place that I'm most drawn to " The Archipelago is where we should go because it provides many Islands and naval advantage in case of attack" Robin looks at me with a calm face " well there are also the pirates and who doesn't like pirates?" he said with sarcasm in his voice as he got up from sitting on the ground. He started to wall over to the forest a little and then said " why don't you two find some firewood and I'll go hunting with the king" I look at him and say " I have no objection you guys have any" I look back over at the brothers and they both nod their heads and walk off in the opposite direction. I got up a few seconds after they left and started to follow Robin inside the woods to hunt.

I followed him deep into the forest itself in order to catch an animal with meat on his bones for dinner, hopefully a pig or a deer. As I was thinking about it, I hadn't had food in about a day and I was more hungry than I thought and my mouth started to drool. Robin put his hand up to signify to stop and he drew his bow out from his back and took an arrow from his quiver and began to aim. A green light began to appear and then all I could hear was a massive gust of wind " I got the beast come here and help me carry it back to camp" he started to move straight to his latest kill with me right behind him and what I saw was incredible. The animal looked a few feet taller than me with a massive belly. It was like a giant " what is this thing?" he then looked at me " it's a boar all be it a magical enhanced boar but boar nevertheless". He then started to go to the front and started to lift his side " what are you waiting for boy lift" I started to walk over quickly and lift the gigantic boar from the back and we started to make the hike back to camp. 

The hike didn't take all that long considering the weight of the boar which I was seriously struggling to lift. After a few minutes of walking I could finally see camp and smell some smoke coming from the area around it. Ever so closer we walked till we enter the clearing and finally let the boar down and I could so the two brother squabbling around a makeshift fire pit with a pretty impressive bonfire " Gents we have Food ha ha" laughed robin as he got the attention of the brothers "Finally i'm starving give it to m-e-e-e-e" said Remus as he started to come into the direction of the boar the Romulus stepped behind him and grab his armor and shirt collar and said "wait" and then he flinged him a few feet for good measure and he then dusted himself off "so when will the food be ready Robin" robin pulls out a dagger he had behind his cloak "around 10 minutes to skin the beast and 20 minutes to prepare it to eat" my stomach started to growl and me and Remus after he got up said "Ok" while rubbing our stomachs. The the thirty minutes passed and I had a boar leg in front of my face and I started to dig in with the people around me doing the same and as the sun sett the adults started to tell war stories and jokes and what was on my mind was that I wouldn't trade this for the world.