
Michelin 3.5 Stars

On a certain wonderful Sunday noon, when the sun was at its peak, a boy and his mother rode the bus to the center district of Atlantica city. When they got off at the stop, an ambulance was already waiting by the curb. The medical staff rushed inside and carried out a man with a twisted broken limb, who was wailing painfully from the unnatural deformation of fracture.

"Mom, you need to control your strength, normal humans are really fragile." Leo lectured.

The doll lightly nodded her head, unconcerned by the frightful stares of other passengers that were on the same ride. However, no one truly blamed Maria for what happened; the man got what he deserved for trying to molest an Anima user. Even though she was also at fault for over exerting her power, the local authority would rather not get into conflict with a superhuman for the sake of a molester.

The mother and son were on their way visiting the grand opening of the Halfmoon restaurant; Anna and the rest of the family were already there since early morning to prepare for the event. Leo was the only sleepy head that couldn't wake up until Maria spent hours milking him out. The seal was deteriorating faster than planned; hence, one of his main objectives was to have the seal re-strengthened by the twins.

The restaurant was situated on the first floor of a commercial building owned and operated by the women themselves; it was one of the few assets the family had beyond the island. Regardless, the refurbishment of the interior still cost a hefty sum, but it was a much-needed investment in their situation.

By the time of their arrival, the restaurant was already in service. Surprisingly, there was a long line of crowd waiting by the door, mostly consisting of men of all ages. The potent herbs of the island's mountain were indeed capable of boosting male fertility, but they were nowhere as renowned as their effects for women. Cutting the line with his special privilege, Leo soon found out the reason behind such odd phenomena the moment he walked into the door.

The scale of the establishment was much greater than the harbor town restaurant; numerous women from the island were serving as waitresses over the expansive dining hall. They were wearing a conservative traditional attire as uniform; however, even without exposing much of their skins, it was impossible to hide the supremely endowed figures of their voluptuous bodies.

Therefore; as one would expect, the place became the number one spot where men shouldn't go with their girlfriend. No mortal men could stand the test before the waitresses' natural alluring beauty; not even Leo himself. As the boy feasted his eyes on these elegant and graceful women serving the guests, he could briefly recall each of their fervent lustful expressions when they impaled themselves ecstatically on top of his monster like animals in heat.

"You two are finally here! Lady Yuria and Lilia are waiting, but let's have lunch first." Spotting her adorable little brother, Anna cheerfully pulled the mother and son towards the reserved table.

"The restaurant sure is popular, I am amazed." His eyes were definitely just checking out how well the business was doing.

"Of course! Don't underestimate our reputation; Mira put a lot of effort into this too!" Even though the big sister was not directly responsible for the restaurant, she still took pride in her friend's success.

The prices listed on the menu were many times more exorbitant than before; they were adjusted to the expensive living standard of Atlantic city. Yet, Leo lavishly picked through the items to support the family business. It was then, while the boy was excitedly anticipating the cuisines, a ruckus from the nearby table managed to catch their attention.

"Mister, please stop." A waitress politely asked the drunken customer; she had been pestered for several minutes.

"Come on, beautiful, sit with me and enjoy the wine together. Just name your price." His hand was constantly swimming towards the lady.

"Sir, you need to stop. We do not perform that kind of service here." The hand was nimbly dodged once again.

"Oh, don't be shy, kitty~~" This time, the pig was even more assertive and aimed his hand towards the ample round peaches of her rear.

"I said STOOP!!!" With a furious snap, the waitress single handedly lifted his chair and sent the two hundred pound pig flying to the ground.

"I had enough! How dare you try to put your dirty hands on me, you disgusting pig." Following up to her savagery, the waitress stepped her foot on the man's head, rubbing his face with the sole of her shoe.

Every inch her body belongs to her master; as his personal property, she can't allow anyone to defile the young master's toy. Even though the lady regarded herself as just another lowly cum dumpster within the pack, still, it was for not for the like of these low life to lay even a touch. Furthermore, most women from the island had seen plenty of blood during their training and duties, hence, they had a habit to get a little violent sometimes.

"You bitch! Don't know how I am the son of #*$&#@!@"

"I don't know and I don't care." With her arm crossed below her disgusted and intimidating expression, the waitress rubbed her foot even harder, distorting the man's words.

"Young master! None of the women here are normal; we shouldn't be messing with them. We need to apologize!" The man's secretary rushed to his side, and then pleaded at the waitress. "Please forgive us, ma'am. We will leave at once!"

"Make sure you pay the bill." The waitress finally let go of her foot.

"Shut up you fool; didn't you say they are just new comers with no background? So, what if she is an Anima user. This is our territory and my father can hire a battalion of them!" The moment he was set free, the man berated his secretary while he was being held up.

"No... no, young master, these women.... I mean they aren't just normal Anima users. Your father is no match..." The secretary frantically tried to explain, but there was a hidden smirk behind his lips.

"My father didn't pay you all that money to beg a woman! You are one to their kind as well! Go beat her up and put her in the car!" Unable to cope with reality due to the humiliation, the pig pulled the secretary's tie and demanded the impossible.

"What's with the ruckus? I don't want any trouble on our first day of business." The landlady finally came over to control the situation; she almost blurted out with a giggle when she saw the visible shoe mark on the man's face.

"Captai... Madam Mira, my apologies." The waitress stepped aside with an embarrassed fluster.

"You must be the manager here. This woman… give her to me! She needs to pay for her crime! Or maybe... you can come in her stead." The pig stared lustfully over the charming body of the landlady and demanded.

Unfortunately for him, in the next instance, the man found himself lying on the ground again. When the landlady gently raised her foot, the man frighteningly wailed and blocked his face with his hands. But instead, the face was spared and she mercilessly crushed down on his crotch. The sound of a pig being slaughtered reverberated painfully across the hall, sending a resonating spike through all of the male audiences as they instinctively tightened their thighs.

"Against trash like these, you have to eliminate the source of the problem. Got it?" The landlady looked back to the waitress.

"Yes! Madam."

"Young master! Young master! Bear with me, please don't faint!"


"Isn't this going a bit overboard? We are going to get in trouble." Leo questioned as he spectated the ruthlessness displayed by the women.

"It's not so simple, little brother. Look at that attendant next to the man; a crest emblem on his shoulder, he is from one of the local underground factions. We are operating in their territory, so they are testing our water."

The district around this part of the city was controlled by a gang of Anima users camouflaging itself as a legal organization. In this case, the secretary was from a charity association with questionable backgrounds. There were, of course, numerous of these spread throughout the city. When a foreign power entered their turf, especially one as conspicuous as the Halfmoon family, they would naturally take some kind of countermeasure.

"This is all just an act; except maybe for that pig who still doesn't know he was put into the role of the main character. They are simply looking for an excuse to cause trouble; but let them come, so we can end it once and for all." The big sister spoke with confidence and a belittling tone to her adversaries.

Perhaps the association were severely underestimating the islanders because they were all women; they were having doubts with the rumors surrounding the Halfmoon family. However, at this moment, the secretary had already confirmed their suspicions. The bloodlust emitted from the waitress already felt threatening, but the landlady's menacing presence was simply overwhelming.

Though the response was way more aggressive than he thought, the little piggy was meant to be the sacrifice to test the women's strength anyway. However, he had already achieved his goal of getting the restaurant into conflict with the son of a wealthy and influential family. At the same time, the landlady gladly accepted the challenge; a show of force will be necessary to squashed any further foolishness in the foreseeable future.

"I never knew things were like this…" The boy lamented after further explanations from Anna.

"Our world is much crueler than you think. We had plenty of experience with the way things worked even before we left the island." Anna was insinuating to the conflict they had many years ago.

Even if they appeared to live in a society established by law, for the Anima users on the other side of the world, it was still very much the rule of jungles in many aspects. If the Halfmoon family were found to be weak, they would probably be coerced by the association to give up many of their interests.

But meanwhile, on the other side of the restaurant, three high school girls were sitting together on a table full of luscious dishes.

"Katy, remind me to never prank on Rika again..." Marin said with a stern expression

"Good idea, Marin. Her relatives are too scary." Katy nodded; the sound of that painful scream was still echoing in her ears.

"Heh... you guys...." Rika was speechless.


Soon after the man was rescued by the ambulance, a new review appeared under the local dining recommendations of a certain website.

Rating on the Halfmoon Seafood Cuisine.

[Food: 10/10 ]

"Not just my stomach is satisfied, my eyes are too. They come in pairs and are extra beefed up. There were things that looked even more juicy and enticing than food!"

[Environment 10/10 ]

"The place was big, the dishes were generously big, everything was big. They were humongous, massive and colossal; but most importantly, they bounced!"

[Service: 1000/10 ]

"Absolutely recommended if you are a M. I want them to step on me too."

- A certain cultured anonymous gentleman.

The incident at the restaurant did not leave a bad impression on the public; amusingly, it only boasted their reputation, as the pig was rather notorious himself.

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