
Fenikkusu Sureiyā

Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die. join my discord I will be posting pics of characters and we can have discussion on any one of my books https://discord.gg/zDJ34NWW

Parago_n · Fantaisie
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84 Chs

P.S= #73: The Beginning Of A New Journey Part 1

"Don't move." Cory froze as over 50 guards trained their weapons on him, their guns pointed directly at his head. TEP! TEP! TEP! TEP! Suddenly, a man with green hair and eyes wearing a suit with a white haori featuring the slayer system crest on his back with his Elder rank above the crest, appeared on the scene.

"Hold on, guards, don't be so hostile," He said, his voice calm and measured. "I'm Goujirou, one of the 12 Elders. You must be Cory. I have to say, you're even more handsome in person."

"I know who you are," Cory replied, his eyes fixed on Goujirou.

"Good, then you know I want peace," Goujirou said.

Without hesitation, Cory sprang into action, dodging the guards and dashing towards Goujirou. "Go to hell, you son of a bitch!" He yelled, as he coated his right hand in stage 2 Haku.

Goujirou responded by coating his left hand in stage 7 Haku his hands becomes brown, and the two collided with a massive shockwave send most of the guards flying. "You're strong for your age, but also weak," Goujirou said, as he coated his right hand in stage 7 Haku he grabs the air and close his hand into a fist which creates brown lighting he punched Cory in the right side of his head.

Cory was knocked out cold before he even hit the ground, and the force of his fall created a deep crater. Blood poured from his face as he lay motionless on the ground.

Goujirou takes out a white cloth and wipes off Cory's blood from his right hand. "Take him away," Goujirou ordered, as the guards moved to carry Cory's limp body away.

[1 day before this]

[Inside Mt Kyla]

"Thanks again Mr Yuki." Said Cory.

"No problem just make sure to come back and visit next time."

Cory and the others jump into the pool and swims down to the bottom and the pool send them up into the under part of Mt kyla.

They all land safely the others were shock to see the ruins of the old city but not Cory and Misaki.

"The city ruins were beautiful." Said Kiyomizu.


"Not going to lie this doesn't look like ruins." Said Elliott.

"I'm saying." Said Naima.

"We should get going you guys." Said Cory


They all start to walk straight towards the cave Mr Yuki told them about and that they could use it to go to the other side. But out of nowhere a huge Ayakashi comes out running towards them Elliott steps up to fight it Cory puts his right hand Infront of Elliott to stop him. "It's ok Elliott I will do it."

Elliott steps back and looks at Cory "You wanna test out your new sword don't you?" Asked Elliott.

"Yea you got me." Cory said while smiling.

"It's been a while since I used Phoenix Sword Style." Said Cory.

"Are you sure that sword can handle it?" Asked Misaki.

'It is a special supreme blade after all so yes." Cory replies.

"Why can handle it? and What is phoenix sword style." Asked Yamato.

"I have only know about the 4 Stands which are Tiger, Dragon, Pheasant and Squid." Said Gwenyth.

"That's because it's a sword style that Cory and his brothers develop on their own." Said Misaki.

"Huh?" Said Kiyomizu

"It's not a surprise Cory is talented plus he did use it on me but with hand to hand combat."Said Elliott.

"You mean that ability he use against the Spike Ayakashi but it didn't work." Said Naima.

"Are you kidding?" Asked Yamato.

"No Cory was the one who made it." Said Ava.

"And he thought it to is brothers even grandfather he even thought it to but I grasp it." Said Misaki.

"You see normal blades break when it is use because Cory coats both Haku and Magic drive and then fuse them together normal blades can't handle the

pressure or the sword Style that's why only Supreme blades can handle it like his next sword Cosmetic Cutter." Said Ava.

[Few hours ago Workshop]

"Listen this sword is a supreme blade but I did something to make it a special supreme blade." Said Mr Yuki.

"Are you serious." Said Cory.


"Thank you Mr Yuki."

"Hahaha this sword is the 5th special supreme blades I have ever made just remember this a special supreme blade can't become a gear."

"I knew that but what is it's powers."

"You will see when you coat your Haku inside of it."


Cory drew his new sword from its scabbard and placed his hands on it, feeling the weight of the blade in his palms. He charged towards the Ayakashi, channeling his Haku through the sword and coating it with stage 2 Haku. As he did so, the blade transformed from black to black and blue, shimmering in the light.

With a swift movement, Cory activated his Magic Drive and infusing it with his Haku, causing the sword blade to change once again but this time in a dark shade of black due to his Shadow Magic Drive. He leapt into the air, performing The Shadow Magic Drive Phoenix Sword Style Secret Technique: Dark Phoenix kxng. As he descended, he slashed downwards, creating a black and blue phoenix that engulfed the Ayakashi in its wake.

"No way," Kiyomizu gasped in amazement.

"In one hit," Yamato marveled.

Elliott, Ava, Misaki, and Naima all smiled proudly at their captain's display of strength.

"That's our captain," Gwenyth beamed.

Cory landed on the ground and swung the sword to his right, flicking off the blood of the Ayakashi before returning the sword to its scabbard. "That's weird, why didn't I see your abilities?" He muttered to the blade as he sheathed it.

"Oh come on guys the cave is just right ahead." Said Kiyomizu.

They went into the cave to see the pool that will bring them to the other side but they also saw Scriptures.

"Wait a minute I know what's on the wall but I can't remember." Said Cory.

"Scriptures." said Misaki.

"Yea wait how do you know." Said Cory with shock.

"Because she's an Elder and I bet that she can read it." Said Naima.

"That's where your wrong."

"Haha I guess your not righteous." Said Naima

"No it's not that it's because Elder Ichika and the upper Elders can read it because he taught them other than those 6 no one can read them." Said Misaki.

"What are the scriptures anyways?" Asked Yamato.

"It's a set of special language that are scattered across the world 50 to be exact." Misaki replies.

"And only righteous people can read them." Said Naima.

"So what does it say Naima?" Ava asked.

"It only tells you about the persons who created it."

"Who?" Asked Elliott.

"My grandpa." Cory answered.

"Ankoku Hunter." Said Naima.

"And Ichika Natsu." Said Misaki.

"Not only that it says that the world was once peaceful infact the slayer system was known as the government and they always protect the people with their power but things got worst when the Ayakashi showed up 200 years ago they changed for the worst to suit themselves." Said Naima.

"And." Said Gwenyth.

"That's all."

"We should get going." Said Elliott.

"Right." The others said together

They all jump into the pool and it sends them up to the other side of Mt kyla they walked out of a cave to see Zekia on the land they rushed to it but the closer they get they saw it was damage.

"Wait they crush?" Ask Kiyomizu.

"I don't think so it looks like the ship was hit." Said Ava.

They open the door of Zekia to find inside wreaked they search everywhere both inside and out but they couldn't find Destiny or Indi anywhere.

Special supreme blades were made 200-150 years ago it's hard to find a swordsmith who can make one because it's a secret only the ones who lived in those times knows how to give a blade special powers the more time pass the more the knowledge gets lost

Parago_ncreators' thoughts