
Fenikkusu Sureiyā

Promising his late grandfather that he was going to be one of the 5 heavenly Generals like he once was. 9 years have passed since then, Cory decided to build a team of slayers (samurai) so he travels the continents searching for people who are qualified. Starting with his brother but instead of finding his brother, he finds out the unbelievable truth about the slayer system the more he finds out the worst it gets so he decided to stop the corrupted system that’s led under the elders. A dark fantasy world with glorious fights, dark secrets, mysteries, demons, love and not to mention a world where dreams can come true with hard work, but don’t be fooled because dreams can also die. join my discord I will be posting pics of characters and we can have discussion on any one of my books https://discord.gg/zDJ34NWW

Parago_n · Fantaisie
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84 Chs

P.S= #43: Kyona Island once The Island Of Experiments Part 1

"There are more than 100 kids like you being experimented on so we are going to save them by destroying the lab freeing the kids and taking down the monsters who did this especially Elder Goujirou Isaac." Said Cory.

Yamato thinks back to what Cory said before going to Kiki island (Yukijinki Island)

("The fact that we aren't heroes of this world so we shouldn't be charging into a fight like this and the Slayers System should be the one's who should be doing this but at the end of the end we are Slayers and if we see someone in danger we help even if it means we have to break the law or die trying.")

Cory you really do have a kind heart Yamato thinks to himself.

"Does anyone object to the idea of do this?" Asked Cory.

"No captain." Said Elliott.

"Nah." Said Yamato.

"Hmm you are the captain after all." Said Naima.

"No." Said Ava.

"Not at all." Said Kiyomizu.

Indi shakes her head.

"Now then tell us where is the lab." Said Cory.

"Kyona." Gwenyth Replies.

"That's good because we are just 5 mins away from there." Said Indi.

I wonder if I can go home. Naima thinks to herself.

[Five minutes has passed]

And everyone is in the control room "We have arrived at Kyona." Said Indi.

Cory looks out the window and looks down to see a small island that's even smaller than kiki with the shape of and apple with huge trees.

"Wow I forgot we live in such a beautiful world." Said Kiyomizu.

"Yea well this island isn't beautiful to me." Said Gwenyth.

"Well then who's coming with me and Gwenyth?" Asked Cory.

"I'm down for a little fight." Said Elliott.

"Same here." Said Naima.

"I can't I need to repair the part of the war train that got damaged in the fight with Elder Ichika." Said Yamato.

"While I'm going." Said Kiyomizu.

" I will stay back and assist Yamato." Said Ava.

[Kyona Island]

They land on the island as soon as they land they see something no one would have expected. The trees had houses on them the grass was red instead of green.

Cory marvels at the sight of this they all takes in the peaceful and beautiful sight, feeling a deep sense of awe and respect for the wonders of nature.

"The island it has changed so much." Said Gwenyth.

16 years ago this island, Kyona Island was fill with labs and factories the people who lived on the island was us as slaves they worked in the factories so what happened the years that I was gone for what changed this island who changed this island. Gwenyth thinks to herself.

Out of nowhere Men surrounded Cory, Elliott, Naima, Kiyomizu and Gwenyth all of them were carrying swords. "We have had it with you outsiders they gave us freedom and we won't let you take it away from us again."