
Febria Andika sari

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What is Febria Andika sari

Lisez le roman Febria Andika sari écrit par l'auteur Febria_Andika_Sari publié sur WebNovel. ...


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The notorious virtues

Yang Guo, the stranded child of Yang Kang and Mu Nianci meets insane Ouyang Feng and turns into his embraced child and furthermore pupil. Guo Jing sends Yang Guo to Quanzhen Faction with trust that the young man will be directed both in moral and combative techniques. Be that as it may, Yang Guo is continuously being singled out and tormented so he runs away meandering into The Burial chamber Of The Living Dead. There he grows up and goes gaga for his lovely military workmanship educator, Little Winged serpent Lady a.k.a Xiaolongnu. Growing up is difficult for Yang Guo. Got his right arm slashed off by Guo Jing's uninformed little girl Guo Fu, furthermore, he needs to bear the terrible name of his dad, Yang Kang, the miscreant. Individuals, including Huang Rong frequently misconceive him of having comparable qualities of Yang Kang. Yang Guo detests Huang Rong and Guo Jing and needs to kill them when he thought they have killed his father. Yang Guo's and Xiaolongnu's sentiment is taboo by the predominant standards in the hand to hand fighting world. Their romantic tale faces a great deal of trials. Xiaolongnu is assaulted. Afterward, she nearly wedded a miscreant. And afterward both she and Yang Guo are harmed and doesn't know whether the other made due or not. It gets to the place where they need to isolate for a very long time prior to rejoining for great. During that time, Yang Guo goes through a large number undertakings and gain from numerous incredible instructors. He figures out how to further develop his military workmanship ability and turns into a bold legend. Eventually, prior to going into a disengagement, he and Xiaolongnu help Guo Jing and Huang Rong battle the Mongolians from attacking the Tune Domain.

PricelessMasson_ · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


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