
Fearless hearts

The devil stared at the painting of his only daughter and smiled.. "It's only a matter of time Darlene, you'll either come back to me or I'll take you back by force"

Zendaya_nights · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

Anger management

The drink dripped slowly on my clothes from my hair. The cafeteria was suddenly quiet.

" This is what happens when you try to challenge me newbie....." . Bella rattled on and on about how she was going to deal with me not knowing that I have a very big problem. I get mad easily like I have anger problems and this bitch is about to recieve first hand from me.

I slowly gathered my hair together to one place and squeezed out the drink from it.

" ..... So you see Ariana or whatever you call yourself next time am speaking to this trash over here you should learn to....." She was interrupted by a slap!




The students in the cafeteria gasped.

Both of Bella's cheeks were covered with red marks and I wasn't done yet . I began to come closer to her and she stepped back.

I was livid am going to teach this fool a lesson today.

"Ariana it's enough let's go please you need to clean up" . Ricky said as she tried to grab me but I slapped her hand back and ignored her.

"Bitch what do you think you are doing? You think you are tough huh? Look am not scared of you. Step back!!". Bella said it was obvious she was scared.

Her empty threats doesn't scare me one bit.

And I kept coming towards her.

"Omg!!!! Hunter you've gotta help me.. this bitch is trying to kill me". Bella begged desperately but Hunter simply turned his face away.

"Girls, what about you guys?" She asked her friends but they were also scared of Ariana at the moment so they ignored her as well.

"So Bella, you think you could do this and get away with it huh? " I asked her. Am close to her now so I grabbed a fork from the table but the bell rang indicating that lunch was over.

Everybody signed including Bella. Obviously they were relieved that lunch has ended but I Ariana Adams isn't going to not teach this girl a lesson because of some stupid bell. 

Everybody began to leave to leave the cafeteria and Bella made to stand up as well but I kicked her back on the floor.

And everyone stopped in their tracks.

"Did I say you could leave?" I asked her with anger visible in my eyes.

" I.. I.... I" Bella stuttered unable to speak.

"Answer me God damnit " I screamed in her face.

She still didn't speak.

I twirled the fork in my hands and said.

" Since you don't want to speak to me why don't I make you unable to speak at least your silence will be justifiable."

I raised the fork in my hand to stab her throat.

Everybody gasped.

"Someone stop her!!!!" A student shouted from the crowd.

Before the fork could reach her throat someone held my hand I turned around ready to give that person a piece of my mind and he turned out to be drayce.

" Let me go" I said as I struggled to release my hand but his hold on my hand was as tight as a vice.

"You've got to calm down don't do something you will end up regretting this isn't you ok?" He said looking deep in to my eyes and I slowly let down the fork.

Drayce turned to Bella and said.


Bella quickly stood up and ran towards Hunter and hugged him crying pitifully.

"What's going on in here?" A loud voice interrupted the chatter already going on in the cafeteria. It was a teacher.

"It's past lunch time what are you students still doing in the cafeteria when you should be in class learning?"

Everyone was quiet.

"Answer me!!"

Everyone still kept telling their mouth shut .

"Fine since no one wants to talk am going to punish all of you. Follow me". He instructed .

Everyone kept their head low as they began to follow him.

"Stop.. I know what happened". I finally spoke up. I didn't want everyone to be punished because of me and that brat.

"Speak". The teacher said simply.

" That girl over there". I said pointing to Bella .

"Had a little accident. When lunch was over, we all made to leave the cafeteria when she slipped and hit her head on the table and when she was trying to stand up she mistakenly knocked the drink and it poured all over me. See?" I said showing him my wet and clothes while Bella was still sniffing her nose was red.

"You all should have just said so.. little girl, he said referring to Bella. Make sure you see the nurse. Your boyfriend's chest ain't gonna stop that pain". Everyone giggled a bit.

"And you . He said pointing to me.. go to the bathroom and freshen up and maybe get a new set of clothes if you have one. Now everyone back to your class.

And everyone dismissed.