
Fear to Fortune: Contracted Marriage to My CEO Savior

Sierra Nirell is working hard towards her dream and has a new well paying job. However, she's suffering from bullying and harassment from her co-workers. During Halloween at a "team-building" exercise, Sierra is tricked into going into the haunted house where she is ditched and left alone. A handsome stranger saves her and bears witness to the bullying she's facing. Now he's offering a contracted marriage - she'll get protection from her co-workers and he'll get investors off his back. The deal seems sweet at first but marriage isn't always what it's cracked up to be......

Thalia_Ilace · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

Glass Seas, Glass House

 After exchanging numbers, Azul and Sira began texting quite often.

 Mutually pulled towards each other, they couldn't help but want to talk often.

 Yet, the thing that evaded their conversations was the most important of all – work.

 Neither wanted to bring up their dreaded workdays.

 Which led to probably their most impactful interaction yet…..


 "Mr. Grant, we're very interested in your business proposal but…we're hesitant to grant you the contract."

 Azul furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the elderly man in front of him – Stanton Worchester, CEO and Founder of Glass Seas Tours.

 This contract was one he absolutely needed for his vision.

 He was in the midst of building a resort empire underneath his company umbrella, Azulure Industries.

 As of a few days ago, he was now the proud owner of a resort called Pelican's Shore. It was small and run down but it was on a big plot of land.

 His plans for renovations included Stanton's company, Glass Sea Tours, a boating company that took visitors out on the ocean to safely view the marine life from the boat.

 Glass Sea Tours was of the highest quality with no scandals or safety hazards reported in their 50+ years of running.

 Their pristine reputation was just what he needed to help his new resort get on its feet.

 Azul leaned back in his conference room chair as he fixed his crimson, striped tie.

 A confident smile appeared on his face, taking place of his furrowed eyebrows.

 "And why would you be hesitant to grant me the contract? I have more than enough capitol and my resort would be great business for you." Azul chuckled, acting as though Mr. Worchester's hesitation was absolutely ridiculous.

 "Yes, yes, that's why we're very interested," Mr. Worchester reiterated, "however, the problem is you yourself, Mr. Grant. We've put a lot of time and effort into our business. The name 'Glass Sea Tours' means something. People trust it."

 Azul ran his hand through his slicked back hair, raising his eyebrows and averting Mr. Worchester's gaze.

 "Yes well, what does that have to do with me?"

 "Safety is our main concern. You're very…." Mr. Worchester took a moment to search for the right words, "….finance oriented. Which isn't always a bad thing, but, how can I be confident that you would put our passengers first? Your visitors first?"

 Azul laughed at how outrageous Mr. Worchester was being.

 "Of course I'll put them first. Do you think I want to be sued?"

 "No, but you could easily pay off or settle in court. I want to work with people who value other people. Who are the people in your life, Mr. Grant? I'm aware you're….an orphan. From all my research I've never found you to be with any woman, or friends. You seem to be someone who lives in solitude."

 "My personal life shouldn't have anything to do with business, do you think? If I'd like to live in solitude, then why can't I?" Azul said, tugging confidently on his black suit.

 "You can. Just, not if you want to work with me. To me, this lifestyle says that you don't cherish others. Now, if you had a wife or something like that, I'd know you valued others somewhat and that would make me….more….interested if you will, in discussing things further with you."

 Azul gritted his teeth. Where on earth was he going to get a wife so quickly? Was this business deal doomed before it could even really begin?

 Just then, his phone vibrated.

 With an irritated look he glanced down at the screen.

 It was a text message from Sira.

 "I got a paper cut at work. It bled a little. It reminded me of you, Mr. Vampire :]"

 His heart fluttered and he looked back at Mr. Worchester, who raised an eyebrow at the obvious blush on Azul's face.

 "I…" He cleared his throat, "…have a wife."

 Mr. Worchester glanced from Azul's eyes down to his phone, "You do?"

 "Yes, I do. That was her just now, sending me a message. I'm sorry I have to cut this meeting short," he said, standing up and grabbing his black leather briefcase, "when the wife calls, you have to go. You know how it is."

 Mr. Worchester chuckled, reminded of his own wife, "Oh yes. Well, then let us reschedule this meeting and discuss in further detail."

 'Perfect. Thank you Sira.' Azul thought, semi-celebrating in his head.

 "I'll have my secretary contact you for further details." Azul said as he held out his hand, leading Mr. Worchester out of his conference room.

 "Yes, but before that, I'd like to meet your wife. I want to see the kind of woman you've decided to commit to."

 Azul froze.

 "Well. My wife….we keep our relationship very private. She's not someone who is so out in the open."

 "This is a requirement for my business, Mr. Grant. I'd like to meet your wife to make sure that we are suited to work together. If your answer is no, then I'm afraid I will have to reject your proposal for a contract."

 The old man shook his head in disappointment and ran his fingers through his neatly combed grey hair. He waited for Azul to open the door for him and exited the conference room.

 "I'll have to discuss what times and dates will be good for my wife then and have my secretary reach out to you with the details."

 Mr. Worchester nodded his head, "I look forward to it. I'll be seeing you and Mrs. Grant soon, I hope."

 Azul smiled as he escorted Mr. Worchester out to his car.

 As soon as the vehicle was out of view, his smile faded and he marched back up to the conference room.

 Now he'd have to dig himself out of this mess and hopefully he could pull a favor.

 He picked up his phone and sent a text to Sira.

 "I need to talk to you ASAP. Can we meet early tomorrow morning?"

 A few minutes later his phone dinged with a reply.

 "Sorry, I have unexpected plans for tomorrow so I'll be preparing in the morning…"

 Azul smacked his hand on the glass table, "Damn."

I gave myself an hour of playtime and ended up playing for 7 hours instead. Sorry, I made a mistake. (ಥ﹏ಥ) It's 6:30am now, rip my sleep.

- Thalia

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