
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

DanielArz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

What to do?

/Time skip 2 days/

After the war game between the Bast familia and the Thor familia, the normal people and adventurers silently agreed to one thing. Fear the rage of the old man. It was known that when he fought against Alice, she was a level 4 famous for getting better the longer she fought, but against Clarion she didn't pose much of a threat.

It was also known that all of the Thor familia members weren't stronger than Clarion, as they came to know that he leveled up to 5 a day before the war game. But even then there shouldn't be too much difference between a mid-near-end level 4 and a recently leveled-up 5. Something they knew because, before the war game, she fought against a level 5 and ended up winning even when she was level 4.

So, something to write down is that when Clarion got enraged, his strength must have gone up to the sky to treat a level 4 like Alice like a weak-ass level 1. And after he put down Alice he went on a rampage and just like that, ended a war game in minutes, more specifically 4 minutes and 24 seconds. Too fast for a war game.

Going back to Clarion he gave Jeff, Saba, Violet, Claire, and Mallet a proper burial, with all of his known respects and honorifics. Coming from a village that trained children to be capable warriors, everything he did was honorable.

After the little ceremony, he went back to their house and once he was near, he saw Loki outside with Bast. Clarion was a little confused but didn't care enough right now as he just greeted them and went to take a shower to clean himself after the dirt got in his hands and then meditate to calm his ever-present fury.

Bast saw him and got more saddened by his current predicament, she knew everything he suffered because, when a god welcomes someone and performs the ceremony by inscribing the gods falna, they access their memories. Not everything, but the memories that they carry in the front of their minds, and for Clarion, that was the death of his wife and his son and daughter, his battle against a swarm of dragons and how he suffered burns, lacerations, and poison, but ended up coming victorious because of his skill.

Bast led Loki to her office and there they talked about how her current situation wasn't very favorable. Her 2 children seemed to hate each other, well, one hated the other and one was too worried about his anger than anything. Something that Bast didn't want to agree to but had to because of the danger that it proposed to anyone that wanted to join. Now that she won the war game, she had everything that the third familia once had. That included their money, something that adventurers aimed to buy better equipment, so she had a lot of proposals from interested adventurers.

Loki advised that she judged the adventurers one by one if she could so that she could decide who to accept, something Bast appreciated because she had a divinity associated with kindness and goodness so she could detect the people with bad intentions nearly instantly. Loki also asked about the skill of Clarion. More specifically the one that turned him into an unstoppable force.

Bast didn't want to answer as that was a secret of Clarion but gave up after the proposal of Loki. She said that to fix the little problem, which would eventually explode because of the hate one of her children had, she could transfer Clarion to her familia. She said that she wanted to explore the capabilities of his skill and its limits, she had the most famous mage in her familia and a little elf that was a very genius person that in the future would end like Riveria. A very powerful and capable mage.

Bast shared with Loki the skills of Clarion after she accepted to perform the transfer of Clarion to her familia. She started with the Blessing of the Storm.

A skill capable of giving Clarion the powers of lightning, but as its names imply, it can maybe give him also the powers of Wind, Water, and, related to the lightning, Thunder. Clarion could give the lightning attribute to his equipment at the risk of burning it, he can also power himself with it but also at the risk of suffering burns, something that could be mitigated with Magic Resistance and his healing capabilities given by his Skill.

The second one was Undying Rage. It gives Clarion strength and healing based and his anger. The greater his rage the less rationality he has. She also added a specific part about it that it could heal Clarion from a smashed head or a pierced Heart, something that made Loki open her eyes a little in surprise. Loki thought that a Skill like that shouldn't exist as it broke the natural order, but then remembered that in the past existed someone with the ability to control the darkness and use it to heal or damage.

The last but not least, the mysterious purple eye or Eye of the Fallen King. To which fallen king referenced they didn't know, but Loki said that she would investigate so that maybe she could know more about it, as Bast said the basic description of the skill said that it gave Clarion control over the environment. That could mean a lot of things as the environment had different things and a lot of variety.

A desert had heat, sand, wind, light, and shadow.

A jungle had moister, water, rain, nature, and sound. So if they go with manipulation or control over the environment, that meant the Clariom was essentially capable of anything. Creation or destruction, as everything died and is reborn after time passed. In the middle of their talking, Loki stopped and opened her eyes, and stood up, Bast saw her and got confused, very confused so she asked if she was okay, to which Loki replied that Clarion could technically control the Space.

Bast didn't understand the implications of it at first, because her familia doesn't go on expeditions that needed a lot of materials. But to Loki, whose children went down to the 50th floor and always said that the problem resided in the carriage of the materials, it was a game-breaking ability. Loki explained to Bast the implications of it, but not everything as she that would mean that failure in experiments with space, could create a tear in it or a possible black hole. Something that the good and not-so-evil Bast didn't need to know.

Bast was surprised, to say the least as a capable adventurer like Clarion would prosper in a little familia like hers. Or so she thought, so she said to Lokj that maybe the transfer of Clarion to her familia must be done before the Denatus, so she could protect his secrets and make him a good adventurer.

Loki agreed as she also wanted a powerful and very capable adventurer but also wanted to protect Bast from a very troublesome goddess that was present during the War Game that had a reputation of seeking promising adventurers so she could nurture them.

Of course, she was talking about Freya, as a goddess with domain over death she could see the souls of every living being, so she must have seen the soul of Clarion and his skills. They both agreed to inform Clarion before they did the transfer as if she directly to Clarion and said that he now was hers and ordered him to expose his back, he could be very confused and maybe it could trigger his anger by being treated like an object.

So, they both went to look out for Clarion so that they could inform him about his future. They found Clarion meditating in the yard with his Shadowmourne in his hands and Draupnir floating around him with a little hum coming from it. They didn't want to disturb him but after they turned they hears Clarion speak to them that he had already sensed them, so he asked what they wanted to talk about.

Bast and Loki looked at each other and Bast nodded before she commented to him that, to be sure of his future of being a capable adventurer and maybe fulfill the promises that he had in the past, she decided to use the favor that Loki gave her so that she accepted him on her familia.

Clarion was confused at first, but then after Loki explained to him that she wanted to study his skills and protect Bast from a troublesome but powerful goddess, he accepted his fate and asked when was going to be the ceremony of transfer, to which Loki replied that it could be done now if he wanted so that she went back to her manor with him so he doesn't get lost in the way.

Clarion looked at Bast for approval and she nodded so he sighed and went with Loki to the office so she could start the transfer ceremony and then go with her to the Twilight Manor.

For someone experienced like Loki it didn't take a lot of time to do the thing so after a couple of minutes he now had the jester and a card as a logo on his back instead of a Cat and a sun symbolizing Bast.

Name: Clarion Pax

Age: 63

Level 5

STR: I0 --> I10

END: I0 --> I7

DEX: I0 --> I2

AGI: I0 --> I9

MAG: I0 --> I37


Abnormal Resistance: G

Mage: B --> A

Magic Resistance: A


Undying Rage

Eye of the fallen King

Blessing of the Storm


Atlas Grip


Once Loki saw his status she was surprised and said "You are quite the powerful and capable adventurer boy. You even leveled up your Mage development ability to A, that's impressive". Clarion just nodded and was also a little confused about leveling up the Mage from B to A as he didn't do anything more than train his control over anger with the Cestus.

Once they finished Loki told Clarion to pick up his things so that he went back to the twilight manor with her to get accommodated in his new home. "Don't be saddened about leaving your nest boy, you will go toward a new one where you will be surrounded by beautiful girls" commented Loki with a perverted smile.

Clarion looked at her with a deadpan face but didn't give it too much thought as Tyr once said that Loki was famous for causing trouble with the goddesses.

'She really is as you described her to be huh?... I wonder what more will I find true about you, Tyr?'


I decided against writing a larger chapter and decided that this can be used as an introduction to the magic with Riveria and potentially Introduce Lefiya.